Background  of the philosophic community project:

(definition of PHILOSOPHIC in  Google search:
"phil·o·soph·i·cal  also phil·o·soph·ic, adj.)
1. Of, relating to, or based on a system of philosophy.
2. Characteristic of a philosopher, as in equanimity, enlightenment, and wisdom.)

If in a regime punishment for desertion is murder, then it is tyranny.

Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide.
This is good. But do they question the tyranny in their holy books??
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves but innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

  'A Muslim who commits acts of violence in jihad does so with the approval of Muhammad.'

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

We saw a documentary film on Canvas TV
on the 25 July 2010
about the training of young Jews from around the World in Israel
to support the racistic war against Arabs and Palestinians
over a land they have taken from them by military force.
How does a philosophical mind relate to the
Israeli -Palestinian question,  for example?

Hate is the false prophet, love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which has been won by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding between all people.

What I try to say to this Muslim is that one does not enlighten someone by cutting off his head.

If a spirit, whether a chief of state, king, prophet or God,
condemns  honest critic, questioning  (unbelief) and  discussion but
would rather promote violence and war (like the Jihad), it cannot be  truly intelligent .

It cannot be of love.
So it cannot bring true peace to all people on the Earth.

Is it too dangerous to stand beside someone who says this ?

van Chapman

Philosophic community Project

Hate is the false prophet, love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which has been won by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding between all people.

'If the history of Mohammed is true or not, one cannot know,
but it is violence what transforms an organized religion into an organized crime.'
van Chapman
If a spirit  would rather promote violence and war ( Jihad), condemning honest critic, honest discussion and questioning (unbelief), it cannot be  truly intelligent.

It cannot be of love.
It cannot bring true peace to all people on the Earth.

Is it too dangerous to stand beside someone who says this ?

From: Rg _

Dear Geraldine,
its to small i cant read it.
can you write it bigger.
Thank you

Dear Erci now I have a Nederland's Index page on our website with of the last things I wrote. Myriam has translated it for me.

If I always say the same thing, in a way, again and again, is in the hope that this time around you and other religious fanatics will get it.
If anyone first orders you not to hate and not to kill, and then, (instead of promoting healthy understanding through questioning what is and what is not just), commands you to hate and make war against and kill unbelievers, is this not a contradiction?
Abraham was tested for obedience by having been asked to murder his own son, then, a sheep instead, a story celebrated by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike: the beginning of monotheism. This particular story means the beginning of the  blind faith and blind following even in a crime.
As I have explained in the 'vegetarian meditation on the Islam',  why MUST we kill a sheep to eat if one can live as a vegetarian?
Why MUST we obey whoever or whatever without questioning?
Why should one follow orders from anyone which we find are not just, even if we are threatened do be murdered if we don't?

The same blind following and blind faith even in a crime will be also the end of the Monotheism, because blindly following the same tradition, irrationally, for the slightest difference of meaning or interpretation,  murderous opposition and bloody war is created and not the questioning dialogue which could be enlightening and peace bringing.  Do we follow someone blindly to be in peace with one's consciousness or because this someone threatens us?
If we can be free to question anyone authority with the sincerely of our heart's consciousness, why should we follow blindly someone who contradicts himself? Because we are threatened?

Killing in the name of God is this tyrant-like irrational attitude is no more than the product of servitude to thought, as my dear J. Krishnamurti would say.
Product of human pretence and irrational, unwise and  uncompassionate human pretence In looking for the divine love and  justice, one must rise upon fear and stop being a slave to forces of darkness and terror.

The law of an eye for an eye is barbaric.
If there is a spiritual justice, it is not that we must blind someone who has made another blind, simply that someone who did so intentionally was spiritually blind.
The truth is not we need not retribute a crime with another crime since every crime has in itself its (spiritual) retribution. The awareness of this spiritual blindness is its only cure.
Spiritual awareness is the only cure for the harm caused by hate, fanaticism, blind irrational beliefs. Then we will be truly free to separate the corn from the shaft, free, without servitude to what is said or written anywhere  and we may distinguish the treasures of love's wisdom from the unworthy servitude or vain love for power anywhere, even Sacred books.

A love-based justice lawyer-judge promotes rehabilitation of people, not their destruction.
Promotes the awakening of consciousness of love and human rights, 
rather than justification of with irrational murderous revenge slavery over people through marriage or belief .

C'est clair et simple!

Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him (Surah 9.92).
Note by van Chapman;
If by enemy in the Koran t is meant  the Christians, unbelievers because Jesus contradicted this VIOLENCE in (Surah 9.92).AGAINST OUR ENEMIES by saying: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, Luke 6:[27] "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.), or Hindus or Buddhists who will not kill another for a difference of belief, or even a sheep, if they are vegetarians, Mohammed will never gain his right in the eyes of the higher Justice of Love and Compassion, therefore his version of God is unacceptable, and he, Mohammed, is a false prophet.

Hate is the false prophet,
love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which
has been won
by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding
between all people.

van Chapman       
Philosophic Community Projects

The best wishes to all.
To the EGO, as to your Prophet, (see the example of Gaddafi)
you cannot be a friend of someone who sees your  faults.
You have to destroy them. Your tradition says "Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).
I say: destroy the evil in people through awareness.
Violence is the way of brutality.
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (@van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...

Part of a long dialogue (at least since 2003 )  between van Chapman (Geraldine) and a Muslim I will call  Erci


Commentaries are based on this dialogue, most of which was previously published on this web site.


Share Your Thoughts: 
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)

Philosophic Community Project.
by van Chapman:

How can you ever know if another is happy with you if you keep'm in a cage?
It is not faith, but fear which keeps one encaging others, or being encaged.

He who would kill one for leaving  him, belongs to a mafia, not a religion.

Open question: -Is this the USA, is this the Islam, is this your country, is this you?

year 2014

?End of a long attempt of a dialogue with a fanatic Muslim

No end.
This is like the Tale of a 1001 nights !!!

(Text Revised 2014)

THEY think their barbaric law of murdering for a belief, lapidating, decapitating, or crucifying for a belief will prevail over all other societies in world, (even above those who (like  followers of Gandhi or Buddhists (non believers for the Islam)
who will never murder or crucify others, who are truly compassionate.

Philosophic Community Projects
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of Terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.
van Chapman 
From Dialogue with a Muslim
(Hamza Yusuf)

From Dialogue with a Muslim -Thanks I have been touched by the kindness of this man. Here is what I wrote to him on You tube:
Dear Hamza Yusuf, let me thank you for your kindness and sincerity of your heart. You would like to believe in a Islam where God is love, like all good people do. Though your Koran prohibits you to befriend them, except for convenience, you express here a true Christian and true human heart.
Whatever Mohammed taught in name of Allah, or anyone taught in name of God, had I to chose between a iron-hearted doctrine belief of God and even one human true love, I should not hesitate.
For that, in an Islamic State I might be killed.

If the penalty to leave islam may be a death sentence,
then Islam is a enslaver of humanity.

If the Islam contradicts itself in this, saying there is no compulsion in religion, Islam will divide brothers against brothers to kill each other as unbelievers, for as long as we allow it to rule above justice and our good sense:

To teach to destroy, not sin, but sinners, is that wisdom?

To convert others, in God's name, not by wisdom but the sword,
is not the way to paradise, but a curse unto itself.

If a law contradicts love, it is not of justice.

If a word contradicts itself, it says nothing.

What good is to to win a heartless eternal belief in God
and lose the justice of love of our heart?

  You might like to read works by : J Krishnamurti

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!

and:  EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind! The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

Commentary on
Philosophic Community Project
True angels destroy not evil people, but the evil in them.

Sent to this Muslim Erci:
Subject: Fw: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:40:03 +0200

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun

Answer from this Muslim Erci notice how he answer in a personal way but in name of Allah:
September 14, 2014 1:01 AM
In The Name Of ALLAH, The MosT Gracious, The MosT MercifuL,
You make me laugh Geraldine, really.
You ask me Jesus pbuh or Muhammed pbuh, we Muslims believe in all Prophets who were Send by ALLAH, even Mozes, Abraham, John The Baptist pbuh all.
So we accept them all.
But what really made me laugh is that i checked one of this video of 10 reasons that Muhammed pbuh is a False prophet and i listen to it, so he referred to the book of Buharie: volume 1, book 8 hadith nr 367, and i checked it. But the funny part is, that he is reading what is not there. That hadith is talking about praying.
You see how they fool you and will keep fooling you..
And pls. i told you, don't send me those messages, cause they are inaccurate.
Why do you like to stalk me?
Are you obsessed with me or with the Islam?
Dont you have peace in you're life?
Im about to think that you're going crazy
Im telling you to send me positive messages but you keep sending me all negative stuff.
Go and see a psychologist, i think you need one
Or maybe its time to block you cause there isn't any reason left in you
G answers:
Is anyone honest, when they Must believe?
Muslims are taught by Mohammed to fear Islam or go to hell.
Muslims are the true islamophobes. I believe in sincere dialogue, not islamophobia.
I believe in in making sense, in being honest in a debate .
Who is being negative here?
You once said to me 'Every thing which is written in the Koran is true"

If the following is in the Koran: “There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256) and: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good) (3:85), then yours is a hypocrite contradiction that will not only necessarilly divide people, but divide Muslims themselves forever, unitill they all kill each other for being unbelievers!
I say that: If anyone Must believe, especially that something that makes no sense is just, he cannot be honest, can he?
Christian Muslim or whatever, 'Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can their's be a religion of peace?'
The only solution is to be honest and distance yourself from the fear of seeing clearly!
David Wood is fair play. Discuss with him if you disagree with him!
[A word of warning for those who may find their version of Quran is translated differently from those appearing in this article: Almost all the translators of Quran have deliberately tried to soften the harsh verses of Quran. Yusufali especially goes out of his way to twists the meaning of the words and hide the harshness of Quran. For example he translates the verse (38:44) that says "take a green branch and beat your wife" as "take a little green grass and strike therewith". Or when he translates the verse (4:34) that says "beat your wife" he cannot help it but to add the word (lightly) in parenthesis.]

Humans are neglecting the responsibility to look critically at their beliefs and at themselves! Yes! we should be asking for example why people do not see as a problem the over population of the Earth by Humans and the toll on nature and our slave animals for consumption! !

September 27, 2014
Subject: RE: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies

Erci answers:
In The Name of Allah, The MosT Gracious, The Most Merciful..
Check this out
(he sends me alink to a Ted Talk on the Koran by a Jewish author lesley hazelton )
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:59:49 +0200

Answer 27, 2014
Geraldine (Naturestudio)
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
Slavery has been abolished from US constitution.
  Can it be abolished in the Koran?
If not, my friend, change religion.

THEY think their barbaric law of murdering for a belief, lapidating, decapitating, or crucifying for a belief will prevail over all other societies in world, (even above those who (like  followers of Gandhi or Buddhists (non believers for the Islam)
who will never murder or crucify others, who are truly compassionate.

Listen to yourself:
Before you say I am sucking my thumb because there is no crucifying in the Koran.
as you denied the stoning in the Sharia (law).
When I show it to you, where it is written (about crucifying in the Koran), you the say it is its right.

In China, where serious breaches on Human rights are a concern for the rest of the world,

(5:33) "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran . Will you simply say AMEN, "JA KNIKKEN".
(SO BE IT)?.
You NOW SAY -"Muslims have the right to (murder or crucify)  defend themselves, (their society)"





You act like a doll, a puppet, not a true human being, thanks to your belief.

I will give you back the money you paid when I can. Sorry if I still cannot.

You can have the portrait for free.

Philosophic Community Projects

The return of the Portrait-
Philosophic Community Project

-Part of a long dialogue with a Muslim friend who will stay anonym.
Finally, I had the money to give back to Erci. Money he had paid me for the portrait I made of him.
I invited him in the courtyard. It was a sunny day in the garden full of flowers and brought him the money and the portrait also, which I said he could have, for free, if he wanted it.

The reason I returned the money he paid for the portrait, was that he did not like the eyes in them, demanding me that I change them and I denied to change anything by command.
(I would do it if he were able to assume publicly to be the one in our dialogues but he denied that...

While we both looked at the portrait in the garden, to my surprise, he said that his eyes in the portrait were good (!?) And asked if I had worked on them. I had not, and I told him so.

How can one explain this!? Now he changed his way of seeing, after all!

For the first time since I know him, he gave me a hug, and asked me to forgive him if he had hurt me.
This was beautiful from him! I told him: - Idem. I never want to hurt you.
-But you have been angry! He said.
-Yes, because you interrupted me...
He was in a hurry. On his way out, on the street, I asked him his meaning about the condemnation to death (by Sudanese authorities) of a Muslim woman for having married a Christian man- (the Meriam Yehya Ibrahim issue I mentioned before).

-I cannot defend Muslims who are not here... he said in a low voice...
-But it is international news! I protested.
Evading the subject, he started telling about some awful torture crimes, supposedly committed by " -Buddhists or those others'.
-Real Buddhists could not do that, I tried to tell him, as he went away along the side of the street. - -That is totally against Buddha's teachings.
He  kept walking and repeating from a distance: "-Be in peace,  while I repeated after him out loud :
- You can understand me!

So I write him:
-What can be the peace, dear Muslim, in this 'looking the other way'?
What is the peace, in refusing, like a partial lawyer, to see any unkindness, in your client, when in him there is murder?
What is the peace, my friend, in accusing of being violent, those (Buddhists) instead, whose teachings are so much kinder, compassionate towards all beings, whose wisdom would never kill others for,  nor enslave others to a belief?

Yes, you can understand  not deny it.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
Slavery has been abolished from US constitution.
  Can it be abolished in the Koran?
If not, my friend, change religion.


Mohammed could kill people who criticized him.
told to stone people to death when they broke his rules.

To the EGO, as to your belief, you cannot be a friend of someone and see their faults.
To the EGO, as to your Prophet, (see the example of Gaddafi) you cannot be a friend of someone who sees your  faults.
You have to destroy them. Your tradition says
"Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).

I say: destroy the evil in people through awareness.

I do not defend the Western nor the Eastern World. I am a friend of both when I see their faults.

It is obvious to me and to anyone that 'keeping appearances' the way you do even on behalf of a prophet,
or even God,  is not want to face what is.

Violence is the way of brutality.
Truly civilized and intelligent solutions for relationships break that cycle of violence.

Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. And that is good.



MARCH 2011


G Sent 13 Feb 2011
Subject: did you forget our appoitment today

Been making food for you, Ergan.
Did you forget our appointment today?

Erci Sent:  February 14, 2011
Subject: RE: did you forget our appointment today

dear Geraldine,Something important happend.
I tried to call you but your phone was always close.
Can you give me a number where i can reach you? Sorry

G:- February 15, 2011
Subject: our appoitment
You may come next sunday at 2 pm if it suits you.
Hope I am really dear to you.
I trust you in the house and with my telephone.

20 Feb 2011 17:23:20 +0100
I asked you not come without an appointment.
Now you do not come when you make an appointment.

Erci sent February 20, 2011
Subject: RE: our appoitment
Geraldine, I totally forget it, what ever you say you are wright.
I want to apolegize for it.
Excuse me, i didnt check my agenda what about next week sunday?

G answers: 21 Feb 2011
Subject: Re: our appoitment- Philosophy in practice

Thanks for the honesty, Erci.
That is all that I need in our spiritual or philosophical relationship. I forgive you.
A love-based justice lawyer-judge promotes rehabilitation of people, not their destruction.
Promotes the awakening of consciousness of love and human rights,
rather than justification of with irrational murderous revenge slavery over people through marriage or belief .
C'est clair et simple!
If you want to be a lawyer in Europe, which shall you chose to follow?
The way of love-justice and rehabilitation in confession,
or the way of  'human property through belief or marriage'
and 'death penalty even in confession' power-loving Justice, of Mohammed's belief ?

You can say what you want, Erci, but according to the history of Muhammad's in hadith verbal accounts,
your prophet ordered people who confessed, to be stoned alive to death
(when breaking his obstinate 'property marriage'rules, though he could posses sexually many women, even married ones,
( if he killed the husband), and justify it). see the history below.
'It was standard practice, and made legal by Muhammad, to take as a "wife" in addition to captives, the wives of men killed in battle (or executed). On one occasion when Muhammad launched an attack on a Jewish tribe he personally witnessed their beheading and then took some of their widows to bed.' Semitic scholar and historian A.B. Davidson (a professor at New College, Edinburgh) recorded one such instance: "On one day he caused 800 Jews to be beheaded in cold blood, himself standing by and watching the butchery; and in the evening, to efface the unpleasant impression from his mind, and give a more happy turn to his ideas, he took home the wife of one of the murdered chiefs, and added her to his harem."Source: A.B. Davidson, Biblical and Literary Essays, ed. J.A. Peterson (London: Hodder & Stroughton, 1902), p. 228.'
' Bukhari 7:63:196 Narrated Abu Huraira: A man from Bani Aslam came to Allah's Apostle while he was in the mosque and called (the Prophet ) saying, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." On that the Prophet turned his face from him to the other side, whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have committed illegal sexual intercourse." The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side whereupon the man moved to the side towards which the Prophet had turned his face, and repeated his statement. The Prophet turned his face (from him) to the other side again. The man moved again (and repeated his statement) for the fourth time. So when the man had given witness four times against himself, the Prophet called him and said, "Are you insane?" He replied, "No." The Prophet then said (to his companions), "Go and stone him to death." The man was a married one. Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari said: I was one of those who stoned him. We stoned him at the Musalla ('Id praying place) in Medina. When the stones hit him with their sharp edges, he fled, but we caught him at Al-Harra and stoned him till he died.Sahih Bukhari 7:63:196'
  'A Muslim who commits acts of violence in jihad does so with the approval of Muhammad.'
A lengthy passage from the Hadith, volume 1, book 1, chapter 1, shows that Muhammad himself
believed he was under demonic influence, but it notes that Muhammad's wife is the one who deemed his experience as "divine,".'  Quotes from:
Commentary by van Chapman :
We read the News. Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. Muslim suicide bombers
not only kills themselves but innocent people indiscriminately.
Is the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

We read in the News: 'Churches and civil authorities hold accountable clergy members guilty of sexual abuse'.
However,  Muslim traditions justify the abuses paedophilia and the possession of children as wives
because Mohammed justified it to himself to marry a nine year old girl.
The Holy spirit would not have justified neither Moses nor Mohammed in violent bloody Jihad
they committed against those who did not believe them.
Anyone who commits acts of violence against others even in religious or territorial disputes,
does so without the approval of the Holy Spirit:
'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'. 'My kingdom is not of this world',
so why violate people and kill for terrestrial possessions?.
The Taliban will rather despise the evolution brought by Christ's forgiveness of sin to go back to the primitive
and barbarian anti human punishments of the Torah or the Sharia law.
Concerning terrorism and Islamic jihad, when the Sharia law promotes murder and torture as punishment,
torture, sword or fire or with simply spiritual irrationality and unquestionability, it is barbaric and inhuman violence.

Erci Sent  February 27, 2011
Subject: RE: our appoitment- Philosophy in practice.
Dear Geraldine,
its to small i cant read it. can you write it bigger.
Thank you


From: Erci Saturday, March 05, 2011
our appointment- Philosophy in practice.
Dear Geraldine, Can you give me the refference of that saying.
I mean who said that the Profeth Muhammed pbuh said that.
I need the reference, i cant discuss with you if its bases on thump sucking.
Otherwise it would be strong man argumentation.
You build something that there isin't, and you want me reply on that.
So what is the reference, in wich book is it written and wich diciple of the profphet pbuh has said it.
Thank you


G answers:
Thank you, Erci, for not responding with indignation, justifications and offence on
behalf of your prophet but in wanting to investigate the truth.
I am proud of you, even if for this alone.
Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

“No one is allowed to wed more than four women, but he is permitted however,
in addition to them, to buy (women), as many as he wants.”

Here you will find some of the historical scandales of Mohammed estimated by scholars and the refferences:

Here are som quotes from that:

* Mohammed is estimated by scholars to have had somewhere
between 15-25 wives. All agree that he had 9 wives at the time of his death
(5 more than the Quran permits for other Muslims)!

* He died at age 63 in the home of Aisha, his favorite wife,
and was buried on the spot where he died in Medina.

* Earlier, he fell in love with Zeinab, his cousin, and wife
of his adopted son Zeid. He then received a "revelation" from Allah that it
was permissible to marry the wife of an adopted son. Zeid divorced Zeinab
so that Mohammed could marry her.

Sources: Ernest Kellett, A Short History of Religions. New York: Books for
Libraries Press, 1971, P. 343, and Washington Irving, Life of Mahomet. New
York: Dutton & Sons, 1911, p. 231.

* On his deathbed, Mohammed said: "Do not fear those who
disbelieve, fear me" and called for the conquest of Christianity.
Source, Essad Bey, Mohammed. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1936, p.

Marriage to Six-Year Old
In 624 Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s daily companion and one of his first believers
and successor of Muhammad) gave Muhammad his daughter Aisha when she was six years old,
although the actual marriage was not consummated until she was nine.
This fact is uncontested by all Muslim scholars and chroniclers without exception).
At the time of their marriage Muhammad was 54 years old (the age of her grandfather)
– a difference of 45 years in their ages.

Aisha herself testified to these facts: “The messenger of God betrothed me
when I was six years old and then married me when I was nine years old.”
Source: Sahih Muslim (by Imam al-Mawawy), vol. 3, p. 577.

Islamic law has codified this principle of non-consent for under-age women based on Muhammad’s precedent:

“A father may give consent to have his young virgin daughter married without obtaining her permission,
for she does not have a choice, exactly as Abu Bakr El Sadiq did to his daughter Aisha,
when she was six years old. He married her to the prophet Muhammad without her permission.”

Source: Ibn Hazam (acknowledged by all Muslims as one of the greatest scholars on Islamic Law)
in his al-Muhalla (“The Sweetened”). Vol. 6, part 9, pp. 458-460.

Abd El Schafi, author of Behind the Veil stated in response:
“These are cruel, hard words and iniquitous Islamic principles which the free human conscience
utterly rejects and detests because it is related to the most important subject in the girl’s life,
that is, her body and her future” (p. 83).

Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

“No one is allowed to wed more than four women, but he is permitted however,
in addition to them, to buy (women), as many as he wants.”
Source: Ibn Hazam, vol. 6, part 9, pp. 441, 467.
However, exceptions were made for the Prophet and his successors:
Muhammad had 11 wives and an Egyptian concubine
Umar Ibn al-Khattab had 7 wives plus 2 maid-salves
Uthman Ibn Affan had 8 wives
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (cousin of Muhammad) married 10 women plus 10 concubines and maid-slaves for a total of 29
Al-Hasan Ibn Ali (grandson of Muhammad and called by the Prophet
“the master of the youth of Paradise”) married 70 women (and was said to sometimes divorce two women in a day!).
Sources: Biographies such as Ibn Kathir’s, Bidaya and the Nihaya, vol. 7 & 8, and Suyuti’s, Chonicles of the Caliphs.

Marriage to wives of men killed by Muslims, including the murder of Jews
It was standard practice, and made legal by Muhammad, to take as a “wife” in addition to captives,
the wives of men killed in battle (or executed). On one occasion when Muhammad launched an attack
on a Jewish tribe he personally witnessed their beheading and then took some of their widows to bed.
Semitic scholar and historian A.B. Davidson (a professor at New College, Edinburgh) recorded one such instance:

“On one day he caused 800 Jews to be beheaded in cold blood, himself standing by
and watching the butchery; and in the evening, to efface the unpleasant impression from his mind,
and give a more happy turn to his ideas, he took home the wife of one of the murdered chiefs, and added her to his harem.”

Source: A.B. Davidson, Biblical and Literary Essays, ed. J.A. Peterson
(London: Hodder & Stroughton, 1902), p. 228.


Sexual License in Islam – The Temporary Contractual Marriage
According to all Muslim scholars (especially in Sahih Muslim) the temporary, contractual marriage
was made lawful by Muhammad simply to satisfy the sexual passions of his soldiers. The “marriage”
only had to last 3 days, after which the woman could be deserted and left without any rights.
Only the fact that it is temporary a “marriage” separates it from outright fornication and adultery
(forbidden in Islam), but there is practically no difference. It was practiced during the beginning of the Islamic
era (during the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Ibn Abu ‘Umar) and is continued in practice today by over 100 million Shi’ite Muslims worldwide.
Concerning this .practice the following Islamic authority states:

“While in the army, Allah’s Apostle came to us and said, ‘You have been allowed to have Muta (“pleasure”),
so do it.’ If a man and a woman agree to marry temporarily, their marriage should last for three nights …”

Source: Sahih al-Bukbari, part 7, p. 37

Erci Sent: March 05, 2011
Subject: RE: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

Dear Geraldine,
I have checked some of youre sources but they aren't correct.
I have at home all the collection of Buhari and the reference you give me is not there.
you also give me some reference of a certan person, but thats not a reference.
So i need to conclude that its like i was suggesting a stro man argumentation.
You build something that is not there and you want me to respond on it.
I cant do that Geraldine.

So if you want to have an intellectual discussion, pls make youre sure youre sources are correct.
For example, if i refer to a verse in the bible, i tlle the book and the verse.
But youre sources are incorrect.
Im sorry but all this is based on false argumentation wich i cant respond on.

Have a nice day.


G answers 6 Mar 2011
Subject: Fw: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam
Really Erci?
May I know the links on the web for the history of Mohammed according to you?


LIBYA and the historic nonsense of tyranny.
Why do the Libyans make War in place of voting?
Where unquestionable authority and unquestionable submission is part of a culture,
where critic opposition is punished with violence, with Jihad,
in place of resolved through civilized dialogue and voting,
the logical consequence in opposition is fear in submission or bloodshed in war.
Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. And that is good.

Erci Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011
Subject: RE: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

Dear Geraldine,
You need to understand the history,
The tyranny leaders youre talking about are but by the USA and the West.
Thank to God know the muslims are using there mind.

All the Middle east will change, the Khalifaat will return, The Profet Muhammed pbuh has profeciced this all.
So for us this is not new,

We know the Coming of Crist, The Anti crist, etc..
I cant write this all on mail but the Muhammed that you know is not the Profet Muhammed pbuh


G answers 7 March
Which History is true according to you?? The sunni or the shiia hadiths? Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah,
Ibn Sa'd, Kitab Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabir,  Abu-Dawud?

You said  it is not right what I found about Mohammed.
quote: Dear Geraldine, I have checked some of youre sources but they aren't correct.(...)
I have at home all the collection of Buhari and the reference you give me is not there.End quote.

The Massacre of civilians Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 358: Narrated Jubair bin Mut'im: ...
'Narrated Said bin Al-Musaiyab: ...When the first civil strife (in Islam) took place because of the murder of 'Uthman,
it left none of the Badr warriors alive. When the second civil strife, that is the battle of Al-Harra,
took place, it left none of the Hudaibiya treaty companions alive.
Then the third civil strife took place and it did not subside till it had exhausted all the strength of the people.'

Erci I, I neither defend the West nor the Eastern World  In the way you blindly defend Muslims, your prophet and the Islam.
I am a friend of both when I see their faults.

It is obvious to me and to anyone who is true that 'keeping appearances' the way you do on behalf of oneself, of another,
of your prophet, of the Muslim world or whoever is not to want to face what is.

To the EGO, as to your Prophet,  you cannot be a friend of someone who sees your  faults.
You have to destroy them. Your tradition says "Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).
I say: destroy the evil in people through awareness.
Violence is the way of brutality.

Don't tell me now it is not true about a slave Safiya bint Huyai.
First he (your prophet in a war) kills her people, imprisons her then he makes her a 'free' woman marrying  her!!!
What are the high standards for himself and his men??

Bukhari    Sahih Bukhari 1:8:367
Narrated 'Abdul 'Aziz: Dihya came and said, 'O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave girl from the captives.
' The Prophet said, 'Go and take any slave girl.' He took Safiya bint Huyai. A man came to the Prophet and said, 'O Allah's Apostles!
You gave Safiya bint Huyai to Dihya and she is the chief mistress of the tribes of Quraiza and An-Nadir and she befits none but you.
' So the Prophet said, 'Bring him along with her.' So Dihya came with her and when the Prophet saw her, he said to Dihya,
'Take any slave girl other than her from the captives.' Anas added: The Prophet then manumitted her and married her."

  In theses Bukhari collections of yours I found translated in English, someone tells that your Prophet
ordered the "two adulterers to be stoned to death, and they were stoned to death near the place where biers
used to be placed near the Mosque. "and he "saw her companion
(i.e. the adulterer)  bowing over her so as to protect her from the stones."

Understanding this story spiritually for men  means when
'the adulterer was bowing over her so as to protect her from the stones',
he was proving his love for the woman.
Where is the love of Mohammed in this story?

Jesus has said is a similar situation: ' He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone' (John 7:53-8:11).
Justice, from the point of view of love, means that Mohammed would be going to hell for his arrogant,
unforgiving and cruel pretence, and the adulterer to heaven, for their love.

Because love is the only true light giving force, the only spiritual unifying,
the true justice and peace giving force, the only true heaven.

Mohammed  found that to have as many women as pleased concubines or wives marriage such as buying or taking a woman as a slave, was OK.
But  Mohammed  presumed  himself the authority to judge and condemn others to death for breaking a marriage contract.

Here you can read that Bukhari
Sahih Bukhari 1:8:367 Volume 6, Book 60, Number 311:
Narrated Aisha:
I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah's Apostle and I used to say,
"Can a lady give herself (to a man)?" But when Allah revealed: "You (O Muhammad) can postpone
(the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive any of them whom you will;
and there is no blame on you if you invite one whose turn you have set aside (temporarily).' (33.51)
I said (to the Prophet), "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."
Bukhari :Volume 7 :: Book 62 :: Hadith 6. Narrated Anas:
"The Prophet used to visit all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives."


Erci, you said that the people in Mecca accepted Mohammed with open arms.
Look what your book says: .

Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 360:
Narrated Ibn Shihab: These were the battles of Allah's Apostle (which he fought), and while mentioning (the Badr battle) he said,
"While the corpses of the pagans were being thrown into the well, Allah's Apostle said (to them),
'Have you found what your Lord promised true?" 'Abdullah said, "Some of the Prophet's companions said,
"O Allah's Apostle! You are addressing dead people.' Allah's Apostle replied, 'You do not hear what I am saying, better than they.
' The total number of Muslim fighters from Quraish who fought in the battle of Badr and were given their share of the booty,
were 81 men." Az-Zubair said, "When their shares were distributed, their number was 101 men. But Allah knows it better."

WHAT AN ARROGANCE! Allah knows it better? What do you do when you throw a corpse in a well? You poison all the drinking water for everyone. 

You probably see the TV world News. Why is  there is no dialogue with the opposition, but repression in the rule of Gaddafi?
Why do the Libyans make War in place of openly dialoguing?

Why is it that in their speeches, both Gaddafi as the rebels against him say they are martyrs and send each other to hell?

'The scholars are unanimously agreed that a Muslim who insults the Prophet becomes a Kaafir and an apostate who is to be executed'.
This consensus was narrated by more than one of the scholars,  such as Imaam Ishaaq ibn Raahawayh, Ibn al-Mundhir, al-Qaadi 'Iyaad, al-Khattaabi and others.
(Al-Saarim al-Maslool, 2/13-16)

This is what they are taught by Mohammed to admire, this is what the Islamic tradition thought them:
not to listen to critic opposition but, because they really do not have an argument, to kill the ones who oppose or criticizes them.

One can solve problems through love and intelligence, as we try to solve in our dialogue...
If you put aside your keeping appearances on behalf of your prophet.
Where unquestionable authority and unquestionable submission is part of a culture, as in Libya.
When protest arises,  the first option, as with Gadaffi, is not dialogue, but brutal repression and war.

Have you noticed that Gaddafi paid people to kill demonstrators, and decided to give about around 300 euros
to each one of  the population after the International community condemned his attack on his own people??
Where did he learn this?
quote: Warfare was not always the best option for Muhammad.
As he gained wealth he also used money and gifts to spread Islam. End quote.
The Prophet said, "I give them so as to attract their hearts (to Islam)." (Bukhari: vol. 4, bk. 55, no. 558, Khan)

Bukhari :Narrated Anas: The Prophet gathered some people of Ansar and said,
"The People of Quraish are still close to their Pre-lslamic period of ignorance and have suffered a lot,
and I want to help them and attract their hearts (by giving them the war booty). ... (Bukhari: vol. 5, bk. 59, no. 623, Khan).
Narrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who distributed it among four persons(...)
The Prophet said, "I give them so as to attract their hearts (to Islam)." (Bukhari: vol. 4, bk. 55, no. 558, Khan) Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 357:
Narrated Qais: The Badr warriors were given five thousand (Dirhams) each, yearly.
'Umar said, "I will surely give them more than what I will give to others."


I do not defend the Western nor the Eastern World.
I am a friend of both when I see their faults.

To the EGO, as to your belief, you cannot be a friend of someone and see the faults.
Mohammed could kill people who criticized him.
told to stone people to death when they broke his rules.

It is obvious to me and to anyone that 'keeping appearances' the way you do even on behalf of a prophet,
or even God,  is not want to face what is.

Truly civilized and intelligent solutions for relationships  break that cycle of violence.

Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. And that is good.

van Chapman


Dear Erci,  Do you really not understand me (are you thumb sucking)
or  simply avoiding to understand me, just keeping appearances on behalf of your belief,
because you could be killed according to your belief if you saw something not right in it?
You ask me to explain again.
I only defend what I see  coherent with love, not with any religion in particular

So I am not justifying Christianity nor the Islam but I find absurd that you make a blind eye to all that is not good
in your prophet, in the Islam and even in the Muslim world.

All the fault is with the 'West' or 'America', you say.
Do you not ever see the news?
see Abdul Rahman faced death penalty in Afghanistan for converting from Islam to Christianity
'how can a religion of peace kill in name of religion?'
You force me again and again to explain what I wrote before.
PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND ONCE AND FOR ALL this: Sincere dialogue is superior to a Belief
which will kill others in name of  religion for example the Islam what you will deny according to the book you have at home.
Unquestionable authority and unquestionable obedience even in a crime is the beginning  (Abraham)
and is the end of this thought-created Monotheism.
Self destructive phenomena of traditions people have called Monotheistic doctrines where Shiites, Sunnites, Catholiques
Jews Protestants, Muslims are ego tripping and killing each other over religion
instead of coming around the table and finding what is really essential in life:

to stop the stupid competition for power and war and collaborate so that we can be sincere and true and fair,
understanding  and loving to each other rather than hate, enslave, dominate or kill each other.
You said I have to know the history.
And you said you have at home all the collection of Buhari and the reference I give you is not there.
I found the book and the references in several Muslim sites on internet, which I sent to you by e mail,
and you say again that the references are not right.

So the only solution for the world to know the real history of Mohammed is to go to your house personally
and check in your personal copy of the book.(!!?)

Maybe you really cannot understand English, but I think you do, and because you believe in a religion that kills
those who go back on it, you are afraid to understand and be true and instead continue ego tripping.


Erci Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

How come you never answer my questions and why dont you put my questions in our dialogue.
Youre dialoge is False, not everything i said you have put there.
fe; the Amazing Qoraan etc..
I told you that youre references are not correct.
If your cant understand that, thats youre problem.
So answer now my question:
Is killing an innocent man for the sins of mankind, is that Love?
Is murdering Love Geraldine?????????,
Is it to difficult to answer that Dear Filosofer??

G answered march 8 2011
Erci, Is that what you call a strong man's argument?
You dismiss all I am saying by writing that what I find in the Koran and in the Bukhari  is not correct

Tell me where I can find your book on the web so I can have access to it.
Tell me which sequence is not a right reference.

You asked: "If God is Love, How come He killed his Innocent Son, according to what the Christians say ?"

You said: " if i refer to a verse in the bible, i tlle the book and the verse". Where is the reference then?
Our dialogue takes much more time from me than from you.
Go through it on the web and you will see how much more careful and extensively I write than you.

Yesterday I spent all afternoon answering you. And you did not get it.
Read again:
(Unquestionable authority and unquestionable obedience even in a crime is the beginning
(Abraham) and the end of Monotheistic religions ....)

Where did you get the idea that I agree with killing an innocent son as Muslims and Christians believe  in the story of Abraham?
When  did I ever say that God killed the innocent Jesus?
I never said that.Is that what you call a strong man's argument? Show me the reference.

Christians do not say God killed Jesus but sent Jesus who was betrayed by Judas and killed by the men of Cesar.
Symbolically Jesus  accepted to be sacrificed as a sheep  to God, a martyr, as your religion would call it.

Anyhow it is more loving to die in a mission to save humanity than to kill humanity or those who protest,
example on the streets of Libya, in defence of oneself, as we see Gaddafi is doing and I see Mohammed
did in his time according to the references I gave before( and you deny).

I cite Jesus when I agree or not with something he says, when he makes sense or not to me, as I do with you,
with your prophet or with the word of God of any book. I reason from the love of my heart alone.
I am not a follower. Is that too strange for you to understand ?

I am showing you what is incoherent about what is actually happening in the history of Mohammed,
in the history of the Islam in the present Muslim world and you deny to admit there is anything
at all and the whole fault is with the West or America.

Even the war between Shiite and Sunni Muslims ? Is that what you think is a strong man's argument?

You are very demanding. I have to put all we write to each other on the web when you like.

I have to think of the public also. It is too much to put on the first index page, for most people
will not have the patience to read all we say to each other.
I am busy collecting our e mails per date and publishing them in sequence on the page I made especially for it.
And we will be able to see our own incoherences, if any, when we re-read it, so as to clear everything up.

I hope you want to clear everything, what I call a strong argumentation, instead of justifying all on your side
like a lawyer who is paid to defend someone even when he is wrong.

Be well.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Projects
G answered:

Dear Erci now I have a Nederland's Index page on our website with of the last things I wrote. Myriam has translated it for me.

If I always say the same thing, in a way, again and again, is in the hope that this time around you and other religious fanatics will get it.
If anyone first orders you not to hate and not to kill, and then, (instead of promoting healthy understanding through questioning
what is and what is not just), commands you to hate and make war against and kill unbelievers, is this not a contradiction?
Abraham was tested for obedience by having been asked to murder his own son, then, a sheep instead,
a story celebrated by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike: the beginning of monotheism.
This particular story means the beginning of the  blind faith and blind following even in a crime.
As I have explained in the 'vegetarian meditation on the Islam',  why MUST we kill a sheep to eat if one can live as a vegetarian?
Why MUST we obey whoever or whatever without questioning?
Why should one follow orders from anyone which we find are not just, even if we are threatened do be murdered if we don't?

The same blind following and blind faith even in a crime will be also the end of the Monotheism,
because blindly following the same tradition, irrationally, for the slightest difference of meaning or interpretation,
murderous opposition and bloody war is created and not the questioning dialogue which could be enlightening
and peace bringing.  Do we follow someone blindly to be in peace with one's consciousness or because this someone threatens us?
If we can be free to question anyone authority with the sincerely of our heart's consciousness, why should we follow
blindly someone who contradicts himself? Because we are threatened?

Killing in the name of God is this tyrant-like irrational attitude is no more than
the product of servitude to thought, as my dear J. Krishnamurti would say.
Product of human pretence and irrational, unwise and  uncompassionate human pretence.

In looking for the divine love and  justice, one must rise upon fear and stop being a slave to forces of darkness and terror.

The law of an eye for an eye is barbaric.
If there is a spiritual justice, it is not that we must blind someone who has made another blind,
simply that someone who did so intentionally was spiritually blind.
The truth is not we need not rettribute a crime with another crime since every crime has in itself its (spiritual) retribution.
The awareness of this spiritual blindness is its only cure.
Spiritual awareness is the only cure for the harm caused by hate, fanaticism, blind irrational beliefs.
Then we will be truly free to separate the corn from the shaft, free, without servitude to what is said
or written anywhere  and we may distinguish the treasures of love's wisdom from the unworthy servitude
or vain love for power anywhere, even Sacred books.

A love-based justice lawyer-judge promotes rehabilitation of people, not their destruction.
Promotes the awakening of consciousness of love and human rights, 
rather than justification of with irrational murderous revenge slavery over people through marriage or belief .

C'est clair et simple!


G Answers: 18 March 2011
Erci, thank you for borrowing me the ONLY history of Mohammed you trust.

CONGRATULATIONS  ERCI, only by you can I find the true story of your prophet. (!!!?)
Today it is nowhere on the STANDARD WEB to find !

GOOGLE answered: 'Our search - Marifet Yusuf Ozasian Our only leader the Prophet - did not match any documents'

The book you borrowed me, title: 'Our only leader the Prophet' written by Yusuf Ozasian
and published by Marifet in 29 march 1993, thus very recently.
(Saturday, March 05, 2011 11:12 PM YOU ASKED ME:quote):
'make youre sure youre sources are correct.
For example, if i refer to a verse in the bible, i tlle the book and the verse'(end quote).


(to the Koran or Hadith Books  from which the author took the story).!!!

Reference:Erci Sent: , March 05, 2011
Subject: RE: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam
Dear Geraldine, a reference.
So i need to conclude that its like i was suggesting a stro man argumentation.
You build something that is not there and you want me to respond on it.
I cant do that Geraldine.
So if you want to have an intellectual discussion, pls make youre sure youre sources are correct.
For example, if i refer to a verse in the bible, i tlle the book and the verse.
But youre sources are incorrect.
Im sorry but all this is based on false argumentation wich i cant respond on.
Have a nice day.

G. answers:  19 Mar 2011 01:11:22 +0100
Subject: Re: Polygamy, Concubines, and Mistresses in Islam

Dear Erci, you wrote me that if I do not give the sources that is
not a strong man's argument.

The only book you trust has no sources at all, therefore, to use
your language and reasoning, it is just for thumb-sucking.

Why are you saying that if I want the sources, I have to come to
your house?
Why are you not more open about the names of sources?

Why are you so reluctant to give me the exact historical authors,
the links to the international knowledge sources of Mohammed's
history ?

I tell you why:
Because you try to dominate over me at all costs though you will
never succeed.

Why? Because you believe all is justified in self defence, and you are
self-defending your belief in a way which is incompatible with a
truth-loyal dialogue.  In a way which is childish and unphilosophical.

Because you are trying wanting to polish the history of your
Prophet, to keep appearances and hide and deny all that is
brutal, barbaric, and incoherent in your Prophet, and his belief,
even if I make it evident to you every time again.

Krishnamurti's once asked:- 'How can a mind full of beliefs see clearly?'

Your friend in love of truth.

Erci Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 11:25 AM
Subject: The Last And Final Messenger : Muhammed (PBUH).

Dear Geraldine,
Again you get it wrong.
The Koran tells me that you can do self defence but beging patient is better.

Secondly the Koran teaches us that if you kill one man, its like  you killed mankind.
Is this Terror, is ths Barbaric, is this Brutal.

I told you Geraldine, if you want to go deeper you need to talk to professors in Islamic universities.
You are full of hate and prejudices against the Most Noble man
in History Muhammed (PBUH) that you cant say nothing good
about Him. I Mean ok, if you want to hate Him, Be my gast,

But what do you want from me, Im telling you honestly, youre waisting youre time, evryone who
stood up against Islam has waisted her or his time and finally has lost. Cause Islam is not mine, its From God,

You have problems with it take God to the court. You claim to believe in love wright?
Can you tell me whone good thing that you know about The Profeth Muhammed PBUH.

Or are you full of hate ?????


G Answers
To rather murder for a belief than to allow the questioning which leads to truth,

One reads the translation of Qur'an 2:216 'Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.' -
4:76 'Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who  -reject faith fight in the cause of evil. '

I say do not what you hate.

If you fight as a philosopher for dialogue and  understanding, as Socrates did, believing that each person has
the consciousness in him, you do not fear to die,
you fear to kill for a belief that contradicts itself by ordering you to kill for a belief,
for God instead of promoting intelligent questioning and dialogue which leads to the truth.

On the street, when I met you and joked with you that you were
looking like an American, you mentioned the MIDDLE WAY.

You know  in your heart Erci, that I never looked at you with
hate, though we seriously disagreed .

Sincerely, G.

Philosophic community Projects
van Chapman

your Prophet and HIS word of God.

Commentary on that:  
According to the historic narrations you and many 'your'
professors hide from us, Mohammed did not tolerate critic on
himself, as (logically not) the Koran, his version of God's Word,
'no other than its religion will be tolerated',  and  to fight until
no other religion is than the Islam.

So do not come to tell me that it is the West's fault if Muslims rather use terrorism
to dominate opposition rather than civilized questioning and dialogue.

They are just obedient to a pattern of  unquestioning obedience (even in a crime) for example:
The condemnation of  Reason, Disbelief or Questioning,YOUR Prophet's belief) 
is real prejudice and hate: 2:193 "Fight against them (unbelievers) until there is no

dissension, and the religion is for Allah."Fight until no other religion exists but Islam.
Surah 4:89 -"Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn
back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever
you find them..."

But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. - 4:89

O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are
friends of each other. Those of you who make them his friends is
one of them. God does not guide an unjust people. - 5:54

Qur'an (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more
persecution and religion should be only for Allah"
2:216 Prescribed for you is fighting, though it is hateful to you.
- 4:76 Those who believe fight in the cause of God, and those who
-reject faith fight in the cause of evil.


G Answered 19 March
Subject: The Last And Final Messenger : Muhammed (PBUH).


DISBELIEF AND QUESTIONING (as mine of the brutal sides

God is love, He wants us to love one another. such as in 'Love your neighbor as yourself. :(Mark 12:31')
Satan wants us to kill each other. (Best Answer/Asker
qid=20100421071922AAaoUyf).  Such as in Surah 4:89 -"Those who reject Islam must be killed.
If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them..."


Philosophic community Projects
van Chapman
From both sides in the  revolutions in the Arab lands as between

Shia and Sunni, they shout 'Allah is the Greatest' and they
murder each other believing themselves to be heroes and sending
each other to Hell (!!! )
They believe in Your Prophet's barbaric methods of religious conquest, 
(like Gaddafi THE SELF GLORIFIED in Libya),
not in dialogue and questioning as the Western Democratic culture does.

  (Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. And that is good).

Philosophic community Projects
van Chapman

Erci sent 20/03/2011
Question from the Muslim  Erci: 

-Well how do you explain then that God has created Hell, you can read it in Matthieuw.
If he is love then why did he create Hell ???

20/03/2011 Question from the Muslim  Erci: 

-Well how do you explain then that God has created Hell, you can read it in Matthieuw.
If he is love then why did he create Hell ???

Answer Sunday, March 20, 2011 5:38 PM
Subject: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.

When you are a child you believe Santa Claus is a person who really exists somewhere.
When you grow you understand he just symbolizes a spirit, who brings us light and blessings, gifts.

Is love a person or that which makes us truly a person?
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.
True love is our spiritual paradise and our selfishness is our spiritual hell.

False thoughts create the greed, vanity, jealousy, hate, and crime,
which are our spiritual hell, so long  the  illusion  persists,  not in the hereafter, but here and now,
for who has eyes to see.

We create our spiritual heaven or hell for ourselves.
There is no one else to send you to a spiritual paradise or to hell.

Buddha saw that greed created of suffering.
(greed the illusion of selfishness, separation, falseness, pride, hate).
Buddha saw that clarity, compassion, thus, the light of love, is the way out.

Jesus, on the cross, realized Buddha's vision that evil is caused by illusion,  when he asked God,
(Luke 23:34)' Forgive them, because they do not know what they were doing").

God who should have known best, but did not know best,
because the revengeful god men created  was also a product of their own revenge and hate.

Jesus realized then, at least, that the way was not brutality and hate but understanding and light.
Therefore 'love your enemies', and not as Mohammed believed:
'Kill unbelievers wherever you find them' or
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.
Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Qur'an (8:12)
which in the name of the MOST MERCIFUL
(in whatever context you want to place) is total spiritual madness...

Those who believed in this God, who should have known better but did not,
until Jesus opened his eyes, think like this: The greatest sinners, through the intercession of Jesus,
may obtain pardon. God heard him, and still hears him "always".

For me this is all a thought process, that has its based on old beliefs,
trying to justify old beliefs at any cost.

But wisdom comes directly from consciousness and the heart,
not from justification or condemnation based on belief.

Justification or condemnation based on belief is the cause
of the most absurd and unsolvable conflicts today,
of the madness of suicide or mass murder terrorists,
and we have a chance to decide to leave it all behind us,
or go on with the nonsense indefinitely.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.
Is love a person or that which makes us to be truly a person?
Love is that without which we are lost, and with which we find ourselves.

The rest are just beliefs...

You may wonder how can I speak in such a free way you cannot:

'The truth will set you free'

Your friend in love of truth.


Erci Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: RE: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.

Dear Geraldine,

Can you answer now my question and stop writing blubber.
You claime that God is Love, in Mattheuw God says that he will punish them in Hell.
So im asking you, if he is Love then why is he going to punish them in Hell and why did He Create Hell and not only paradise.

And now pls answer the question and not turning around the table.

Thank you


G. answered 21 Mar 2011
Subject: Re: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.

I have already answered.
Go back to it with an open mind or with a teacher from your school.
Write me when you get it. G.


Erci Sent 22, 2011

The bible says that the hell was designed originally for Satan and his Demons.
So im asking you Geraldine, Who has designed it Beside God????
Youre talking about Jesus and love, did you forget that Jesus said, Slay them Before me ?????

So it seem that youre God of Love has olsa a punishment side ????
And it seems that youre filosofie is callapst.

So dont bother me anymore with your bulshit Love story !!!!!!!!!!!!
So maybe you can come To Islam, and find the Truth cause the Truth will set you free.
Like Jesus said, Follow the spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth, he wont speak from hisself but what he hear that shall he say.
John, 16:12-14
Jesus was Talkinga bout the profeth Muhammed PBUH.

Here you have some references what you God of love says about the Hell Fire, there are more but i think this is enough.
(1) Everyone will exist eternally either in heaven or hell (Daniel 12:2,3; Matthew 25:46; John 5:28; Revelation 20:14,15).
(2) Everyone has only one life in which to determine their destiny (Hebrews 9:27).
(3) Heaven or hell is determined by whether a person believes (puts their trust) in Christ alone to save them (John 3:16, 36, etc.).
Key Passages About Hell
(1) Hell was designed originally for Satan and his demons (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10).
(2) Hell will also punish the sin of those who reject Christ (Matthew 13:41,50; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:8).
(3) Hell is conscious torment.
"    Matthew 13:50 "furnace of fire…weeping and gnashing of teeth"
"    Mark 9:48 "where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched"
"    Revelation 14:10 "he will be tormented with fire and brimstone"
(4) Hell is eternal and irreversible.
"    Revelation 14:11 "the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever and they have no rest day and night"
"    Revelation 20:14 "This is the second death, the lake of fire"
"    Revelation 20:15 "If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire"


G answers: Subject: Fw: JESUS SAID, SLAY THEM BEFORE ME...
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:12:55 +0100
There is no difference between  Mohammed's Koran telling you to kill Muslims who renegade the Islam, 
and Mafia gangs telling you, once you have been a member, that they will kill you if you renegade their brutal gang...
in both cases there is brutal tyranny and that is not love.
I believe in what makes sense, no matter who said it, You like all believers believe in someone even  if that one make no sense,
And in that way you do not differ from many Jews and Christians your Koran tells you not to be a friend of.
And most believers  believe even in that what  makes no sense out of fear of others or death or hell.
(In your book of the history of Mohammed the author pretends Mohammed will tell you what is the word of God and what not.
what is good and what is bad. To me this is bad: If a God makes no sense in rather punishing his creatures  for all eternity than
to give them insight and wisdom,  it is the creation of man's unforgiving irrational hate.)
I believe in what makes sense, and it can be Jesus or your Mohammed, but do not tell me I have to believe it because it is written
or because Jesus or Mohammed has said it, because I will not believe point other line.
Sorry Erci, but So long as you or another comes to me with your fanaticism or irrational belief, they will hear me speak of reason and love.
Have a good day.

Erci sent March 22, 2011


Im not coming to you, its you who are coming to me.
Im happy in my religion, its you who have problems with the islam.
i told you many times, i dont believe that God is Love and still you want to convince me.
So you have youre religion i have mine.
Its as simple as that.
Let this be my last answer of our conversation.

End of story.


G Answers:  Tue, 22 Mar 2011

Do not lie Erci- you have come to me as I came to you, as a friend.
You trying to dominate me and convince me that the Islam is superior to every other religion or ideology,
even to reason and love, and I proving to you with clear evidence of its contradictions that this it is pure pretence.
If you want to end the story here then I must thank you for taking the challenge.  for whether you realize it or not,
you helped me to prove my point in this discussion: Love or Belief?
Thank you also, in name of the evolution humanity, in name of the freedom of consciousness.
From your friend in love of truth.


Erci Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Ok Let it end here,
But i want to add to this conversation that i didnt took the time and research to answer you.
So my answers could be not complete.

But anyway its was also very intresting.
May Allah guide us all closer to the Truth.


G. Answers Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011
Subject: The truth about the Islam: You may see any wrong in it or you are a dead man!

Thank you for the 'interesting'.
I am not sure it is the end of the story. You will always want to add something.
Not only you have not taken time to research , you have actually not had time to understand -
only to defend yourself at all costs, deny all evidence I showed you was not nice about the Islam,
therefore you have not been really honest. Neither to yourself nor to me.
That is obvious in our dialogue, and that is why you helped me to prove my point,
and why our dialogue can be very boring without a synthesis made of it one day.
But I cannot blame you alone:

This is the truth about your prophet and his belief the Islam:
4:89 -"Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them
wherever you find them..."
You cannot be yourself, you cannot be true in a confrontation with love and reason.
You cannot see anything wrong in your belief or you (fear you are) a dead man!
From your friend in love of truth.


Erci Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Subject: RE: The truth about the Islam:


G answers. 22 Mar 2011
Subject: Re: The truth about the Islam: You may NOT see any wrong in it or you are a dead man!

You may NOT see any wrong in it or you are a dead man!


Erci Sent: March 23, 2011
Subject: PEACE



G.answers  Subject: Fw: PEACE
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011
"Those who reject (HIM, Gadaffi)  must be killed.
If they turn back (From HIM, Gaddafi ), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them..."
Not love from his people but a violent rape.
a wolf disguised as a sheep.
One difference of interpretation, as between 
Gadaffi and the protesters, Sunnis and Shiia Muslims,
and instead of dialogue, and voting, both sides believe they are the marthyrs,
and the both sides believe they are justified to send each other (literally) to hell.
4:89 -"Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them
wherever you find them..."
This is your prophet's bloody peace. enjoy it.


Erci Sent: March 23, 2011
Subject: RE: PEACE


G.answers  Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 Subject: The end
Peace to one who unlike your prophet, does not kill with stones someone for a betrayal, but forgives.

Because those who will possess another as a slave keeper in truth do not love, but rape.
Peace to the one who, unlike your Prophet, can take critic and protest and unbelief without going to war to kill the other.
because to answer unbelief  but with murder and not with reason as Mohammed's version of God does, is the end of love and peace.
Peace unto all who have laid down all arrogant, vain pretence of power, or hypocrite subservience,
because the vain arrogance of men as their ignoble subservience to power leads to lying and endless division, as humble honesty leads to union and truth.
Peace unto your prophet also, when instead of covering up or following his example blindly, you and his followers recognize the faults he made.
Your friend in love of truth.
Erci Sent: March 24, 2011
Subject: RE: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

Dear Geraldine,
It seems you are obsessed with Islam.
That good for you.
Didnt you understand that publishing the same ves over and over again makes a fool of you.
As you said our conversation has ended.
Now leave me in Peace as i leave you in Peace.
Or do you want to stalk me with the same verses over and over again.
Get a hobby i should say.
Now tell me when can you pay me my 200 € back?


Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011
Subject: Re: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

Dear Erci,
Obsessed is someone who cannot question( a belief). To be critical of something is to be free of it.

Answering  honestly and not allowing someone to dominate over you out of a belief alone is not the same as stalking .

I repeat myself in our dialogue if you keep denying  clear, simple evidence.

Foolishness is denying reason and love denying simple evidence .

Your belief teaches you to think a man to be superior to a woman and a believer superior to a non believer
(a believer of the Islam alone). So you want to have the last word and the upper hand over me.
That is not being honest. That is being a believer.

About your portrait:
You are afraid to have your real name and photo in our conversation on the web. I am not ,
even though your fanatic brothers who have no more intelligent argument could kill me for speaking of reason and  love,

and all I could do is prove you wrong (in the eyes of reason and love) in this dialogue, which I have done.

So in our conversation I am not  the one who is hiding.

I cannot make a better portrait (than the one I made of you) of someone who is not really true  to me.
So I gave you your portrait for free.

You will have to wait for your money back when I have it.
I have to wait until you stop hiding your real name and your real face in our conversation.
I do not know when that will be.

Be well.

Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 8:42 PM
Subject: RE: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

Ok Geraldine,

Let me know when you have the money.



Sent: Friday, March 25, 2011 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances
You said last you have not done research to answer our dialogue.
You let me do research alone, again and again.

If at least you were to someone who was willing to understand, (not only to convince others),
I had not to repeat myself so many times all these you did not really
read with care and you did not really answer with care our dialogue.

I did most of the work. Even the portrait you asked of yourself.

I did what I could but not what you asked me to do:
tot change your eyes in that portrait.
The change in your eyes (as in my portrait of you), has to come from within you.

Stop  hiding your name and your face from our dialogue,
stop fearing if I record on video our conversation while I finish that portrait.

-How can a mind full of fear, full of beliefs see clearly?
Would have asked again Krishnamurti.

Once I wrote in a poem that 'angels have no fear, for they are protected by the love in their hearts'.
Only then I will believe in your peace.
Be well.


Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

Dear Erci,
Obsessed is someone who cannot question( a belief). To be critical of something is to be free of it.

Answering  honestly and not allowing someone to dominate over you out of a belief alone is not the same as stalking .

I repeat myself in our dialogue if you keep denying  clear, simple evidence.
Foolishness is denying reason and love not denying simple evidence, simple reason and love
Your belief teaches you to think a man to be superior to a woman and a believer superior to a non believer
(a believer of the Islam alone). So you want to have the last word and the upper hand over me.
That is not being honest. That is being a believer.

About your portrait:
You are afraid to have your real name and photo in our conversation on the web. I am not ,
even though your fanatic brothers who have no more intelligent argument could kill me for speaking of reason and  love,
and all I could do is prove you wrong (in the eyes of reason and love) in this dialogue, which I have done.

So in our conversation I am not  the one who is hiding.

I cannot make a better portrait (than the one I made of you) of someone who is not really true  to me. So I gave you your portrait for free.
You will have to wait for your money back when I have it.
I have to wait until you stop hiding your real name and your real face in our conversation.
I do not know when that will be.

Be well.

Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

Dear Geraldine,

In The Name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
I want to add in our conversation that Miracle that The Holy Qoran is the Word of The All Mighty.
Every reader of this converstation, i would like to invite you to see the miracles of the HoLy Qoran.

I will check youre website, and if i dont find these Links and my Tekst there,

Then you will lose all my respect.

Be honest publish what is said and wrighted not only the things that you would like to publish.
Just the truth and nothing but the Whole Truth.



Subject: Re: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances
Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011
Are you threatening me?
If you accuse me of something you have to explain what you meant,
or no one who reads will respect what you say.
Before I publish anything answer the question.
You said you are studing International law to become a lawyer.
So the law of the Islam Sharia does not concern you?
In what way did I betrayed you? I have no idea.
You said you are studing International law to become a lawyer.
So the law of the Islam Sharia does not concern you?

March 26, 2011
Subject: Madam Hate.

You have betrayed me for not doing my portret afther you have got your money.
The portret is not even looking like me.

Geraldine, you need to understand that islam is a very big religion, you have many subject,
fe: relations with your parents, feeding the poor, how to fast, how to pray, Sharia, Sunnat etc.....
Next time dont come and say i want to talk about the Islam, but say i want to talk about Sharia.
Everything of Islam intrestes me but i didnt had the time to study the Sharia.
Thats why i cant answer youre questions.

You need to go to an professor of Sharia cause youre questions are always the same, its about stoning, and killings etc.
Its also strange  that the only thing that comes of a Madam of Love is punishment.

I think you need to look at the mirror, i start to think that you believe in Hate insted of Love.
So from now on im gonna Call you Madam Hate.

The Holy Qoran tells you, if you think its not of Allah, then produce a chapter like it.
So who are you waiting for, Madam Hate?

Be an Honest Woman, Finish my Portret wich you have been paid for !!!!
Or give me my money back.

I tried to help you after you told me you had financial problems, and what did you do?
You are saying you want to finish my portret with conditions.

I didnt asked conditions when i payed you.
What you are doing is very fals and cowerdly.
I think im getting to know you Madam HATE.


G Answered:
Thanks for the answer. Now I can publish your previous e mail.

You were happy the first time you saw your portrait.
And you paid it. Then you demanded I change the eyes.
Then I found out that you paid in the condition that I paint you the way you want me to see you.
Not the way I see you.
So I rather give you your money back
but you have to wait. I don't know when I will have money.

You tried a dialogue with me to make me see Mohammed- Koran-Allah  the way you see them,
not to allow me to show you the faults I see in them.
You are not content with how I see them.

I proposed we look openly at  the references to irrational horrible things in of the Koran, in the Hadiths and even in your Bukhari*.

But you try to justify them or hide them from me,
( re-read our dialogue from the beginning if you will deny that),
you try to give the excuse that the references are not correct, (according to the only history of Mohammed without references you gave me)
or that you have not made research, and do not know about the Sharia etc.

And when I do the research for you, you deny their existence, you send me to talk to others, because you may not reason for yourself..

You are not content with how I see you.

So I propose we speak openly (before a video camera),
while I work on your portrait.

But you want to hide yourself  in this dialogue
where you cannot have the upper hand on me

*Death Punishment for Apostasy,

QUOTE: The grim reality for a modern Muslim regarding apostasy is that its death penalty is
rooted in the Qur'an and in the Hadith. I have shown that this is the case in this article.
Such a punishment for a behavior that is not a crime at all, but a right that any human
being of our time should enjoy, cannot be a morally justified punishment.
One should be
able to change religious beliefs if one wants to without the threat of being killed. (End quote). "Apostasy in Islam" (114 KB)


Dear Muslim

I do not defend the Western nor the Eastern World.

I am a friend of both when I see their faults.

To the EGO, as to your belief, you cannot be a friend of someone and see the faults.

Mohammed could kill people who criticized him.

told to stone people to death when they broke his rules.

It is obvious to me and to anyone that 'keeping appearances' the way you do even on behalf of a prophet, or even God,  is not want to face what is.

Truly civilized and intelligent solutions for relationships  break that cycle of violence.

Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide. And that is good.



31 March 2011


So you wanted to end the discussion with "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6).

That was before Mohammed came to power. Afterwards, it was (and this is not the Sharia but the Koran, my dear Muslim):
(Quote):'Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them...(4:89) " ?

In whatever way you turn it, your prophet's religion did not trust an immanent justice like Hindu's or Buddhist's Karma law, but actually tried to created murderers out of Muslims themselves.

:'Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them...(4:89) ".

If you shoot dead someone for deserting a religion you are not using violence in self defence only, but actively forcing people to convert  (even the peace loving like the Hindus or Buddhists and the vegetarians and the philosophers and the human rights defenders and the whole world)  to a sheep slaughtering, bloody brutal religion through fear, not differently from any criminal Nazi, tyrant, mafia gang.

Can you explain why the 'Madame hate' when I simply reject your insincerity before the stupid violence your religion preaches in name of the MOST MERCIFUL???

Answer honestly, would you follow your heart or will you justify a religion that teaches 'Those who reject Islam must be killed' ?
If you justify it, what is the context that can justify this contradiction in a religion?

More important than the portrait is the sincerity in this dialogue.
Your eyes in the portrait cannot be good so long as you are avoiding the point
avoiding the question,  so long you avoid to be truly open and sincere in this dialogue.


Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

quote: When the Prophet was in Mecca and he was still not powerful enough he
called for tolerance. He said "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6). This famous quote is often misused to prove that the general principle of Qur'an is tolerance (end quote).


In the history of Abraham, God  told him to kill his son,
but an angel told him not to kill his son.
To kill a sheep instead, (if needed,  love would add).
If you can live well as a vegetarian,
then not even killing a sheep is needed.

It was better Abraham followed the angel,
than his unreasonable idea of God.

Philosophic Community Projects

van Chapman

4 April
Erci called me and he was friendly, and I was friendly to him.

He had an idea, he would show me some photos he had taken with dark glasses.
I told him I wanted to paint him without any dark glasses.
He said that apart from something in the nose and around the eyes the portrait was fine.
He complained I put conditions to finish it.

Once again I explained what was not acceptable to me in the Koran as in any religion:
As Mohammed taught, if you abandon a Faith, its members could murder you, like the mafia does.
(like if a woman betrays a man with another, (and he thinks can have several women), he can stone her to death.?..).

He tried to explain but I felt it coming, the 'rond the pot draaien' and I was short with him.
I told him to write me if he wanted to answer me.
He said he had no time!

He lies..he simply has no argument.

He has lost the argument  from the start in this discussion,
but he will have time enough to try to fool me around not to openly admit it.

I cannot make a true portrait of someone who is not humble, or I have to paint a mask..


Philosophic Community Projects

van Chapman

Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

What I try to say to this Muslim is that one does not enlighten someone by cutting off his head.


Share Your Thoughts: 
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)

Philosophic Community Project.
by van Chapman:

How can you ever know if another is happy with you if you keep'm in a cage?
It is not faith, but fear which keeps one encaging others, or being encaged.

He who would kill one for leaving  him, belongs to a mafia, not a religion.

Open question: -Is this the USA, is this the Islam, is this your country, is this you?

(Text Revised 2014)

THEY think their barbaric law of murdering for a belief, lapidating, decapitating, or crucifying for a belief will prevail over all other societies in world, (even above those who (like  followers of Gandhi or Buddhists (non believers for the Islam)
who will never murder or crucify others, who are truly compassionate.

Listen to yourself:
Before you say I am sucking my thumb because there is no crucifying in the Koran.
as you denied the stoning in the Sharia (law).
When I show it to you, where it is written (about crucifying in the Koran), you the say it is its right.

In China, where serious breaches on Human rights are a concern for the rest of the world,

(5:33) "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran . Will you simply say AMEN, "JA KNIKKEN".
(SO BE IT)?.
You NOW SAY -"Muslims have the right to (murder or crucify)  defend themselves, (their society)"





You act like a doll, a puppet, not a true human being, thanks to your belief.

I will give you back the money you paid when I can. Sorry if I still cannot.

You can have the portrait for free.

Philosophic Community Projects

The return of the Portrait-
Philosophic Community Project

-Part of a long dialogue with a Muslim friend who will stay anonym.
Finally, I had the money to give back to Erci. Money he had paid me for the portrait I made of him.
I invited him in the courtyard. It was a sunny day in the garden full of flowers and brought him the money and the portrait also, which I said he could have, for free, if he wanted it.

The reason I returned the money he paid for the portrait, was that he did not like the eyes in them, demanding me that I change them and I denied to change anything by command.
(I would do it if he were able to assume publicly to be the one in our dialogues but he denied that...

While we both looked at the portrait in the garden, to my surprise, he said that his eyes in the portrait were good (!?) And asked if I had worked on them. I had not, and I told him so.

How can one explain this!? Now he changed his way of seeing, after all!

For the first time since I know him, he gave me a hug, and asked me to forgive him if he had hurt me.
This was beautiful from him! I told him: - Idem. I never want to hurt you.
-But you have been angry! He said.
-Yes, because you interrupted me...
He was in a hurry. On his way out, on the street, I asked him his meaning about the condemnation to death (by Sudanese authorities) of a Muslim woman for having married a Christian man- (the Meriam Yehya Ibrahim issue I mentioned before).

-I cannot defend Muslims who are not here... he said in a low voice...
-But it is international news! I protested.
Evading the subject, he started telling about some awful torture crimes, supposedly committed by " -Buddhists or those others'.
-Real Buddhists could not do that, I tried to tell him, as he went away along the side of the street. - -That is totally against Buddha's teachings.
He  kept walking and repeating from a distance: "-Be in peace,  while I repeated after him out loud :
- You can understand me!

So I write him:
-What can be the peace, dear Muslim, in this 'looking the other way'?
What is the peace, in refusing, like a partial lawyer, to see any unkindness, in your client, when in him there is murder?
What is the peace, my friend, in accusing of being violent, those (Buddhists) instead, whose teachings are so much kinder, compassionate towards all beings, whose wisdom would never kill others for,  nor enslave others to a belief?

Yes, you can understand  not deny it.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
Slavery has been abolished from US constitution.
  Can it be abolished in the Koran?
If not, my friend, change religion.

year 2014
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

From Dialogue with a Muslim

Sent to this Muslim Erci:
Subject: Fw: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:40:03 +0200

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun

Answer from this Muslim Erci notice how he answer in a personal way but in name of Allah:
September 14, 2014 1:01 AM
In The Name Of ALLAH, The MosT Gracious, The MosT MercifuL,
You make me laugh Geraldine, really.
You ask me Jesus pbuh or Muhammed pbuh, we Muslims believe in all Prophets who were Send by ALLAH, even Mozes, Abraham, John The Baptist pbuh all.
So we accept them all.
But what really made me laugh is that i checked one of this video of 10 reasons that Muhammed pbuh is a False prophet and i listen to it, so he referred to the book of Buharie: volume 1, book 8 hadith nr 367, and i checked it. But the funny part is, that he is reading what is not there. That hadith is talking about praying.
You see how they fool you and will keep fooling you..
And pls. i told you, don't send me those messages, cause they are inaccurate.
Why do you like to stalk me?
Are you obsessed with me or with the Islam?
Dont you have peace in you're life?
Im about to think that you're going crazy
Im telling you to send me positive messages but you keep sending me all negative stuff.
Go and see a psychologist, i think you need one
Or maybe its time to block you cause there isn't any reason left in you
G answers:
Is anyone honest, when they Must believe?
Muslims are taught by Mohammed to fear Islam or go to hell.
Muslims are the true islamophobes. I believe in sincere dialogue, not islamophobia.
I believe in in making sense, in being honest in a debate .
Who is being negative here?
You once said to me 'Every thing which is written in the Koran is true"

If the following is in the Koran: “There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256) and: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good) (3:85), then yours is a hypocrite contradiction that will not only necessarilly divide people, but divide Muslims themselves forever, unitill they all kill each other for being unbelievers!
I say that: If anyone Must believe, especially that something that makes no sense is just, he cannot be honest, can he?
Christian Muslim or whatever, 'Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can their's be a religion of peace?'
The only solution is to be honest and distance yourself from the fear of seeing clearly!
David Wood is fair play. Discuss with him if you disagree with him!
[A word of warning for those who may find their version of Quran is translated differently from those appearing in this article: Almost all the translators of Quran have deliberately tried to soften the harsh verses of Quran. Yusufali especially goes out of his way to twists the meaning of the words and hide the harshness of Quran. For example he translates the verse (38:44) that says "take a green branch and beat your wife" as "take a little green grass and strike therewith". Or when he translates the verse (4:34) that says "beat your wife" he cannot help it but to add the word (lightly) in parenthesis.]

Humans are neglecting the responsibility to look critically at their beliefs and at themselves! Yes! we should be asking for example why people do not see as a problem the over population of the Earth by Humans and the toll on nature and our slave animals for consumption! !

September 27, 2014
Subject: RE: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies

Erci answers:
In The Name of Allah, The MosT Gracious, The Most Merciful..
Check this out
(he sends me alink to a Ted Talk on the Koran by a Jewish author lesley hazelton )
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:59:49 +0200

Answer 27, 2014
Geraldine (Naturestudio)
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

?End of a long attempt of a dialogue with a fanatic Muslim

No end.
This is like the Tale of a 1001 nights !!!

You say you do not believe in love as I do.

you believe in justice, not love, because you believe in Alah.

I say there is no Justice without love.

Does a good teacher kill a student because a student does not believe or understand?

Does a good teacher punish  a human fault or crime with an even worse crime?

What I have shown you in this dialogue is that not all which is written in the scriptures and Koran is just.

some punishments in the Koran are not a form of just punishment but  a much worse crime.

and Erci finally gave in and : answered: -Maybe...

Now he must be giving it some thought.

Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions.

Spiritual voice cannot be silenced by neither questions nor bombs ,
Spiritual people are afraid  to harm or do injustice to anyone, what terrorists are not afraid of.

Wishing all the best to you. 

Abraham's story of him being willing to kill even his own son, out of obedience, set out the example of blind obedience even in a crime, to religious authority or whom we consider to be God.

(He could have stopped and asked himself  if he could trust anyone or any spirit as just and good, who would order him to murder anyone, in particularly, an innocent child.)

Here is a list of wives of Mohammed by the Muslim scholar Ali Dashti.

Quote: He probably based much of this on an earlier list in the History of al-Tabari vol.9 p.126-241.
It should be mentioned that scholars and Hadiths are not entirely agreed on the wives of Mohammed.

For example some hadiths (not Bukhari or Sahih Muslim) mention a couple of wives of Mohammed that he divorced,
and these are not shown here. Nonetheless, Ali Dashti's list, while perhaps not entirely agreed upon as being comprehensive, shows many of the wives. Following this is the evidence from the hadiths, independent of Ali Dashti, for these relationships.

1. Khadija/Khadijah bint Khuwailid/Khywaylid - died first
2. Sauda/Sawda bint Zam'a
3. 'Aisha/Aesha/'A'ishah - 8 to 9 yrs old, 2nd wife
   'Aisha's Slaves
   'Aisha and the Battle of the Camel
4. Omm/'Umm Salama/Salamah
5. Hafsa/Hafsah
6. Zaynab/Zainab of Jahsh
7. Juwairiya/Jowayriya bint Harith (captive)

9. Safiya/Safiyya bint Huyai/Huyayy bint Akhtab (captive)
10. Maymuna/Maimuna of Hareth
11. Fatima/Fatema/Fatimah (briefly)
12. Hend/Hind (widow)
13. Asma of Saba (Sana bint Asma')
14. Zaynab of Khozayma
15. Habla?
16. Divorced Asma of Noman / bint al-Nu'man
¾slaves / concubines ¾
17. Mary the Copt/Christian
18. Rayhana/Raihana/Rayhanah bint Zayd/Zaid
¾uncertain relationship -
19. Divorced Omm Sharik
20. Maymuna/Maimuna (slave girl?)
21. Zaynab/Zainab the third?
22. Khawla / Khawlah
23. Divorced Mulaykah bint Dawud
24. Divorced al-Shanba' bint 'Amr
25. Divorced al-'Aliyyah
26. Divorced 'Amrah bint Yazid
27. Divorced an Unnamed Woman
28. Qutaylah bint Qays (died right away)
29. Sana bint Sufyan
30. Sharaf bint Khalifah
31. Women of Mohammed's Right Hand
Mohammed Turned Some Women Down
Some Women Turned Mohammed Down
¾ Ali Dashti missed at least nine possible other wives.
Mohammed married 15 women and consummated his marriages with 13. (al-Tabari vol.9 p.126-127)

Question from the Muslim  Erci: 

-Well how do you explain then that God has created Hell, you can read it in Matthieuw.
If he is love then why did he create Hell ???

Answer Sunday, March 20, 2011 5:38 PM
Subject: The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.

When you are a child you believe Santa Claus is a person who really exists somewhere.
When you grow you understand he just symbolizes a spirit, who brings us light and blessings, gifts.

Is love a person or that which makes us truly a person?

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.

True love is our spiritual paradise and our selfishness is our spiritual hell.

False thoughts create the greed, vanity, jealousy, hate, and crime,
which are our spiritual hell, so long  the  illusion  persists,  not in the hereafter, but here and now,
for who has eyes to see.

We create our spiritual heaven or hell for ourselves.
There is no one else to send you to a spiritual paradise or to hell.

Buddha saw that greed created of suffering.
(greed the illusion of selfishness, separation, falseness, pride, hate).
Buddha saw that clarity, compassion, thus, the light of love, is the way out.

Jesus, on the cross, realized Buddha's vision that evil is caused by illusion,  when he asked God,
(Luke 23:34)' Forgive them, because they do not know what they were doing").

God who should have known best, but did not know best,
because the revengeful god men created  was also a product of their own revenge and hate.

Jesus realized then, at least, that the way was not brutality and hate but understanding and light.
Therefore 'love your enemies', and not as Mohammed believed:
'Kill unbelievers wherever you find them' or
"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.
Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Qur'an (8:12)
which in the name of the MOST MERCIFUL
(in whatever context you want to place) is total spiritual madness...

Those who believed in this God, who should have known better but did not,
until Jesus opened his eyes, think like this: The greatest sinners, through the intercession of Jesus,
may obtain pardon. God heard him, and still hears him "always".

For me this is all a thought process, that has its based on old beliefs,
trying to justify old beliefs at any cost.

But wisdom comes directly from consciousness and the heart,
not from justification or condemnation based on belief.

Justification or condemnation based on belief is the cause
of the most absurd and unsolvable conflicts today,
of the madness of suicide or mass murder terrorists,
and we have a chance to decide to leave it all behind us,
or go on with the nonsense indefinitely.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love itself.
Is love a person or that which makes us to be truly a person?
Love is that without which we are lost, and with which we find ourselves.

The rest are just beliefs...

You may wondetr how can I speak in such a free way you cannot:

'The truth will set you free'

Your friend in love of truth.


There is no difference between  Mohammed’s Koran telling you to kill Muslims who renegade the Islam,  and Mafia gangs telling you, once you have been a member, that they will kill you if you renegate their brutal gang...

in both cases there is brutal tyranny and that is not love.

I believe in what makes sense, no matter who said it, You like all believers believe in someone even  if that one make no sense,

And in that way you do not differ from many Jews and Christians your Koran tells you not to be a friend of.

And most believers  believe even in that what  makes no sense out of fear of others or death or hell.

(In your book of the history of Mohammed the author pretends Mohammed will tell you what is the word of God and what not. what is good and what is bad. To me this is bad: If a God makes no sense in rather punishing his creatures  for all eternity than to give them insight and wisdom,  it is the creation of man's unforgiving irrational hate.)

I believe in what makes sense, and it can be Jesus or your Mohammed, but do not tell me I have to believe it because it is written or because Jesus or Mohammed has said it, because I will not believe point other line.

Sorry Erci, but So long as you or another comes to me with your fanaticism or irrational belief, they will hear me speak of reason and love.

Have a good day.


Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman


Part of a long dialogue (at least since 2003 ) between van Chapman (Geraldine) and a Muslim I will call  Erci.

Here a recent exchange with a Muslim while I am making a painted portrait of him.

March 25, 2011 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: not the false peace of the ego in keeping appearances

You said last you have not done research to answer our dialogue.
You let me do research alone, again and again.

If at least you were to someone who was willing to understand, (not only to convince others), I had not to repeat myself so many times all these you did not really read with care and you did not really answer with care our dialogue.

I did most of the work. Even the portrait you asked of yourself.

I did what I could but not what you asked me to do:
tot change your eyes in that portrait.
The change in your eyes (as in my portrait of you), has to come from within you.
Stop  hiding your name and your face from our dialogue, stop fearing if I record on video our conversation while I finish that portrait.

-How can a mind full of fear, full of beliefs see clearly?
Would have asked again Krishnamurti.

Once I wrote in a poem that 'angels have no fear, for they are protected by the love in their hearts'.
Only then I will believe in your peace.
Be well.


What I try to say to this Muslim is that one does not enlighten someone by cutting off his head.


In the history of Abraham, God  told him to kill his son,
but an angel told him not to kill his son.
To kill a sheep instead, (if needed,  love would add).
If you can live well as a vegetarian,
then not even killing a sheep is needed.

It was better Abraham followed the angel,
than his unreasonable idea of God.

If a spirit, whether a chief of state, king, prophet or God,
condemns  honest critic, questioning  (unbelief) and  discussion but
would rather promote violence and war (like the Jihad), it cannot be  truly intelligent .

It cannot be of love.
So it cannot bring true peace to all people on the Earth.

Is it too dangerous to stand beside someone who says this ?

van Chapman

Philosophic community Project

What I try to say to this Muslim is that one does not enlighten someone by cutting off his head.


In the history of Abraham, God  told him to kill his son,
but an angel told him not to kill his son.
To kill a sheep instead, (if needed,  love would add).
If you can live well as a vegetarian,
then not even killing a sheep is needed.

It was better Abraham followed the angel,
than his unreasonable idea of God.

If a spirit, whether a chief of state, king, prophet or God,
condemns  honest critic, questioning  (unbelief) and  discussion but
would rather promote violence and war (like the Jihad), it cannot be  truly intelligent .

It cannot be of love.
So it cannot bring true peace to all people on the Earth.

Is it too dangerous to stand beside someone who says this ?

van Chapman

Philosophic community Project

year 2012

?End of a long attempt of a dialogue with a fanatic Muslim

You say you do not believe in love as I do.

you believe in justice, not love, because you believe in Alah.

I say there is no Justice without love.

Does a good teacher kill a student because a student does not believe or understand?

Does a good teacher punish  a human fault or crime with an even worse crime?

What I have shown you in this dialogue is that not all which is written in the scriptures and Koran is just.

some punishments in the Koran are not a form of just punishment but  a much worse crime.

and Erci finally gave in and : answered: -Maybe...

Now he must be giving it some thought.

Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions.

Spiritual voice cannot be silenced by neither questions nor bombs ,
Spiritual people are afraid  to harm or do injustice to anyone, what terrorists are not afraid of.

Wishing all the best to you. 

Abraham's story of him being willing to kill even his own son, out of obedience, set out the example of blind obedience even in a crime, to religious authority or whom we consider to be God.

(He could have stopped and asked himself  if he could trust anyone or any spirit as just and good, who would order him to murder anyone, in particularly, an innocent child.)

I agree here with this person who wrote the essays in

Quote:  "Any true loving being would never condemn his own children to everlasting torment, especially one that proclaims himself to having the very essence of forgiveness" end Quote.

van Chapman 
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

I agree here with this person who wrote the essays in

Quote:  "Any true loving being would never condemn his own children to everlasting torment, especially one that proclaims himself to having the very essence of forgiveness" end Quote.

van Chapman 
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Who fears honest questioning,
honest investigation?
Not the innocent, humble and honest, but
someone who fears the truth, fears losing faith,
or someone intent on authority over others,
at whatever price.
Not God, if God is true.

  The similarity between Genghis Khan's methods of war rape and crimes against humanity
in trying to conquer the world, and the methods of war against unbelievers for the sake of Islam in Mohamed's Koran are astonishing.

[Index English]
[Purpose and interactions]

[Nederlands pagina]
[Português pagina]

[Delicious Naturestudio recipes]

[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]
[Portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]
[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-chapman]
[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]
[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Could you clarify it? Thank you]
[Love or Belief ?]
[Love or Islam?]

[How to create a pictogram icon]

[Mariana Ovalle poems]




24 april 2012
Erci is studying to be a lawyer, and it made me really irritated today how he is always trying to seduce others to the Islam while overlooking what is  (rond de pot draaien.
As an example; our  future lawyer  will argue, that there are Christians living in Muslim countries today is a proof that there is no compulsion in the Islam. Only he closes the eyes and would close your eyes to what is happening to Christians in Muslim countries: Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians (Since 9/11)
This is a list of targeted acts of terrorism on Christian civilians and church workers by religious Muslims since September 11th, 2001. It is compiled by keyword search from our main database.
These attacks have nothing to do with war, combat or insurgency. The victims are innocent Christians who were specifically targeted and abused solely on account of their faith by those who claim their own religion as a motive.
This is not a complete list, as much of the violence goes unreported.
(Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2012)

Date Country City/State Killed Injured Description
4/11/2012 Mali Timbuktu 1 0 A Christian leader is beheaded shortly after Islamic forces take control of the city.
4/9/2012 Nigeria Dikwa 3 0 A civilian and guard at a church are among three people shot to death by Boko Haram.
4/8/2012 Nigeria Kaduna 41 33 A suicide car bomber detonates outside a church celebrating Easter. Nearly forty people lose their lives in the carnage.
4/7/2012 Turkey Bahcelievler 0 1 Radicals rush into a church and assault a pastor when he refuses to embrace Islam.
4/4/2012 Nigeria Maiduguri 9 0 Islamic radicals fire on Christian traders at a market, killing nine.
4/1/2012 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A Christian is shot to death by Islamists on his way home from church.
3/31/2012 Kenya Mtwapa 2 30 Two Christians are blown apart when Mujahideen toss a grenade into an outdoor worship service.
3/30/2012 India Nutangram 0 1 A 65-year-old widow is badly beaten in her own church by Islamic extremists.
3/26/2012 Nigeria Takum 2 2 Muslim 'mercenaries' attack two Christian villages and shoot a 22-year-old and an elderly man to death.
3/22/2012 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian is kidnapped and murdered.
3/20/2012 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religion of Peace bombers kill two people with a blast at an Orthodox church.
3/20/2012 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Suspected al-Qaeda storm a church and kill three guards.
3/18/2012 Nigeria Suleja 0 5 A church is firebombed during a service.
3/18/2012 Yemen Taiz 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder an American teacher accused of being a 'Christian proselytizer'.
3/15/2012 Nigeria Nayi 10 4 A pastor is among ten people hacked and shot to death when armed Muslims raid Christian homes around a church.
3/12/2012 Nigeria Bum 2 3 Fulani raiders slaughter two Christian villagers.
3/11/2012 Nigeria Chugwi 3 3 Three Christians are shot dead by Muslim gunmen in a targeted attack.
3/11/2012 Nigeria Jos 11 22 A suicide bomber detonates at a Catholic church during mass, killing at least eleven worshippers.
3/6/2012 Nigeria Bilala 2 0 At least two civilians are killed as Boko Haram devotees blow up a church and a police station.
3/4/2012 Nigeria Benue 21 13 Women and children comprise the bulk of twenty-one members of a Christian farming community slaughtered by Fulani 'mercenaries' wielding machetes and burning homes.
3/4/2012 Egypt Abu Al-Reesh 0 2 Two nuns are injured when a Muslim mob of 1500 lays siege to a Catholic school on rumors of a church building.
2/29/2012 Bangladesh Madarganj 0 3 Three missionaries are injured when a mob, stirred up by an Islamic seminary, throw stones at them.
2/26/2012 Nigeria Jos 4 38 A suicide bomber detonates during a church service, killing four worshippers including a woman and a father and 18-month-old child.
2/26/2012 Pakistan Kot Meerath 0 1 A Christian woman is brutally tortured and paraded for harboring alleged 'anti-Islam' views.
2/25/2012 Sudan Umsirdipa 5 0 Five members of a Christian family are killed in a targeted attack by the Islamic republic.
2/22/2012 Pakistan Faisalabad 0 2 A Muslim mob attacks a church and shoots one Christian while pushing another off the roof.
2/22/2012 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists slit the throat of a pastor's 75-year-old mother and leave a note in Arabic for her son.
2/19/2012 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 One person is injured when Muslims hurl rocks at Christian tourists from their mosque on the Temple Mount.
2/19/2012 Nigeria Sulieja 0 5 Sharia advocates set off a car bomb next to a church.
2/11/2012 Nigeria Potiskum 2 0 Two Christian brothers are murdered in cold blood by Islamists in white robes.
1/30/2012 Nigeria Potiskum 1 0 A guard at a church is picked off by Islamist snipers.
1/26/2012 Egypt Bahgourah 2 0 A Christian father and son are machine-gunned by Muslims after refusing to pay money.
1/24/2012 Norway Haugesund 0 2 Two ex-Muslim converts to Christianity are stabbed by three attackers shouting 'kuffar' (unbeliever).
1/23/2012 Turkey Istanbul 0 1 A Christian laborer is severely tortured with scalding water on orders of his Muslim employer.
1/22/2012 Nigeria Tafawa Balewa 9 12 Militant Muslims hurl grenades into Christian homes, killing some as they slept and then shooting others as they tried to escape.
1/19/2012 Egypt Kebly-Rahmaniya 0 2 A man and boy suffer gunshot injuries when a mob rampages through a Christian town, shouting 'Allah Akbar' and burning homes.
1/17/2012 Sudan Khartoum 0 1 A church evangelist is arrested and brutally beaten by police.
1/15/2012 Sudan Rabak 0 2 Islamic militia force their way into a church and kidnap two priests, who are then 'mistreated' in captivity.
1/15/2012 Syria Damascus 3 0 Three Christians are killed in targeted attacks - two while waiting in line at a bakery.
1/11/2012 Nigeria Potiskum 6 0 Six Christians, including a woman and a baby, are machine-gunned by Boko Haram while on a bus at a gas station.
1/10/2012 Nigeria Dalman 3 0 Three Christians are shot and hacked to death in a sectarian attack at a farming community.
1/9/2012 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Religion of Peace activists shoot two Christians death in their own homes in separate attacks.
1/7/2012 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two Christian university students are murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen.
1/6/2012 Nigeria Adamawa 12 4 Islamists chanting 'Allah Akbar' barge into a church and massacre a dozen worshippers.
1/6/2012 Nigeria Mubi 20 15 Twenty Christians gathered for a funeral are machine-gunned at close range by Muslims shouting 'Allah Akbar'.
1/5/2012 Nigeria Gombe 9 10 Muslim gunmen spray a church congregation with machine-gun fire, killing nine, including the pastor's wife and several children.
1/5/2012 Nigeria Mubi 4 0 Four Christians are gunned down by Boko Haram.
1/2/2012 Tajikistan Dushanbe 1 0 A Christian dressed as Father Christmas is called an 'infidel' and stabbed to death by Muslim radicals.
1/2/2012 Somalia Cee-Carfiid 1 0 A Christian humanitarian worker is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists for leaving Islam.
12/29/2011 Egypt Assiut 0 5 At least five people are hurt when a Muslim mob burns Christian homes over a Facebook cartoon.
12/28/2011 Pakistan Plateau 3 0 A baby is among three members of a Christian family shot and hacked to death by machete-wielding Muslims.
12/25/2011 Nigeria Jos 1 0 Muslim militants fire on a protestant church, killing a guard.
12/25/2011 Nigeria Madalla 45 73 Religion of Peace bombers strike a Catholic church during a morning Christmas mass, slaughtering forty-five worshippers.
12/25/2011 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Muslim snipers pick off a Christian just outside his home.
12/24/2011 Uganda Namasuba 0 1 A young pastor, who left Islam after having been born the son of an imam, is blinded by acid in a vicious Christmas Eve attack.
12/24/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 11 0 A pastor and his young daughter are incinerated when Islamists fire bomb three churches.
12/22/2011 Pakistan Lahore 0 1 A young Christian is stabbed several times after having been falsely accused of insulting Islam.
12/19/2011 Nigeria Ungwan Rami 5 6 Five Christian villagers are hacked and shot to death by Muslim raiders. The victims include a mother and her baby.
12/15/2011 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 6 At least six Ethiopian Christians are beaten when police storm a prayer meeting. Twenty-nine women are strip-searched.
12/14/2011 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two more Christians are shot to death.
12/13/2011 Iraq Mosul 2 2 A Christian man and his wife are gunned down in their car by Jihad warriors. Their children survive with injuries.
12/11/2011 Nigeria Gombe 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder a Christian as he is putting gas in his car.
12/11/2011 Nigeria Kagoro 1 2 Fulani extremists gun down a Christian mother.
12/10/2011 Nigeria Jos 1 11 A young fan is killed when Islamic bombers target several Christian areas, including an outdoor viewing of a televised soccer match.
12/10/2011 Nigeria Kukum Gida 1 2 Muslim gunmen ambush Christian villagers in the middle of the night, murdering a 50-year-old woman.
12/5/2011 Kenya Nairobi 0 1 A 23-year-old Christian is beaten into unconsciousness by seven Muslims for the crime of leaving Islam.
12/3/2011 Iraq Zakho 0 32 Thirty-two people are injured during a rampage by fundamentalists against Christian-owned businesses.
11/30/2011 Egypt Ghorayzat 2 3 Two Christian brothers are murdered in cold blood by a Muslim mob rampaging through Christian homes and businesses.
11/26/2011 Nigeria Geidam 4 20 Islamic radicals descend on a small town, burn eight churches and murder four defenders.
11/25/2011 Kenya Garissa 1 0 One person is murdered outside of a church by Muslim radicals.
11/25/2011 Pakistan Muzaffargarh 0 2 Two Christian women are beaten on their own land with clubs by a group of Muslim 'men'.
11/24/2011 Nigeria Kwok 26 0 Twenty-six Christian villagers are shot and hacked to death by Fulani herdsmen screaming 'Allah Akbar'.
11/24/2011 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 18 1 A Christian family of sixteen, including children, is burned alive by Fulanis.
11/23/2011 Pakistan Khurda Renala 1 0 Muslims torture and shoot to death a Catholic father of four.
11/23/2011 Nigeria Yobe 2 0 Militants kidnap and kill two children to punish their father for being 'disloyal to Islam' by converting to Christianity.
11/23/2011 Nigeria Sabon Layi 4 0 A Bible teacher is among four worshipers slaughtered at a church by Muslim radicals.
11/21/2011 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 1 0 Islamic extremists behead a young Christian.
11/20/2011 Nigeria Razat 3 1 Muslims hack three young Christians to death at an illegal roadblock.
11/17/2011 Egypt Cairo 0 32 Islamic radicals violently attack a group of Copts, marching to a memorial for slain victims of another massacre.
11/17/2011 Nigeria Gargari 4 6 Three young girls are among four Christians murdered by Muslim extremists in their own homes.
11/16/2011 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A pastor is shot in the neck and face in a targeted ambush.
11/15/2011 Israel Haifa 0 1 An 82-year-old nun is tied up and severely beaten by a gang of four Muslims, including a father and son.
11/10/2011 Philippines Carmen 1 0 A church elder and father of thirteen is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists at his farm.
11/6/2011 Pakistan Abbottabad 0 1 A pregnant Christian woman is tortured for three hours by police.
11/5/2011 Kenya Garissa 2 3 A member of the choir is killed along with an 8-year-old girls when al-Shabaab terrorists toss a grenade into a church.
11/4/2011 Philippines Malabang 2 0 Suspected Moro Islamists murder two Catholic roadside vendors.
11/4/2011 Nigeria Zonkwa 1 1 Nigerian Islamists shoot another Christian to death in a village raid.
11/4/2011 Nigeria Potiskum 150 200 Two-hundred militants shout 'Allah Akbar' as they slaughter one-hundred and fifty in a bombing and shooting rampage that targeted six churches and a police station. At least one-hundred and thirty of their victims were Christian.
11/3/2011 Nigeria Kaduna 2 14 Mujahideen gunmen attack a church, shooting two female worshippers to death.
10/27/2011 Kenya Nairobi 0 1 A young convert from Islam is left for dead after being severely beaten with iron rods in front of his church.
10/23/2011 Philippines Cabengbeng 5 8 Five Catholic plantation workers are massacred by Moro Islamists in a pre-dawn attack on their village.
10/20/2011 Nigeria Bauchi 0 1 A Christian boy is shot at a soccer match by armed Muslims.
10/20/2011 Nigeria Yelwa 1 0 Three Muslim soldiers break into a home and shoot a Christian mother of five to death.
10/16/2011 Egypt Mallawy 1 0 A Coptic high school student is beaten to death after refusing to take off his cross.
10/12/2011 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Muslim slashes a Christian mother's throat after raping her.
10/9/2011 Egypt Cairo 27 329 Military and Islamist gunmen massacre over two dozen Christians peacefully protesting a church burning.
10/9/2011 Philippines Zamboanga 0 13 Abu Sayyaf bombers injured thirteen people in separate attacks targeting Christians.
10/8/2011 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Muslim gunmen shoot an elderly Christian and a woman.
10/5/2011 Pakistan Mian Channu 1 38 A Christian trying to build a church orphanage is murdered by Muslims in a "land dispute."
10/4/2011 Nigeria Tanjol 1 1 Muslim militants gun down two Christian villagers.
10/2/2011 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamists murder a 30-year-old restaurant employee in a targeted attack against Christians.
10/1/2011 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A 60-year-old Christian is shot to death by Muslim assassins.
9/29/2011 Egypt Tamia 1 2 A guard at a church is taken out by a Muslim drive-by.
9/25/2011 Somalia Deynile 1 0 Islamists behead a 17-year-old whose family held secret Bible studies in their home.
9/25/2011 Indonesia Solo 2 20 A teenage girl is among two worshippers cut to pieces by a Shahid who wanders into a church service and detonates a bomb packed with nails and bolts.
9/22/2011 Nigeria Madala 5 0 Five Christian traders are executed by Boko Haram gunmen when they are unable to recite Quran verses as ordered.
9/18/2011 Nigeria Bitaro 3 8 Muslim activists raid a village, pull members of a Christian family from their home and then hack and shoot them to death. The victims included children.
9/14/2011 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is strangled to death by her uncle for a suspected affair with a Christian boy.
9/12/2011 Indonesia Maluku 6 80 Six people are killed when machete-wielding Muslims attack a Christian village on a false rumor.
9/10/2011 Nigeria Vwang Fwil 14 6 Fourteen Christian villagers from the same family, including a woman in labor, are hacked to death during a midnight Muslim raid.
9/9/2011 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 9 0 A Christian father and his seven young children are among nine shot to death in a Fulani raid on their home.
9/9/2011 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A Christian imprisoned for 'offending the Quran' dies after being denied medical treatment by prison officials.
9/9/2011 Nigeria Kunsen Gashish 3 0 Three Protestant farmers are hacked to death by machete-wielding Muslims.
9/8/2011 Nigeria Tsohon Foron 10 0 Muslim extremists murder a family of ten Christians.
9/6/2011 Nigeria Zakaleo 4 0 Four Christians are burned alive when militant Muslims set fire to their house.
9/6/2011 Nigeria Kuru 14 13 Fourteen residents of a Christian village are hacked and shot to death in an orgy of Islamic violence that lasts an hour.
9/5/2011 Nigeria Tatu 8 0 A Christian family of eight including the parents and six children are hacked to death by Muslim militants in their home.
9/5/2011 Nigeria Zakalio 7 0 Seven Christian villagers are murdered by Muslim extremists.
9/5/2011 Nigeria Dabwak 4 0 An elderly Christian couple and their two grandchildren are shot to death in their home by Muslim raiders.
9/4/2011 Pakistan Mariamabad 1 0 A Catholic pilgrim is kidnapped and murdered while walking to a shrine.
9/2/2011 Somalia Hudur 1 0 A convert to Christianity is kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim activists.
8/29/2011 Nigeria Jos 2 1 A pastor who preached religious tolerance is hacked to death by Islamic extremists along with his son at their church.
8/28/2011 Pakistan Faisalabad 0 1 A 64-year-old maid is beaten by madrassah students for hosting a Christian prayer meeting in her home.
8/27/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A Protestant evangelist is assassinated in his own home by Religion of Peace enthusiasts.
8/26/2011 Norway Jaeren 0 1 A Christian convert from Islam is scalded with boiling water and acid at a refugee center.
8/21/2011 Nigeria Bajju 2 3 Suspected Muslim radicals shoot two Christians to death in their homes, including a 10-year-old boy.
8/21/2011 Nigeria Riyom 6 0 Fulani raiders attack a Christian village, hacking six to death, including women and children.
8/15/2011 Iraq Kirkuk 0 14 Fourteen are injured when Muslims bomb a church.
8/15/2011 Nigeria Heipang 9 1 Seven children are among a Christian family of nine brutally murdered in their home by Muslim raiders.
8/14/2011 Pakistan Karachi 0 2 Two Christians are beaten to unconsciousness with iron rods after refusing an offer to embrace Islam.
8/14/2011 Pakistan Karachi 0 1 A Christian is beaten with iron rods after declining an offer to embrace Islam.
8/12/2011 Indonesia Sepe 5 2 Jihad warriors attack a Christian village with bombs and knives, killing at least five residents and burning homes and churches.
8/12/2011 Pakistan Bilal 0 12 A small group of Catholics are beaten by fundamentalists after gathering to watch a religious film.
8/11/2011 Nigeria Ratsa Foron 6 0 Six Christians are hacked to death in the middle of the night by Muslim raiders.
8/11/2011 Indonesia Malei 1 0 A Christian is killed while trying to salvage items from his home after it is destroyed by a Muslim mob.
8/8/2011 Egypt Minya 1 1 A Christian farmer has his throat slit in front of his son by a Muslim mob, who attack Christian homes and also severely beat a pastor.
8/6/2011 Pakistan Drigh Road 1 0 A Catholic man with children is the victim of a targeted killing.
8/2/2011 Iraq Kirkuk 0 23 Two dozen are injured when radicals bomb a Catholic church.
7/29/2011 Egypt Minya 2 2 Two Christians are taken out by snipers while riding in a car.
7/25/2011 Egypt Samalout 0 6 A pregnant woman is among six Christians brutally assaulted with iron rods by a Muslim mob angered over a church bell.
7/10/2011 Nigeria Suleija 3 0 At least two women are among three Christians killed by a Boko Haram bomb detonated outside a church.
6/26/2011 Senegal Dakar 0 24 About two dozen Christians are severely injured when a Muslim mob sets fire to their church during a service under orders from a local imam.
6/26/2011 Egypt Awlad Khalaf 0 3 Three Christians are injured when a Muslim mob torches eight homes on a rumor that one was to become a church.
6/25/2011 Philippines Isabela City 2 8 Muslim militants are suspected of detonating a bomb outside a Catholic church that leaves two people dead.
6/21/2011 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Christian father of four who worked as a garbage collector is stabbed to death by an angry Muslim.
6/16/2011 Nigeria Damboa 4 1 Four children leaving a church are brutally taken out by a Boko Haram blast.
6/14/2011 Sudan South Kordofan 2 5 At least two church workers are killed when the Islamic republic bombs a village.
6/11/2011 Indonesia East Java 0 1 A young woman is kidnapped by Islamic hardliners on her way home from church, beaten, slashed, and held for two days.
6/10/2011 Sudan Kadugli 0 1 Islamists kidnap a pastor and torture him for two days.
6/9/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 A pastor at a Church of Christ and his secretary are brutally gunned down by Religion of Peace loyalists.
6/9/2011 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 A Christian civilian is shot to death by Muslim gunmen.
6/8/2011 Sudan al Shaeer 1 0 A Christian seminary student is shot to death in front of bystanders by agents of the Islamic government.
6/8/2011 Sudan Kadugli 1 0 A young Christian man is dragged to a market and slaughtered by the sword by men yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
6/7/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 14 Two innocents bleed to death after Islamists detonate a bomb outside a church.
5/30/2011 Iraq Mosul 2 1 A Christian father of four is murdered by Jihadi gunmen along with a bystander.
5/24/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists murder a guard outside a Catholic church.
5/19/2011 Egypt Cairo 0 3 Three Catholics are severely injured by a rock-throwing Muslim mob intent on preventing a church from opening.
5/16/2011 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Muslim kidnappers gouge out the eyes of a Christian victim and then cut off his head.
5/15/2011 Egypt Cairo 0 50 About fifty Christians are injured when a Muslim mob hurls rocks and homemade bombs into a peaceful protest.
5/15/2011 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two Copts are gunned down in a Muslim drive-by attack.
5/9/2011 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A 60-year-old Catholic grandfather is beaten to death by enraged Muslims.
5/8/2011 Egypt Imbaba 1 0 Salafists shoot the 16-year-old nephew of a Catholic bishop in the head.
5/8/2011 Egypt Imbaba 1 0 Islamists break into a Catholic church and slit a member's throat.
5/7/2011 Egypt Cairo 12 232 Fundamentalists assault two churches with firebombs and gunfire, killing five Copt defenders and seven more in an ensuing rampage.
5/6/2011 Nigeria Kano 17 3 Seventeen residents of a Christian village, including a pastor's wife and three children are massacred in a pre-dawn Muslim attack.
5/6/2011 Sudan Abu Shouk 0 1 After being spotted with a Bible, a female aid worker is arrested for apostasy and severely beaten.
5/4/2011 Sudan Khartoum 0 2 A husband and wife survive a violent knife attack in their home after converting from Islam to Christianity.
4/30/2011 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 25 Fueled by rumors of a Quran desecration, a Muslim mob of hundreds attacks a Christian village, burning homes and assaulting the innocent.
4/30/2011 Bulgaria Pazardjik 0 1 A pastor who converted from Islam is beaten bloody in front of his church by a gang of Muslims.
4/30/2011 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 25 Twenty-five Christian men and women suffer injury following an attack by an enraged Muslim mob of about 350.
4/27/2011 Pakistan Hamza 0 3 Anti-Christian activists go on a spree, attacking a pastor, severely injuring his son and later raping a woman.
4/24/2011 Iraq Baghdad 0 7 Seven people are injured when Muslim activists detonate a bomb outside a church.
4/20/2011 Nigeria Bauchi 10 17 Women are among a group of young Christians murdered by a Muslim mob.
4/19/2011 Nigeria Kaduna 321 575 Angry Muslims go on a two-day bender, torching over forty churches and hacking and burning over three hundred Christians to death.
4/18/2011 Somalia Shalambod 1 0 A 21-year-old convert to Christianity is pulled from his home and shot 10 times by Islamists yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
4/18/2011 Egypt Minya 1 11 One Copt is killed by Muslim rioters, who throw a grandmother out of a second story balcony while shouting praises to Allah.
4/17/2011 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 12 Twelve worshippers at a Pentecostal church are pulled out and beaten by a Muslim mob.
4/8/2011 Nigeria Bogoro 10 0 Muslims armed with machetes attack a Christian village and burn at least ten people to death, including several who were elderly.
4/7/2011 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 12 20 A convert to Islam walks into a school and guns down a dozen children, apparently inspired by fundamentalist websites.
4/5/2011 India Motijil 0 1 A female convert to Christianity is stripped naked and beaten by angry Muslims.
4/4/2011 Ethiopia Worabe 1 1 Muslims beat a Christian evangelist to death and assault his pregnant wife.
4/3/2011 Nigeria Bogoro 2 1 A Muslim mob, angered over rumor of a local Quran desecration storms a Christian village and kills two people.
3/30/2011 Nigeria Jos 2 5 Fulani raiders attack a college and murder two Christians.
3/25/2011 Pakistan Hyderabad 2 0 A Muslim mob invades a Pentecostal church, burns Bibles and kills two worshippers.
3/23/2011 Israel Jerusalem 1 39 Palestinian terrorists leave a bomb at a bus stop which kills a female Bible translator and injures thirty others.
3/22/2011 Pakistan Hyderabad 2 0 After yelling abuse at worshippers outside a church, a Muslim mob opens fire, killing two.
3/21/2011 Nigeria Baten 4 0 Two women and two children are hacked and shot to death during a Muslim raid on a Christian village.
3/20/2011 Nigeria Jos 2 0 Muslim extremists kill two worshippers with bombs placed at several churches.
3/20/2011 Nigeria Jos 1 0 A Christian boy is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
3/20/2011 Egypt Qena 0 1 A Christian has his ear torn off by Muslims enforcing Sharia law.
3/14/2011 Iran Evin 2 0 A Christian man and his Jewish wife are hung in captivity by Iranians.
3/14/2011 Nigeria Plateau 6 0 Five family members are among six Christian villagers slaughtered by Muslim raiders.
3/9/2011 Egypt Cairo 9 150 Nine Copts, including a child, are killed and over a hundred more injured when a Muslim mob hurls firebombs and shoots into a group protesting a church burning.
3/8/2011 Ethiopia Asendabo 2 0 Two Christians are killed when angry Muslims rampage through their community, burning churches and homes.
3/4/2011 Egypt Sol 2 0 A Muslim mob, angry over a relationship between a Muslim girl and Christian boy, kills the two fathers and burns down a church.
3/2/2011 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 A Catholic cabinet minister is brutally shot to death in his car after being accused of blasphemy.
3/1/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A guard at a church is gunned down in an Islamist drive-by.
3/1/2011 Ethiopia Oma 0 17 Seventeen students are beaten with rods and pelted with stones for distributing Bibles.
2/28/2011 Nigeria Dabwak 5 0 A Christian mother and four of her children are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants..
2/24/2011 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A 70-year-old Christian man is stabbed to death in his home by Muslim radicals.
2/24/2011 Egypt Wadi el-Natroun 0 19 Two monks are among nineteen injured when military forces storm a Coptic monastery with live ammunition.
2/23/2011 Egypt Assiut 1 0 A priest is brutally stabbed to death in his home by killers shouting 'Allah Akbar!'
2/22/2011 Oman Coast 4 0 A retired missionary couple is among four Americans taken hostage and executed in cold blood by Muslim pirates.
2/22/2011 Nigeria Borno 18 7 Eighteen Christian villagers are massacred during a Muslim raid.
2/18/2011 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 After receiving death threats from Muslim extremists, a priest is kidnapped and eventually has his throat slit.
2/15/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two people are killed when Boko Haram gunmen attack two churches.
2/10/2011 Nigeria Alice 2 3 A father is among two Christians shot to death by militant Muslims in their homes.
2/10/2011 Nigeria Kuru 5 9 A 4-year-old is one of five Christian villagers hacked and shot to death by Islamic raiders.
2/8/2011 Indonesia Temanggung 0 7 A Muslim mob viciously beats a priest trying unsuccessfully to keep them from burning three churches and an orphanage.
2/6/2011 Pakistan Nut Kallan 1 0 A young Christian is tortured to death by several Muslims.
2/1/2011 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A convert to Christianity suffers deep injuries after being bound and assaulted with metal objects and rocks, then stomped.
1/31/2011 India Sopore 2 0 Two teenage daughters of a poor laborer are pulled out of their home and brutally executed by Lashkar-e-Toiba, reportedly for reading the Bible.
1/30/2011 Nigeria Ayaruje 3 0 Three Christian villagers are hacked to death by Muslims with machetes.
1/30/2011 Egypt Sharona 11 4 Very young children are among eleven members of two Coptic families shot to death in their homes at point-blank range by Islamic radicals.
1/29/2011 Nigeria Jos 1 0 A Muslim soldier deliberately shoots a 6-year-old Christian boy to death before he is taken down by other soldiers.
1/28/2011 Nigeria Jos 3 0 Two university students belonging to a local church are stabbed to death.
1/27/2011 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 14 8 Muslim raiders invade four Christian villages and hack fourteen people to death in their own homes.
1/27/2011 Nigeria Were 2 11 Islamic radicals kill two people and burn down several Christian homes.
1/23/2011 Nigeria Jos 8 5 A woman and daughter are among six Christian villagers are hacked to death in the middle of the night during two separate Muslim raids.
1/23/2011 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A guard outside a church is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
1/15/2011 Iraq Mosul 0 1 A Christian doctor is brutally shot and seriously injured in a targeted hospital attack.
1/11/2011 Nigeria Kuru Station 19 3 Children are among the victims when Muslims attack a Christian village, hacking nineteen to death and burning their homes.
1/11/2011 Egypt Samalout 1 5 A policeman boards a train and opens fire on a group of elderly Christians while yelling 'Allah Akbar.' A 71-year-old victim dies on the scene.
1/11/2011 Pakistan Lahore 0 2 Two Christian women are violently beaten and humiliated by a Muslim mob over claims they had 'abused' Muhammad.
1/9/2011 Nigeria Borno 1 2 A guard at a church is shot to death in an Islamist drive-by.
1/7/2011 Somalia Warbhigly 1 0 Islamic militants slit the throat of a Christian mother of four.
1/4/2011 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A regional governor is assassinated at a cafe for appealing on behalf of a Christian woman jailed for blasphemy.
1/3/2011 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Christian woman who survived an Islamist church massacre a few weeks earlier is shot to death in her sleep.
1/2/2011 Philippines Maguindanao 2 3 A Christian farmer is gunned down while driving home.
1/1/2011 Egypt Alexandra 23 77 Twenty-three parishioners are incinerated by a Shahid suicide bomb attack on a New Year's Day church mass.
12/30/2010 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Coordinated Mujahideen attacks against Christian families leave at least two dead.
12/27/2010 Iraq Dujail 1 1 Jihadi bombers take down a Catholic woman and injure a family member.
12/25/2010 Philippines Sulu 0 11 A priest and a 9-year-old girl are among eleven injured when Islamists set off a bomb inside a chapel.
12/24/2010 Nigeria Jos 86 74 At least eighty-six people are killed in a series of Islamic bomb blasts and attacks, mostly targeting Christmas Eve church services. The dead include choir members hacked to death.
12/24/2010 Pakistan Shahdra 0 1 A 12-year-old Christian girl is kidnapped, raped for eight months and forcibly converted to Islam.
12/21/2010 Nigeria Turu 3 2 Angry Muslims armed with swords and machetes assault a group of local Christian villagers, killing three.
12/19/2010 Israel Jerusalem 1 1 An American woman on a Christian mission is kidnapped, tied up and stabbed to death by Arab warriors.
12/5/2010 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Four Holy Warriors bind and stab an elderly Christian couple to death in their home.
12/3/2010 Nigeria Nwachukwu 7 4 Christian women and children are slaughtered in their homes by Muslim attackers in a midnight raid.
11/30/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Islamists rush into a Christian shop and gun down the proprietor brothers.
11/25/2010 Egypt Giza 1 0 A 4-year-old boy suffocates when tear gas is thrown into a church chapel.
11/25/2010 Nigeria Kwata Zawan 3 1 Muslim radicals shoot three Christian villagers to death.
11/25/2010 Kenya Bardher 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is tortured and murdered by her parents for leaving Islam for Christianity.
11/24/2010 Egypt Giza 1 68 Police shouting 'Allah Akbar' block a church construction and then fire on a group of Coptic demonstrators, killing one.
11/22/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An elderly Christian woman is strangled in her home by Religion of Peace activists.
11/22/2010 Pakistan Sargodha 0 1 A protestant pastor is beaten and set on fire by six Muslims who caught him evangelizing.
11/22/2010 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christian brothers are shot to death in their shop by Muslim extremists.
11/16/2010 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A 6-year-old Christian girl and her father are exterminated by Islamic bombers.
11/15/2010 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Christian brothers are brutally shot to death in their home by Religion of Peace advocates.
11/10/2010 Iraq Baghdad 6 20 Islamists blast Christian areas of Baghdad with bombs and mortars, killing at least six.
11/7/2010 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two more Christian worshippers are murdered by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
10/31/2010 Iraq Baghdad 53 80 Forty-four church members and two young priests are slaughtered when Islamic State of Iraq Fedayeen invade a church, shooting members and tossing grenades into the congregation. Seven policemen are also killed.
10/26/2010 Nigeria Chewenkur 6 3 Four teenagers and two women are hacked to death when Muslims armed with machetes attack a Christian village.
10/24/2010 Iran Tehran 1 0 A devout Muslim beats his Christian relative to death for leaving Islam.
10/9/2010 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 0 2 An elderly Christian man and his son are beaten by Muslim villagers for refusing to return to Islam.
10/8/2010 Pakistan Punjab 0 2 An 80-year-old Christian and his elderly wife are beaten unconscious by Muslim attackers.
10/8/2010 Philippines Cotabato 2 1 Militant Muslims previously targeting missionaries kill two people and kidnap a woman.
10/1/2010 Pakistan Haripur 7 0 A Christian couple and their five children (ages 6-17) are brutally shot to death in their home by Muslim extremists.
9/18/2010 Kenya Nairobi 0 6 Six Christian missionaries are abducted, raped and tortured for three days by Muslims proclaiming the truth of Islam.
9/13/2010 Ethiopia Dufti 0 1 A group of Islamists stab a Christian who had left Islam.
9/12/2010 Indonesia Bekasi 0 2 Holy Warriors beat a pastor with a board and stab a worshipper in the stomach as there are on their way to church.
9/9/2010 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Two people are reportedly killed when gunmen open fire on an Anglican church in an incident tied to a threatened Quran burning.
8/29/2010 Philippines Bukidnon 0 2 'Irate Muslims' throw a grenade into a Catholic church during mass.
8/27/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The body of a Christian man is found several days after he is kidnapped.
8/25/2010 Pakistan Swat 3 6 Three Christian aid workers helping flood victims are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
8/21/2010 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A popular church leader is brutally assaulted by Muslims with wooden clubs.
8/14/2010 Egypt Shimi 0 11 Eleven Christians are injured in assaults by Muslims stirred to anger by a local cleric.
8/8/2010 Indonesia Bekasi 0 12 A mob of hundreds of Muslims chase and beat Christian worshippers after disrupting their service.
8/7/2010 Afghanistan Nuristan 10 0 Ten members of a medical team, including Christian doctors, are pulled out of their cars and executed by devout Muslim fundamentalists, who spare an Afghan able to recite the Quran.
7/22/2010 Pakistan Rawalpindi 0 2 Two Christian girls are gang-raped by Muslims.
7/21/2010 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamic militants enter a Christian home, gun down the father in front of the family and kidnap his wife and children.
7/19/2010 Pakistan Faislabad 2 1 Two Christian brothers who were pastors, are accused of blasphemy and then brutally gunned down outside a courthouse while in chains.
7/17/2010 Nigeria Jos 10 14 Young children are among ten Christians hacked to death in their homes by Muslims, who also burn a church.
7/16/2010 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A Pentecostal pastor and father of five is shot in the head by Muslim extremists.
7/16/2010 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 1 A Christian convert is brutally beaten by angry Muslims.
7/15/2010 Pakistan Sukkur 5 6 Five members of a church, including the pastor are brutally shot to death outside the building by Religion of Peace advocates.
7/13/2010 Pakistan Karachi 0 1 A Christian woman is raped and then thrown from a roof by a Muslim doctor.
7/5/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 54-year-old Christian father of three bleeds to death after Islamists bomb his car in a targeted attack.
7/5/2010 Egypt Cairo 0 1 A Christian convert survives an attempt by Muslim radicals to behead him for leaving the faith.
7/5/2010 Nigeria Jos 3 0 Three Christian farmers are brutally slain in a 'mindless' attack by militant Muslims.
7/4/2010 India Kerala 0 1 A Christian professor has his forearm and hand hacked off by Muslims for the alleged crime of insulting Muhammad.
7/4/2010 Nigeria Ganawuri 3 0 Muslims hack three Christians to death.
7/3/2010 Nigeria Kizachi 7 5 A school teacher and mother of six are among seven Christians brutally executed in their homes by Muslim raiders.
7/1/2010 Somalia Hudur 1 0 A Christian convert from Islam is publicly executed in a soccer stadium by Islamists, leaving behind a pregnant widow.
6/21/2010 Pakistan Punjab 5 0 Religious clerics lead a mob into the home of a Christian man and slaughter his wife and four children.
6/14/2010 Pakistan Peshawar 0 1 A Christian professor is badly beaten by his students for refusing to embrace Islam.
6/14/2010 Iraq Sammarah 1 0 A convert to Christianity is murdered by his own son and nephew for 'abandoning Islam'.
6/8/2010 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A Christian father is murdered outside his home by Islamist gunmen.
6/3/2010 Pakistan Sahiwal 0 3 A pastor and his pregnant wife are brutally assaulted by angry Muslims accusing them of evangelism.
6/3/2010 Turkey Iskenderun 1 0 A Catholic bishop is stabbed to death by a Muslim who says it was Allah's will.
5/28/2010 Pakistan Faisalabad 0 5 Muslims fire into a Christian community, hitting five innocents.
5/23/2010 Nigeria Jos 2 0 Two Christians are hacked to death with machetes by passing Muslims.
5/11/2010 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 A Christian community may have been the target of a double bombing that leaves five dead.
5/4/2010 Somalia Xarardheere 1 0 Islamists pull a 57-year-old Christian father of three from his home and execute him for running an underground church.
5/2/2010 Iraq Mosul 4 171 Four people are killed, and over one-hundred injured when Islamic bombers target buses carrying young Christian students.
4/28/2010 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by suspected Muslim militants as he is washing a car.
4/24/2010 Nigeria Jos 5 0 Three Christians stabbed to death and two others hacked to pieces with machetes by a Muslim mob.
4/24/2010 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian police officer is kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by Religion of Peace advocates.
4/21/2010 Pakistan Sargodha 1 1 Two young Christian brothers (ages 12 and 14) are beaten with an iron rod by a Muslim yelling religious slurs. One dies.
4/19/2010 Nigeria Riyom 4 0 Four Christian farmers are murdered in their field by Muslim terrorists.
4/15/2010 Nigeria Boto 2 0 A Christian pastor and his wife are abducted by Muslims and burned to a crisp.
4/14/2010 USA Marquette Park, IL 5 2 After quarrelling with his wife over Islamic dress, a Muslim convert shoots his family members to 'take them back to Allah' and out of the 'world of sinners'.
4/13/2010 Philippines Isabela 9 7 Abu Sayyaf terrorists disguised as policemen attack a Christian town, shooting and blasting nine people to death and destroying a Catholic church.
4/13/2010 Pakistan Sargodha 0 1 A Christian barber is badly beaten and sodomized by an angry mob for cutting a Muslim's beard (on request).
4/8/2010 Nigeria Dakyo 2 0 A teenager is among two Christians stabbed to death by Muslim attackers.
4/5/2010 Nigeria Jos 3 12 Three Christians are killed when their peaceful rally is attacked by militant Muslims.
4/4/2010 Pakistan Punjab 0 10 Ten Christians are severely beaten by Muslim fundamentalists.
3/28/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 3 A 3-year-old child dies when Mujahideen bombers target a Christian woman and her three daughters in their home.
3/23/2010 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 Islamists execute a Christian father of ten children at close range in front of his home.
3/22/2010 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 1 A Christian dies after being burned alive three days earlier for refusing to embrace Islam. His wife was also raped.
3/17/2010 Nigeria Dyie 13 6 Thirteen more Christian villagers are massacred by Muslim raiders in an overnight attack, including a mother and two children burned to death. Victims also had their tongues cut out.
3/17/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 55-year-old Christian father is shot down in cold blood.
3/15/2010 Somalia Mahaday 1 0 The Christian pastor of an underground church is hunted down like an animal by Islamists and shot to death. (He was not a convert to Islam).
3/12/2010 Egypt Marsa Matruh 0 23 Twenty-three Christians are injured when a Muslim mob attacks their community after rumors of a church construction.
3/10/2010 Pakistan Oghi 6 0 Six aid workers of a Christian charity are herded out of their office by Muslim gunmen and machine-gunned to death.
3/9/2010 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A 36-year-old Christian is hacked to death with an ax after refusing to embrace Islam.
3/7/2010 Nigeria Dogo Nahauwa 528 600 Over five-hundred Christians, mostly women and children, are hacked to death by Muslim raiders with machetes in a night-time attack on their village. The killers yelled 'Allah Akbar,' as they chopped.
3/7/2010 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Christian man dies during a home invasion by Muslim gunmen.
2/27/2010 Philippines Tubigan 15 13 Women and five children (ages 1 to 11) are among thirteen gunned down by Moro Islamists sweeping through a Christian village.
2/27/2010 Egypt Teleda 0 2 A pastor and his wife are brutally gunned down by Religion of Peace advocate, angry that they are trying to build a church.
2/26/2010 Liberia Voinjama 4 23 A Muslim mob burns churches and kills at least four Christians.
2/26/2010 Pakistan Lahore 0 3 A Christian family is terrorized in their home by a Muslim gang. One girl is raped and the other stabbed four times.
2/23/2010 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A Christian father and his two sons are murdered in their home. They were relatives of a priest.
2/20/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 57-year-old Christian shopkeeper is kidnapped and brutally shot to death by Muslim kidnappers.
2/20/2010 Bangladesh Baghaichhari 8 200 At least eight people are killed when Muslim villagers riot against Christian and Buddhist neighbors.
2/17/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Another young Christian is shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2/15/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 42-year-old Christian is shot to death in front of his store.
2/15/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 20-year-old Christian student is kidnapped and brutally murdered by Mujahideen.
2/14/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Islamists enter a Christian businessman's home and murder him.
2/9/2010 Egypt Menoufia 1 0 A young Christian carpenter is gunned down at close range by a Muslim policeman in a suspected sectarian attack.
2/8/2010 Pakistan Punjab 0 1 A Christian man is beaten unconscious for refusing to embrace Islam.
2/5/2010 Pakistan Karachi 33 80 A Christian family and dozens of Shiites are blown to bits by Sunni bombers at two locations, one a hospital.
1/26/2010 Iraq Mosul 0 1 A Christian shopkeeper is targeted by Muslim gunmen and seriously injured.
1/22/2010 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 12-year-old Christian girl is raped, tortured and killed by her Muslim employer, a respected lawyer.
1/22/2010 Bangladesh Netrokona 0 2 A Catholic humanitarian worker and his wife are attacked by a gang of Muslims.
1/19/2010 Somalia Mogadishu 19 30 Women and children are among nineteen killed when Islamists launch multiple assaults on 'apostates and Christian backers.'
1/18/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamic terrorists gun down a Christian man inside a grocery.
1/17/2010 Nigeria Jos 48 96 Muslim youth go on a rampage, hacking about 48 Christians to death after an attack outside a church. The victims include two pastors.
1/17/2010 Iraq Mosul 2 0 At least one of two men gunned down in a targeted shooting is a Christian father of two.
1/15/2010 Kenya Nairobi 1 5 A Muslim gunmen fires into a crowd, killing one Christian and injuring five.
1/12/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 75-year-old Christian is gunned down in his grocery story by Religion of Peace militants.
1/11/2010 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 51-year-old Christian man is brutally gunned down while selling vegetables by the side of the road.
1/7/2010 Egypt Nag Hamadi 7 10 Six worshippers and one guard are gunned down by Muslim radicals as they leave mass at a Christian church. A 14-year-old is among the dead.
1/1/2010 Somalia Hodan 1 0 Islamists murder a 41-year-old Christian convert and church leader.
12/26/2009 Pakistan Punjab 0 2 Two young Christians are shot in the chest after refusing to convert to Islam.
12/25/2009 Pakistan Kalar Kahar 0 60 About sixty Christians are injured when a Muslim mob attacks them during Christmas prayers.
12/24/2009 Pakistan Peshawar 4 24 A suicide bomber detonates near a Christian school, killing four others.
12/24/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian is gunned down in front of his home by Islamists.
12/23/2009 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A bomb placed near an ancient Christian church kills two people.
12/17/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 30-year-old Christian man is shot to death in cold blood by Mujahideen.
12/15/2009 Iraq Mosul 4 40 Four Christians are killed when Islamic bombers target a church and Christian school.
12/9/2009 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christian brothers are kidnapped and shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
12/3/2009 Pakistan Karol 1 0 A Christian man is shot to death by Muslims after refusing to 'embrace' Islam.
11/19/2009 Russia Moscow 1 1 An anti-Islam priest is assassinated in his own church by a suspected Muslim gunman.
11/14/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 16-year-old Christian boy is gunned down outside his home by suspected radicals.
11/14/2009 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A 23-year-old Christian convert is kidnapped by Islamists and executed with two shots to the head.
11/9/2009 Philippines Jolo 1 0 Abu Sayyaf militants cut the head off of a Christian school principal and leave it in a paper bag at a gas station.
10/19/2009 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 A Christian woman is murdered by Islamists inside her home for refusing to wear a veil.
10/18/2009 Egypt Attaleen 1 0 Muslims gun down a 61-year-old Christian whose son was dating a Muslim girl.
10/10/2009 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Christian pastor is shot to death by al-Shabaab militants as he is returning home.
10/5/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 The tortured body of a Christian businessman is discovered three days after being kidnapped by Muslims.
10/4/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A 55-year-old Christian nurse is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace militants.
9/28/2009 Somalia Marerey 1 0 A 46-year-old Christian woman is shot to death by Islamists after being found with Bibles.
9/16/2009 Egypt Bagur 1 2 A 63-year-old Christian is stabbed to death by a rampaging Muslim.
9/15/2009 Somalia Merca 1 0 A 69-year-old Christian is executed by al-Shabaab militants after they find him carrying Bibles through their checkpoint.
9/14/2009 Pakistan Sialkot 1 0 A young Christian is beaten to death after being arrested for blasphemy.
9/13/2009 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A Christian evangelist dies from injuries suffered from severe torture at the hands of a Muslim gang.
9/12/2009 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A group of Muslims brutally torture and murder a young Christian student.
9/11/2009 Ethiopia Senbete 0 3 A Muslim mob ransacks two Christian churches and seriously injures three Christian worshippers.
8/29/2009 Sudan Wernyol 43 62 An Islamic-backed militia targets Christian villagers, hacking or shooting at least 43 to death including a senior church leader.
8/28/2009 Pakistan Quetta 6 7 Six Christians are gunned down after refusing a 'convert or die' offer from Islamists.
8/19/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 0 0 Islamic militants kidnap and murder a Christian doctor.
8/18/2009 Somalia Bulahawa 1 0 A 41-year-old Christian is hunted down and shot to death for leaving Islam.
8/15/2009 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A 22-year-old Christian conscript is murdered in his barracks after suffering horrible abuse over his religion.
8/3/2009 Pakistan Gorja 1 0 A Christian man succumbs to injuries suffered by a Muslim mob attack.
8/1/2009 Pakistan Gojra 8 18 Eight Christians are burned alive by a mob angered over a rumor of Qur'an desecration.
7/30/2009 Pakistan Gojra City 7 19 Seven people, including women and children (the youngest of whom was 4), are burned alive when a Muslim mob rampages through a Christian community over rumors of a Qur'an desecration.
7/28/2009 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamists pull a Christian man from his home and slit his throat.
7/28/2009 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three Christian pastors are kidnapped by Boko Harem Islamists and then beheaded after they refuse to accept Islam.
7/27/2009 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A Christian pastor and father of seven is hacked to death by radical Muslims, who then burn down his church.
7/27/2009 Somalia Merca 4 0 Four Christian orphanage workers are beheaded by Islamists after declining the offer to return to Islam.
7/26/2009 Iraq Ninewa 1 0 A Christian worker is murdered at a Pepsi plant by Islamic gunmen.
7/23/2009 Eritrea Mitire 1 0 A 43-year-old man dies from torture after refusing to renounce his Christian faith.
7/20/2009 Somalia Mahadday Weyne 1 0 A father of two is shot to death by Muslims for leaving Islam and becoming a Christian.
7/20/2009 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 A Christian is stabbed shortly after leaving a church by a Muslim who said he just 'wanted to kill a Christian.'
7/12/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A Christian man is pulled from his car and murdered in front of his daughter.
7/12/2009 Iraq Baghdad 4 33 Four people are killed when Islamists place bombs at four Christian churches.
7/10/2009 Somalia Baidoa 7 0 al-Shabaab Islamists stage the public beheading of seven people for "being Christian."
7/7/2009 Philippines Jolo 2 27 Abu Sayyaf militants detonate a bomb outside a second Christian church, killing two innocents.
7/7/2009 Pakistan Lahore 0 1 A Christian man is crippled by a Muslim, who shoots him eight times in the legs for refusing to pay Jizya.
7/5/2009 Philippines Cotabato 6 44 A Religion of Peace nail bomb outside a Christian church leaves at least six innocents dead.
7/3/2009 Ethiopia Dessie 2 0 Two Christians are shot to death by Muslim gunmen while working on a church.
7/1/2009 Pakistan Ghaziabad 1 0 A 16-year-old Christian boy is tortured to death in a police station.
7/1/2009 Pakistan Lahore 0 15 Fifteen Christian women and children are burned when a Muslim mob throws acid on them.
7/1/2009 Pakistan Faisalabad 0 1 A young Christian is brutally tortured by a Muslim mob on charges of desecrating a Qur'an.
6/22/2009 Philippines Maguindanao 1 4 Moro Islamists storm a village and shoot a 15-year-old Christian boy dead.
6/21/2009 Egypt El-Fashn 0 22 A Muslim mob assaults a Christian church, smashing and slashing until at least twenty-two worshippers lay injured.
6/19/2009 Pakistan Ittanwali 0 3 A Christian woman's family is beaten, including two young children, after she refuses to embrace Islam.
6/18/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian is gunned down by Muslim gunmen in the process of kidnapping another Christian.
6/15/2009 Yemen Sanaa 9 0 Women and children are among nine foreign missionaries kidnapped and executed by Shiite fundamentalists.
6/13/2009 Pakistan Bahawalpur 0 10 Ten Christians are injured by a Muslim package bomb.
6/8/2009 Pakistan Tiasar 1 0 An 11-year-old boy is shot in the head when the Taliban attack his church.
6/8/2009 Bangladesh Boalia 0 3 Three Christians, including a pastor, are pulled from their church and tortured for their faith with burning cigarettes and wooden clubs.
5/18/2009 Philippines Basilan 1 0 The beheaded body of a 61-year-old Christian farmer is found following his abduction by Islamic militants.
5/15/2009 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Christian man is raped and murdered for refusing to convert to Islam.
5/15/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian is kidnapped and beheaded.
5/11/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Muslim kidnappers murder a 5-year-old Christian boy.
5/9/2009 Pakistan Machharkay 1 0 A Christian man is beaten to death with pipes by Muslims angry that he drank tea at a 'Muslim-only' establishment.
4/26/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A Christian man is gunned down by Mujahid.
4/26/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Islamists slit the throats of a Christian woman and her daughter-in-law.
4/25/2009 Iraq Tal Keef 1 0 A Christian woman is abducted and beheaded by Islamic radicals.
4/21/2009 Pakistan Taseer 3 0 A mob of Islamic hardliners invade a Christian neighborhood and terrorize the residents. Two Christians are killed as they attempt to defend women from rape. An 11-year-old boy dies a few days later.
4/19/2009 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three Christian jewelers are brutally murdered in their shop by Muslim gunmen.
4/13/2009 Philippines Basilan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists behead a kidnapped Christian.
4/10/2009 Philippines Basilan 1 8 Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village, killing one and kidnapping several young children.
4/4/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian repairman is shot to death by Muslim gunmen in front of his workshop.
4/3/2009 Philippines Basilan 2 8 A woman is among two people killed when Islamic militants bomb a fast food shop near a Catholic cathedral.
4/2/2009 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two older Christian sisters are murdered by Mujahideen gunmen.
4/1/2009 Iraq Mashtal 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down in front of his restaurant by Islamic terrorists.
3/31/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A 71-year-old Christian man is killed in his own home by Muslim intruders.
3/31/2009 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An elderly Christian is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
3/15/2009 UK London 0 1 A Christian minister critical of Islam is brutally beaten by local Muslims.
3/5/2009 Egypt Qalubiya 2 0 Muslims set a young Christian on fire and also stab his 60-year-old father to death.
3/2/2009 Pakistan Songo 1 28 Muslim radicals open fire on a Presbyterian church, then enter the building and beat a 45 woman to death.
2/21/2009 Somalia Yonday 2 0 Two young Christian boys (ages 11 and 12) are beheaded by Religion of Peace extremists.
2/21/2009 Nigeria Bauchi 11 38 A Muslim mob goes on a rampage, burning churches and killing Christians.
2/19/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian businessman is gunned down in his shop.
2/17/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A Christian is gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2/9/2009 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An Indian Christian, who worked for a food chain, is reported dead four months after being abducted by Sunni extremists.
2/8/2009 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban release a video showing the beheading of a kidnapped Polish Christian who declined the offer to save his life by converting to Islam.
2/1/2009 Pakistan Shajwal Chak 1 0 A Christian man begging for wages owed is murdered by Muslim employers as they deride his faith.
1/16/2009 Eritrea Mitire 1 0 A 42-year-old man dies after being tortured iin prison for his Christian faith.
1/16/2009 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The local Christian owner of a car repair shop is brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists.
********************************************************************* Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians (Since 9/11)
This is a list of targeted acts of terrorism on Christian civilians and church workers by religious Muslims since September 11th, 2001. It is compiled by keyword search from our main database.
These attacks have nothing to do with war, combat or insurgency. The victims are innocent Christians who were specifically targeted and abused solely on account of their faith by those who claim their own religion as a motive.
This is not a complete list, as much of the violence goes unreported.
(Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2012)

31 March 2011


So you wanted to end the discussion with "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6).

That was before Mohammed came to power. Afterwards, it was (and this is not the Sharia but the Koran, my dear Muslim):
(Quote):'Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them...(4:89) " ?

In whatever way you turn it, your prophet's religion did not trust an immanent justice like Hindu's or Buddhist's Karma law, but actually tried to created murderers out of Muslims themselves.

:'Those who reject Islam must be killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take (hold of) them and kill them wherever you find them...(4:89) ".

If you shoot dead someone for deserting a religion you are not using violence in self defence only, but actively forcing people to convert  (even the peace loving like the Hindus or Buddhists and the vegetarians and the philosophers and the human rights defenders and the whole world)  to a sheep slaughtering, bloody brutal religion through fear, not differently from any criminal Nazi, tyrant, mafia gang.

Can you explain why the 'Madame hate' when I simply reject your insincerity before the stupid violence your religion preaches in name of the MOST MERCIFUL???

Answer honestly, would you follow your heart or will you justify a religion that teaches 'Those who reject Islam must be killed' ?
If you justify it, what is the context that can justify this contradiction in a religion?

More important than the portrait is the sincerity in this dialogue.
Your eyes in the portrait cannot be good so long as you are avoiding the point
avoiding the question,  so long you avoid to be truly open and sincere in this dialogue.


Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

quote: When the Prophet was in Mecca and he was still not powerful enough he
called for tolerance. He said "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6). This famous quote is often misused to prove that the general principle of Qur'an is tolerance (end quote).


In the history of Abraham, God  told him to kill his son,
but an angel told him not to kill his son.
To kill a sheep instead, (if needed,  love would add).
If you can live well as a vegetarian,
then not even killing a sheep is needed.

It was better Abraham followed the angel,
than his unreasonable idea of God.

4 April
Erci called me and he was friendly, and I was friendly to him.

He had an idea, he would show me some photos he had taken with dark glasses.
I told him I wanted to paint him without any dark glasses.
He said that apart from something in the nose and around the eyes the portrait was fine.
He complained I put conditions to finish it.

Once again I explained what was not acceptable to me in the Koran as in any religion:
As Mohammed taught, if you abandon a Faith, its members could murder you, like the mafia does.
(like if a woman betrays a man with another, (and he thinks can have several women), he can stone her to death.?..).

He tried to explain but I felt it coming, the 'rond the pot draaien' and I was short with him.
I told him to write me if he wanted to answer me.
He said he had no time!

He lies..he simply has no argument.

He has lost the argument  from the start in this discussion,
but he will have time enough to try to fool me around not to openly admit it.

I cannot make a true portrait of someone who is not humble, or I have to paint a mask..


Philosophic Community Projects

van Chapman

is since 2010 officially a VZW, a non-Governmental, non profit organization.

To me this is true sincerity, so rare these days!

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
I suggest you look at this video and answer what you think of it.
click to see video:

Love and understanding do not kill the unbeliever!
Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
Here is one refference:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins", ( )
(Please check the references I give.
If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?
For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
(Please check the references I give below),  Mohammed called  unbelievers (the non -Muslims), hypocrites.-
Having said that there is no compulsion in religion, Mohammed ordered those who disbelieved him to be killed.
(You might never have chosen to be a Muslim;
yet the penalty for leaving the Islam is the death penalty!)
Not hypocrisy?

So the Prophet contradicts himself. To demand of anyone, (not to speak the whole world), to submit to a contradiction, in name of God, or die, is this a religion of peace?
-No. A contradictory compulsory belief in name of God divides,  perpetuates division, not only between believers and the rest of the world, but between believers themselves.
And we see this happening though history to the present day  in this world.
We cannot change what has been, what has been written, but we can change our way of relating to it. See it as literature, for example, being free of its authority to be able to see it as it is. Not as we want it to be.

True fathers and mothers and teachers of humanity enlighten,
and kill the ignorance, not the ignorant, and much less the unbeliever.
Unbelievers are not hypocrite, if they are seeking truth. but those who judge them wrong calling themselves a prophet, what are they?!
What teacher would kill his student if he did not understand?
I would say one who has to be put in prison!
What true person, not to speak of a holy man, a prophet, would wage a war against sincere questioning?  That would mean a war on understanding; thus, a war on love, on justice,  on truth.

What prophet would teach to hate anyone in name of God?
Or would perpetuate war instead of dialogue, in name of peace, and call it Holy War ?

Hate is the false prophet.
Love is the true master.

If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!

To kill the ignorant when you can end his ignorance, would be stupid, would it not?
Or would you rather perpetuate  ignorance and war for the sake of authority?


Philosophic Community Project
For a peaceful, intelligent solution of Terrorism

Reference from:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...

 or islam

Dear one, when I said I could never be angry with someone if they were humble, I meant it.
Awareness is the most humbling state of mind. Awareness of what is.
A Belief may not be awareness and it can even be the very opposite of awareness and humbleness.

If you turn your eyes away from to something someone in all sincerity tries to show you, is that humble?
You say belief is private.
I met Catholics, Taoists, Muslims and even yogis that asked me not to take their belief away from them by confronting them. Yet they did not agree with each other’s belief of what is and what is not.

If what you have is true, or truly yours, no one can take it away from you.
If you have nothing to hide, nothing is truly private.

If you are  sentimental about me or anyone, particular to someone because it is your holy book, Guru, Master, prophet, or whatever,  you may be a flatterer, but you still are not truly honest, are you?

A book has no ego but the rest all have egos, they have Christian Muslim, Hindu, or other egos.

The excuse that to submit unconditionally to anyone is good, when that person has no ego, is a feeble, ‘flauwtjes’ reasoning, because then, the truth does not matter any more, not even matters what makes sense, only what  guru, master or prophet said, in name of God; in the Bible, Koran, Talmud, Vedas or elsewhere. 
And you can see the result of not following what makes sense is endless war:  because no one can really meet through beliefs but through love and understanding and truth.

Only awareness of what we call our beliefs, ourselves, in suma: only spiritual self awareness and not a belief  can bring true understanding, true peace within and between us, in this world and after.

Love and understanding do not need to kill unbelievers!

To me this is true sincerity, so rare these days!

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
I suggest you look at this video and answer what you think of it.
Click to see video:

And also this:
Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman or islam Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

What I try to say to this Muslim is that one does not enlighten someone by cutting off his head.


Share Your Thoughts: 
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)

Philosophic Community Project.
by van Chapman:

How can you ever know if another is happy with you if you keep'm in a cage?
It is not faith, but fear which keeps one encaging others, or being encaged.

He who would kill one for leaving  him, belongs to a mafia, not a religion.

Open question: -Is this the USA, is this the Islam, is this your country, is this you?

Is Obama’s Policy based on coherence with Human Rights or fear of the Islam?

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.
Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun

Why so many prefer the murky waters of a belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.  If Christians, or Jews or Muslims were truly sincere with themselves and each other, they would admit that Holy personages and holy books are not always clear and their beliefs often contradict themselves.
To look for clarity one need be free of fear and desire. Desire for power and fear to be questioned, fear to be true.
Can we be free of these and be really true to each other, to ourselves??

Only then the true peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism would start. With ourselves!
One personality can be more true than another.  Personalities may be better or worse, and we can argue that, but it is still a personality... a personality is still not the Spirit of Truth.  
Is any prophet holy?  All prophets are false if they tell you to condemn or kill anyone without proof, out of belief, since Abraham! Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone,
if you must believe them or they will kill you,
how can theirs be a religion of peace?
True love and understanding is the Holy Spirit between us.
There is no holy land attained through violence and bloody wars.
Holy is the true love and understanding between us. 

Philosophic Community Project,
van Chapman

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun
Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

year 2015

?End of a long attempt of a dialogue with a fanatic Muslim

No end.
This is like the Tale of a 1001 nights !!!

You say you do not believe in love as I do.

you believe in justice, not love, because you believe in Alah.

I say there is no Justice without love.

Does a good teacher kill a student because a student does not believe or understand?

Does a good teacher punish  a human fault or crime with an even worse crime?

What I have shown you in this dialogue is that not all which is written in the scriptures and Koran is just.

some punishments in the Koran are not a form of just punishment but  a much worse crime.

and Erci finally gave in and : answered: -Maybe...

Now he must be giving it some thought.

Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, they are afraid of questions.

Spiritual voice cannot be silenced by neither questions nor bombs ,
Spiritual people are afraid  to harm or do injustice to anyone, what terrorists are not afraid of.

Wishing all the best to you. 

Abraham's story of him being willing to kill even his own son, out of obedience, set out the example of blind obedience even in a crime, to religious authority or whom we consider to be God.

(He could have stopped and asked himself  if he could trust anyone or any spirit as just and good, who would order him to murder anyone, in particularly, an innocent child.)

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (@van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...

If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.
Philosophic community Project

Petitioning Obama Administration
  the petition here :

Sign also international
petition here on

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[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]
[Portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]
[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-Chapman]
[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]
[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Could you clarify it? Thank you]
[Video Krishnamurti]

[How to create a pictogram icon]

[Mariana Ovalle poems]
[Geraldo Gobbato Photos]

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

New page  click here:  Update your God

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[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]
[Portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]

[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-Chapman]

[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]

[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Could you clarify it? Thank you]
[Video Krishnamurti]

[How to create a pictogram icon]

[Mariana Ovalle poems]
[Geraldo Gobbato Photos]


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For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism


Here is a truth lover: Son of Hamas Leader -Mosab Hassan:
He sees no difference between terrorist Muslims and the moderate Muslims.
Moderate Muslims are more dangerous,
because they lie when they say Islam is a religion of peace
and when they deny the truth that Islam is what terrorists do
following the violent example of Mohamed.

No politician’s bla bla bla !

All arguments here come from Islam's history therefore it is an appeal to consciousness, that we question ourselves and beliefs...not a proof of anything, except that the horrors people have done and continue to do in name of belief is the way to hell, not paradise!
( quotes):   ''The prophet of Islam raped, terrorized, and murdered his way to the first Caliphate in Islamic history. It's all very clear from Islam's "holy" books that the latest Muslim nation is nearly identical to the first.
• Forced conversions, extortion, and terror in the new Islamic State
"If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [infidel protection tax]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them." -Muhammad
• Little kids murdered in Iraq by the Islamic State
"Messenger of Allah, we kill children of polytheists during night raids. He said: They are from them"
• Islamic State mercilessly slaughters "apostates"
"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."-Muhammad
• Genocide inside the Islamic State
"Kill any Jew who falls into your power." -Muhammad
• Islamic State turns captured infidels into sex slaves
"We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those [captives] your right hand possesses" -Muhammad
• Not one Christian left in Mosul
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." -Muhammad
The Islamic State is a bloody nightmare today, just as it was 1400 years ago.
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Facts are stubborn things: Islam is the religion of terror
Posted by Fatwa on Islam at 2:10 AM No comments:
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