
MADINANS CONFRONT THE PROPHET : Click to read article:

(Quote): "Allah managed to hand down quite a few "revelations" that sanctioned Muhammad's personal pursuit of sex to the doubters around him. Interestingly they have become part of the eternal, infallible word of the Qur'an, to be memorized by generations of Muslims for whom they have no possible relevance." (end quote).

Pope Benedict XVI is  in England from 16 to 19 September.
According to the  (Klara radio) News,  the Pope admits the Church has done too little in relation to its paedophile priests.

( quote from ).
"Very often apologetics claim that Islam is a religion of peace and there is no compulsion.
Yet, punishment of an apostate in Islam is, of course, death penalty"  (end quote).

Now, it is time  Muslims  admit that the Islam and the Koran  have done nothing in relation to its peadophile prophet, as the prophet dictated the rules himself, and according to history and in accordance witn the requirement of complete submission, has ordered to kill some people who merely criticized his style of living.
van Chapman

During a speech last September 11 2010, I heard on TV,
president OBAMA has declared that what was behind the Attacks of 11 September 2001 was not the Islam but Al-Qaeda.

In another occasion,according to Free press website

he said that an attack on Islam was an attack on Muslims.
Let me give an argument to that.   

In spite of my great admiration, gratitude and affection for Mr President Obama there must be made a distinction here.

The sense of identification with an ideology is in itself the problem which makes clear thinking and clear understanding difficult.
This, in turn, causes most of humanity’s hopeless conflicts and wars.

Even though identification exists between someone and his ideology or religion, to reveal an evil in an ideology is not at all the same as attacking the persons who profess this ideology. On the contrary.

The beauty of freedom of thought and freedom of speech includes not identifying someone with an ideology or religion, even when this person is identified with it, and exactly by doing so, helping this person to be clear.

Identification with something makes it impossible to see beyond it.

Non-identification with thought is the first step to bring freedom to all slave type of relationships and brutal wars.

A common military attitude in a battle will consider the enemy by  their  uniforms/

If I may disagree  though it is freedom of thinking, to identify someone to what he believes,  it is not yet to see clear.

We are not the slaves of whoever or whatever dominates our minds, whether it be a religion, and nationality or  the uniform we dress.

Aware of it or not,  we are in essence a consciousness in a form,
of which the whole existence makes part.

van Chapman

While you cannot enter their Mecca if you are not a Muslim, the other way around, and the idea of immigration stop for Muslims (extremists) brings about a great indignation among Muslims.

The Koran discriminates Christians, Jews and unbelievers, but if discriminated for their belief, Muslims around the world are indignated and furious, because theirs should be upper hand in the whole world, according to the Koran.

A Muslim terrorist ideology immigration stop might be good way to postpone a future Taliban-like guerrilla civil war in the heart of the Democratic world, as Muslim communities return to their religion's fundamentalist totalitarian state demands.

I agree with the Dutch Geert Wilders that an ideology as that of the Koran which is at war against reason and freedom of speech, who discriminates people on basis of sex or religion, anti-Semite and anti-Christian, which incites to hate, torture and murder against unbelievers, is not a religion, but a totalitarian tyrannical movement like Nazism, which promises the good of their people wanting to rule the World explicitly commanding its people to war and to send other people to hell.

Though honest questioning and dialogue must be possible, people who profess this ideology may not honestly question the Islam as they believe at the risk of their lives,
and many times all you get is violent self defence, even at the cost of truth (Takia).

Should we give to a nazi or someone who belongs to a mafia or a criminal fascistic racist clan, the freedom to recruit people to his fascism in a land ruled by humanitarian justice and law?

Questioning people's ideology at the frontier of the free world to stop importing religious fundamentalism is a good initiative.
Visas are meant to set certain conditions for entering a land.
Everyone should sign an oath against fascism
before obtaining a visa to enter the free world, and be bound by law if he breaks this oath.
The poins in the Koran which are fascist should be underlined there in.

Immigration  into a democratic or humanistic part of the world to religious fundamentalist extremists should be prohibited.

With the permission of Klara radio,
Naturestuduio has placed here  a link to Klara Continuo.
Maybe there is some beautiful music playing now.
If not, try later.
click here:

We saw a documentary film on Canvas TV
on the 25 July 2010
about the training of young Jews from around the World in Israel
to support the racistic war against Arabs and Palestinians
over a land they have taken from them by military force.
How does a philosophical mind relate to the
Israeli -Palestinian question,  for example?

Last news 09 july 2010 : cancelled the burning of the Koran 

08 july 2010

I understand the symbolic meaning of burning the Koran and the hate in a Christian community towards the sometimes undeniably  anti-Christ teachings of this book, in name of the 'most merciful God'. I understand the hate not towards any Muslim person or believer, but towards the untruth and incoherence of a teaching which tyrannically,  un-philosophically,  irrationally and unwisely  condemns any questioning of its holiness, condemns  to death unbelievers and deserters of its prophet and belief, thus proving  its very un-holiness .

But to make an analogy, many TV programs all over the world encourage the vanity of power  and  violence in our children, beyond the values of the heart, as does the Koran.

If we want to teach people to be conscious, we must not imitate the Taliban, who prohibited people  to watch TV, make music, or to be in  possession of  bibles.

It is better  to awake reason and the consciousness of love  in our children. To awake the awareness of what is and what is not just and  coherent in human relationships, using the very TV programs,  as well  the Koran or the Bible, or in fact anything we can experience in life, showing our children, including our Muslim or Christians brothers,  that we can learn with one another, not only what we ought to do and how we should be,  but also what we should not do and how we should not be...
Better than burning the Koran is teaching people to distinguish spiritual  coherence from incoherence, CREATING AWARENESS.

It is through clarity of  mind and heart  that we can be really free of the authority of  so called holy books, not  by burning books.
For example in this anonym beautiful account below we have a declaration of freedom and detachment  from the Koran,  in making public and open what is hidden, in showing  the truth about its contradictions.:

Philosophic Community Project 

Google to:

click here to read   

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins


Meditating on world events

Really important is honest questioning and dialogue, but it is clear that a truly honest dialogue,
honest critical questioning is prohibited by and punished in the Islam.

( quote from ).
"Very often apologetics claim that Islam is a religion of peace and there is no compulsion.
Yet, punishment of an apostate in Islam is, of course, death penalty"  (end quote).

It is a matter of spiritual evolution.
If a Muslim overcame his fear to be honest in a critical way about the incoherences in the Islam,  he could no longer continue to be a  Muslim.

Tolerance in regards to a tyrannical intolerance is a contradiction.
We must distinguish clear dialogue from deceitful double talk with disguised terroristic imperialist ideologies disguised in a sheep skin.

Asma bint Marwan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search Asm? bint Marw?n (Arabic ????? ??? ?????)
is a female poet who lived in Hijaz in medieval Arabia during the life of Muhammad.
Her affair is first written in Ibn Ishaq's "Sirat Rasul Allah" or the Biography of the Prophet of God,
the oldest and primary biography of Muhammad.

The Siraat are one of the most important sources of information about the history of Islam, but are not necessarily authoritative.
Such passages as this and the Satanic Verses, for example, are some of the most contested issues in Islamic theology.
For all Muslims the Qur'an is the definitive explanation of historical, theological and social truths, and for the vast majority the Hadith,
or the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed and his companions, have secondary authority. The Hadith are categorized according to
verifiability and reliability using rules of transmission, or isnad. The Siraat do not fall under these strictures, and some Muslims
reject the following story as a fabrication.[1]
Poetry was the usual medium of political discourse in medieval Arabia and Asma Marwan wrote a politically charged poem against
Muhammad and his army; this poem was preserved in the Sira. Poetry, being the political medium of the time, could have a huge impact
on the political landscape. Muhammad decided to silence her by having her assassinated. This story is described in the Sira written by
Ibn Ishaq. Following is an excerpt from Alfred Guillaume's translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sira, describes that Muhammad commanded
one of his soldiers to murder Asma Marwan; the assassination squad is described as having murdered Asma with knives while she
was sleeping alongside her children.
From the Sirat Rasul Allah, by Ibn Ishaq
(A. Guillaume's translation "The Life of Muhammad") page 675, 676:

She had five sons, and when Umayr went to them from the apostle he said, "I have killed bint Marwan,
O sons of Khatma. Withstand me if you can; don't keep me waiting.
" That was the first day Islam became powerful among B. Khatma;
before that those who were Muslims concealed the fact.
The first of them to accept Islam was Umayr b. Adiy who was called the "Reader",
and Abdullah b. Aus and Khuzayma b. Thabit.

The day after Bint Marwan was killed the men of B. Khatma
became Muslims because they feared for their lives."
Goodle to see
Geert Wilders brilliant speech

A film to see:
"Welcome to Hebron"
[Part 1 of 3] [Press TV Documentary]
Welcome ...
10 min - 31 Jan 2010
Uploaded by shabbirh
Director Terje Carlsson Winner

The Première Œuvre documentaire award :
International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary, 2009
Women in Focus Special Prize: The Cinefest Awards, 2009

Let us try to understand
The idea of a God of Compassion summoning you and helping you to a bloody military victory
is absent to a true Buddhist or a true Christian, or a truly spiritual mind.

Those who justify silencing consciousness and honest  criticism with murder and torture
or will  rule over the earth with bloody torture and murder and violence in place of kindness and understanding,
wether Jews or Muslims, they have not found the way back to the divine garden of the heart from where they fell.

"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world,
then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews:
but now is my kingdom not from hence". John 18:36

"Love Your Enemies" (Luke 6:27-36) is superior teaching to the Koran's  (5:33) "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
(maim,: cripple, mutilate, batter, mangle mean to injure so severely as to cause lasting damage.
maim implies the loss or injury of a bodily member through violence <maimed by a shark).

If God is love evolution is the path for sinners, and not eternal hell
The god of eternal hell is no thing else than eternal hate.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project

We read in the News:
'Churches and civil authorities hold accountable clergy members guilty of sexual abuse'.
Muslim traditions however can justify the abuses paedophilia and the possession of children as wives because Mohammed justified it to himself in marrying a nine year old girl.
see video in the link

Hate is the false prophet,

love is the true master.

There is no holy ground which has been won by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding between all people.


Commentary by van Chapman


We saw a documentary film on Canvas TV
on the 25 July 2010
about the training of young Jews from around the World in Israel
to support the racistic war against Arabs and Palestinians
over a land they have taken from them by military force.
How does a philosophical mind relate to the
Israeli -Palestinian question,  for example?

Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide.
This is good. But do they question the tyranny in their prophet or Koran??
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves alone but also innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).
If by 'enemy' in the Koran it is meant  those who say: quote  Luke 6:[27]: " Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."), then atheists, Christians, or Hindus or Buddhists who will not kill another for a difference of belief, nor even a sheep, if they are vegetarians,  then Mohammed's  version of God is unacceptable and he, is a false prophet..

As I Krishnamurti said, the God of a Petty mind is a petty God.

van Chapman       
Philosophic Community Projects

The best wishes to all.
and around the world:



Violence is a most stupid argument. A Philosopher does not consider belief or unbelief a problem.
No reason not to be a friend of, or to kill someone.

Spiritual teachings pre-existed Abraham tradition and the streams of Monotheism.

This idea of a God who sends anyone to hell is badly told story.
It is hate itself what creates all spiritual hell for ourselves and in this world. The God who has no mercy, no understanding but hate before human ignorance, is a mere projection of our own ego and pride of power, of  idolatry of and subservience to our own human arrogance.

From the ancient times of civilization, the wisdom of Lao Tzu ( (604 - 531 BC ), of Buddha (around 563 BC- 483 BC), of Socrates (460-429 BC), previous to  Judaism, Catholicism or the Islam, all  have shown that simple awareness (in particular spiritual self awareness), not subjugating power, brings out the potential understanding and natural order to the mind and relationships.
Questions may be the very way to tap within for spiritual self awareness, all knowledge and self knowledge.

The repression of questioning leads to fanaticism and tyranny. The moment you create an unquestionable authority you also create hell.
The so called 'holy' wars, have nothing of holy, from the point of view of love and intelligence.
This is the tragic comedy of unreasoning, unquestioning beliefs:
All opposing parties at war, while sending each other literally to hell, in the slaughter, consider themselves the heroes, the martyrs who will go to heaven.
Is unquestioning, indiscriminate submission, convenient for the world today? Has it ever been?

Abraham's willingness not to question, but to kill even his own son, out obedience to whom he considered God,  is revered in all ramifications of this Monotheistic tradition.
Abraham has set out the example of the way of relationship of blind obedience, even in a crime, to religious authority.
To have faith in an ultimate justice is good, but can there be justice without love, without spiritual discernment??

This lack of discrimination venerated until today as sacred, combined with different interpretations and ramifications belief,  have caused the most absurd and horrific  violent, injustices and crimes in human history: those committed and justified in name of God.

Since then, distancing itself from the compassion and understanding of the Spirituality or Eternal philosophy; systems of Belief 
crumble now before those who have eyes to see, when the fruits of pride of power and the blind submission (even in a crime), come to the light: the never ending bloodbaths in the Middle East and Africa we see on TV (here also on Canvas TV)  these times.

Little has humanity learned from its bloody history because horrors have even been justified by these Monotheistic religions
throwing people against each other in a war for ethnical  divergences, a difference of belief or interpretation.

As I said before, to project our prejudices on others or on what is, and want no discussion, is the main cause of disruption in any relationship, the source of all darkness, all hopeless conflicts in relationships.

Abraham could have stopped and asked himself  if he could trust anyone or any spirit as just and good, who would order him to murder anyone, in particularly, an innocent child. Then history would have perhaps had a much better turn.

But it is never too late. The future starts now and it starts with you.

Before true peace and understanding can reign between any of us, there must be a revolution, as said Krishnamurti, which is truly intelligent. As solving of differences peacefully, through meditation, awareness and dialogue, not mentally or physically as brute dinosaurs.

Only through the consciousness of love one can see the beauty of Nature and  the ugliness and stupidity of vanity, of greed, arrogance, also in the animals, which to the immature mind is so 'cool'.

Only love is just and no prophet and guru, saviour,  holy book or anyone one has beaten love yet.

Hate is the false prophet, love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which has been won by cruel violence and hate.
Holy is the love and understanding between all people.

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

[Index English]
[Index Nederlands]
[Index Português]

[ Canvascollectie-
What is relevant for the world today in Art?]

[Purpose and interactions]

[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]

[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[ portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Love or Belief ?]

[Love or Islam?]

[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Meditating on world events]

[How to create a pictogram icon]


[Index English]
[Index Nederlands]
[Index Português]

[ Canvascollectie-
What is relevant for the world today in Art?]

[Purpose and interactions]

[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]
[Nature photos-van Chapman]

[Nature paintings-van Chapman]
[ portraits by van Chapman]

[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
[Isolda page 2]

[Philosophic Community Project]
[Love or Belief ?]

[Love or Islam?]

[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Meditating on world events]

[How to create a pictogram icon]


-------- Original message --------
Subject: Hurricane Sandy came as an eye opener
From: Naturestudio <>
To: Naturestudio <>

Dear ones,
the hurricane Sandy came as an eye opener to America and the world as to whom is the most obvious candidate for the Presidency: Obama, who is investing the most on green energy to counter the global warming (which is producing such calamities), or Romney, who finds it scandalous to invest so much on green energy as Obama does. I hope Americans will see it before it is too late.

van Chapman
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Naturestudio officially a VZW since 2010,
a non-Governmental, non-profit organization

created to promote spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy.