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[Delicious Naturestudio recipes]

[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]
[Portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]
[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-Chapman]
[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]
[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Could you clarify it? Thank you]
[Video Krishnamurti]
[Love or Belief ?]
[Love or Islam?]

[How to create a pictogram icon]

[Mariana Ovalle poems]
[Geraldo Gobbato Photos]


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Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Letter to president Obama

9 October 2014
Dear president Obama,
My sympathy for your gracious leadership and tremendous effort to keep up with so many issues to be resolved in this world.

I sincerely hope to help you understand the question of ISIS from a spiritual, non-religious perspective.

Let me confirming what Brother Rashid said to you :
in "A Message to President Obama from a former Muslim"
( https://plus.google.com/100481145869768252885/videos ).

Understanding the real nature of the problem of ISIS is crucial for solving it.
A call to self- awareness to Jihadists is needed, as well as to the awareness
that a fanatic, unquestioning belief, is not conducive to love and sincerity.

Love and sincere self-awareness alone could liberate us from religious
or other form of tyranny.

Best wishes for all.

Philosophic Community Project -

van Chapman

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.

Here are some related tweets and other Facebook posts:

Rather than kill unbelievers wherever you find them,
kill falsehood wherever you find
-even in your holy books!


Jihad unveiled: lying and murder may defend beliefs, not truth.
It only reveals how false, murderous are their beliefs! 

A terrorist mind has been hijacked by a belief.
Ask a jihadist what he prefers: -Questions, or bombs?
If you question (the belief) you will be sentenced to death and hell.
If someone questions it, (the belief) kill him and send him to hell.

Holy war?  End hypocrisy, and the hypocrite is no more!
End stupidity, and the stupid one ceases to be."

J. Krishnamurti, a wise man, once said:
"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"

There have been wise men throughout history,
like him Lao Tzu, Buddha,
who warned against indiscriminate,
unquestioning following, even of themselves.

If we, humans, descend from the apes,
or if our ancestors were barbarians,
(even if at the time, they were less barbarians than most,)
should we venerate them, today and imitate their behaviour,
even in their slaughter?


Let me be honest with you,
because a Muslim who is trying to seduce you
to his "religion of Peace" will probably not
or no one would be seduced!:

In a Islamic State, you are a Muslim
if you are born of Muslim parents.
You may not have chosen the Islam,
but the punishment for leaving Islam,
(in some Islamic  States), is the death sentence!
- Sahih Muslim, 16:4152
The Koran contradicts itself in this,
saying there is no compulsion in religion.

So what is true?

If diametrically opposite commands
like these can co-exist,
in their Koran or other Islamic teachings,
there is cause for bloody conflict
in the teachings themselves.
Muslims  are divided in this issue. Is this their fault?
No. But they may not blame the religion.
That is also called apostasy in Islam.

From what I read, this is exactly what is happening
since the death of Mohammed.
between for example Shiite and Sunni Muslims.
Because of this terror religious doctrine,
that sanctions killing
in name of God, Muslims are killing each other,
over almost any difference of belief!
According to critics of Mohammed, as Moses before him,
he has even  killed for a criticism!
And that is not intelligent, is it?

Such is the belief of the Muslims.
But not as they see it,
if they may not be critical of the Islam.

Phobia means fear. irrational fear - 
I neither fear or hate Muslims.
Muslims learn to fear Islam, submit to it: believe or die!
They are Islamophobes, Islam fearing, not I.

For me, God is love. Islam not.
Love is stronger.

I would not kill someone for their belief,
as ISIS in a Jihad does.

Instead, I would try to reason with Mohammed and his God:
-What if I said:
"-You are free to love me or not"?
That would be loving, fair, not?
But if I said: "-Love me or I will kill you",
or:"-If you leave me I will kill you,"
what for a person would I be?
A beast?
What has possessiveness to do with wisdom and love?
What does this have to do with the Most Graceful?

1- "There is no compulsion in religion."
2- "No other religion other than Islam will be allowed."
3 -"The punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty."

I am free to see what I see.
(I see this basic contradiction with love in Islam.).

If I must believe it makes sense when it does not,
and I will be killed, the fundamentals of Islam violate
a fundamental right of consciousness :
to see for itself!

Philosophic  Community  Project -
van Chapman
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism


Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 3:22 AM
To: naturestudio
Subject: Shameful
Extract of a notification sent from the White House to Naturestudio

(Quote)"a few minutes ago, a minority in the United States Senate decided it wasn't worth it. They blocked common-sense gun reforms even while these families looked on from the Senate gallery.
By now, it's well known that 90 percent of the American people support universal background checks that make it harder for a dangerous person to buy a gun. We're talking about convicted felons, people convicted of domestic violence, people with a severe mental illness. Ninety percent of Americans support that idea. Most Americans think that's already the law.
And a few minutes ago, 90 percent of Democrats in the Senate just voted for that idea. But it's not going to happen because 90 percent of Republicans in the Senate just voted against that idea. " (end quote).

Naturestudio answers:

Thank you for contacting Naturestudio.
I see it is a shame to Republicans.
Will publish a synthesis of your news on my website and face book.

Sent previously  to the Whitehouse
December 2012

What to do to change the weapon possession race in the US as in the rest of the World?

The answer is simple ’Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to yourself.’

As by American Foreign Policy the right to (Nuclear) arms possession is to be strictly forbidden to terrorists, and limited to countries or individuals who fully comply with human rights, so should the same as a law apply within the US for the arms possession of each member State or individual citizen.

Arm the just and fair, unarm the unjust and unfair, so one may not need to resort to deadly weapons, for
true angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

van Chapman
-Philosophic Community Projects -


Thank you for contacting the White House.


Thank you for contacting the White House.
Philosophic Community Project

-A worldwide proposal :
help raise consciousness to  prevent terrorism!
To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!

We petition the Obama's Administration to unite world judges against terror.
Support corrective justice based on facts, not condemnation or violence based on belief!

Please sign and re-pass this petition:

  the petition here

the petition here also on change.org

Some more information about these petitions:

To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!
To condemn anyone for a belief is to commit injustice!
Justice is to destroy falseness, not the false! If one only understood this,
one would not consent in acts of horror as committed in name of God (in the
Inquisition of the Church, or the violent jihad in the name of Islam).
As History has shown, violence, crime based on a belief is the spiritual
downfall of all religions, faiths, all faithful, unquestioning followers, who
commit these crimes against all justice, consciousness and humanity!
Many who consider their own belief superior to those of others, have not
understood this yet. But this does not mean that they cannot understand!
Justice is to combat ignorance, not the ignorant! Justice is to end, not to
perpetuate violence!

Philosophic Community Project

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

van Chapman 
Your friend in love of truth

Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)


If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

New page  click here:  Update your God

[Index English]

[Nederlands pagina]
[Português pagina]
[Delicious Naturestudio recipes]

[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]
[Portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]

[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-Chapman]

[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]

[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Could you clarify it? Thank you]
[Video Krishnamurti]

[How to create a pictogram icon]

[Mariana Ovalle poems]
[Geraldo Gobbato Photos]


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Sign also international
petition here on change.org


Here is a truth lover: Son of Hamas Leader -Mosab Hassan:
He sees no difference between terrorist Muslims and the moderate Muslims.
Moderate Muslims are more dangerous,
because they lie when they say Islam is a religion of peace
and when they deny the truth that Islam is what terrorists do
following the violent example of Mohamed.