www.naturestudio .net
Beliefs are many,
truth, love, is but one.

-Philosophic Community Projects

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?
van Chapman 

Reference from:
"Call to the Muslims of the World
from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

When the Prophet was in Mecca and he was still not powerful enough he
called for tolerance. He said "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6). This famous quote is often misused to prove that the
general principle of Qur'an is tolerance
Call to the Muslims of the World
from a Group of Freethinkers
and Humanists of Muslim Origins
Copied from    http://www.faithfreedom.org

Dear friends,
The tragic incidents of September 11 have shocked the world. It is
unthinkable that anyone could be so full of hate as to commit such
heinous acts and kill so many innocent people. We people of Muslim origin
are as much shaken as the rest of the world and yet we find ourselves
looked upon with suspicion and distrust by our neighbours and fellow
citizens. We want to cry out and tell the world that we are not
terrorists, and that those who perpetrate such despicable acts are
murderers and not part of us. But, in reality, because of our Muslim
origins we just cannot erase the "stigma of Islamic Terrorism" from our
What most Muslims will say: "Islam would never support the killing of
innocent people. Allah of the Holy Qur'an never advocated killings. This
is all the work of a few misguided individuals at the fringes of society.
The real Islam is sanctified from violence. We denounce all violence.
Islam means peace. Islam means tolerance."
That is what most Muslims think, but is it true? Does Islam really preach
peace, tolerance and non-violence?
The Muslims who perpetrate these crimes think differently.
They believe that what they do is Jihad (holy war).
They say that killing unbelievers is mandatory for every Muslim.
They do not kill because they wish to break the laws of Islam but because
they think this is what true Muslims should do. Those who blow-up their
own bodies to kill more innocent people do so because they think they
will be rewarded in Paradise. They hope to be blessed by Allah, eat
celestial food, drink pure wine and enjoy the company of divine consorts.
Are they completely misguided? Where did they get this distorted idea?
How did they come to believe that killing innocent people pleases God?
Or is it that we are misguided?
  Does really Islam preach violence? Does it
call upon its believers to kill non-believers?
We denounce those who commit acts of violence and call them extremists.
But are they really extremists or are they following what the holy book,
the Qur'an tells them to do?
What does the Qur'an teach? Have we read the Qur'an? Do we
know what kind of teachings are there? Let us go through some of them
and take a closer look at what Allah says.
What the Qur'an Teaches Us: We have used the most widely available
English text of the Qur'an and readers are welcome to verify our quotes
from the holy book. Please have an open mind and read through these
verses again and again. The following quotes are taken from the most
trusted Yusufali's translation of the Qur'an.
The Qur'an tells us: "not to make friendship with Jews and Christians"
(5:51), "kill the disbelievers wherever we find them" (2:191), "murder
them and treat them harshly" (9:123), "fight and slay the Pagans, seize
them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem" (9:5).
The Qur'an demands that we fight the unbelievers, and promises "If there
are twenty amongst you, you will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, you
will vanquish a thousand of them" (8:65) Allah and his messenger want us
to fight the Christians and the Jews "until they pay the Jizya [a penalty
tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules] with willing
submission, and feel themselves subdued (9:29). "
Allah and his messenger announce that it is acceptable to go back on our
promises (treaties) and obligations with Pagans and make war on them
whenever we find ourselves strong enough to do so (9:3). Our God tells us
to "fight the unbelievers" and "He will punish them by our hands, cover
them with shame and help us (to victory) over them" (9:14).
The Qur'an takes away the freedom of belief from all humanity and
relegates those who disbelieve in Islam to hell (5:10), calls them najis
(filthy, untouchable, impure) (9:28), and orders its followers to fight
the unbelievers until no other religion except Islam is left (2:193). It
says that the "non-believers will go to hell and will drink boiling
water" (14:17). It asks the Muslims to "slay or crucify or cut the hands
and feet of the unbelievers, that they be expelled from the land with
disgrace and that they shall have a great punishment in world hereafter"
(5:34). And tells us that "for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire
shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water
whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they
will be punished with hooked iron rods" (22:19-22) and that they not only
will have "disgrace in this life, but on the Day of Judgment He shall
make them taste the Penalty of burning (Fire)" (22:9).
The Qur'an says that "those who invoke a god other than Allah not only
should meet punishment in this world but the Penalty on the Day of
Judgment will be doubled to them, and they will dwell therein in
ignominy" (25:68). For those who "believe not in Allah and His Messenger,
He has prepared, for those who reject Allah, a Blazing Fire!" (48:13).
Although we are asked to be compassionate amongst each other, we have to
be "harsh with unbelievers", our Christian, Jewish and Atheist neighbours
and colleagues (48:29). As for him who does not believe in Islam, the
Prophet announces with a "stern command": "Seize ye him, and bind ye
him, And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire. Further, make him march in a
chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits! This was he that would not believe
in Allah Most High. And would not encourage the feeding of the indigent!
So no friend hath he here this Day. Nor hath he any food except the
corruption from the washing of wounds, Which none do eat but those in
sin." (69:30-37)
The Qur'an prohibits a Muslim from befriending a non-believer even if
that non-believer is the father or the brother of that Muslim (9:23),
(3:28). Our holy book asks us to be disobedient towards the disbelievers
and their governments and strive against the unbelievers with great
endeavour (25:52) and be stern with them because they belong to Hell
(66:9). The holy Prophet prescribes fighting for us and tells us that "it
is good for us even if we dislike it (2:216). Then he advises us to
"strike" off the heads of the disbelievers; and after making a "wide
slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives" (47:4).
Our God has promised to "instil terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers" and has ordered us to smite above their necks and smite all
their finger-tips off them (8:12). He also assures us that when we kill
in his name "it is not us who slay them but Allah, in order that He might
test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself" (8:17). He orders us
"to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies" (8:60). He has made the
Jihad mandatory and warns us that "Unless we go forth, (for Jihad) He
will punish us with a grievous penalty, and put others in our place
(9:39). Allah speaks to our Holy Prophet and says "O Prophet! strive hard
against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern against them.
Their abode is Hell - an evil refuge indeed " (9:73).
He promises us that in the fight for His cause whether we slay or are
slain we return to the garden of Paradise (9:111). In Paradise he will
"wed us with Houris (celestial virgins) pure beautiful ones" (56:54), and
unite us with large-eyed beautiful ones while we recline on our thrones
set in lines (56:20). There we are promised to eat and drink pleasantly
for what we did (56:19). He also promises "boys like hidden pearls"
(56:24) and "youth never altering in age like scattered pearls" (for
those who have paedophiliac inclinations) (76:19). As you see, Allah has
promised all sorts or rewards, gluttony and unlimited sex to Muslim men
who kill unbelievers in his name. We will be admitted to Paradise where
we shall find "goodly things, beautiful ones, pure ones confined to the
pavilions that man has not touched them before nor jinni" (56:67-71).
In the West we enjoy freedom of belief but we are not supposed to give
such freedom to anyone else because it is written: If anyone desires a
religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be
accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those
who have lost (All spiritual good) (3:85). And He orders us to fight them
on until there is no more tumult and faith in Allah is practiced
everywhere (8:39).
As for women the book of Allah says that they are inferior to men and
their husbands have the right to scourge them if they are found
disobedient (4:34). It advises to "take a green branch and beat your
wife", because a green branch is more flexible and hurts more.(38:44). It
teaches that women will go to hell if they are disobedient to their
husbands (66:10). It maintains that men have an advantage over the women
(2:228). It not only denies the women's equal right to their inheritance
(4:11-12), it also regards them as imbeciles and decrees that their
witness is not admissible in the courts of law (2:282). This means that a
woman who is raped cannot accuse her rapist unless she can produce a male
witness. Our Holy Prophet allows us to marry up to four wives and he
licensed us to sleep with our slave maids and as many 'captive' women as
we may have (4:3) even if those women are already married. He himself did
just that. This is why anytime a Muslim army subdues another nation, they
call them kafir and allow themselves to rape their women. Pakistani
soldiers allegedly raped up to 250,000 Bengali women in 1971 after they
massacred 3,000,000 unarmed civilians when their religious leader decreed
that Bangladeshis are un-Islamic. This is why the prison guards in
Islamic regime of Iran rape the women that in their opinion are apostates
prior to killing them, as they believe a virgin will not go to Hell.
Dear fellow Muslims: Is this the Islam you believe in? Is this your Most
Merciful, Most Compassionate Allah whom you worship daily? Could Allah
incite you to kill other peoples? Please understand that there is no
terrorist gene -but there could be a terrorist mindset. That mindset
finds its most fertile ground in the tenets of Islam. Denying it, and
presenting Islam to the lay public as a religion of peace similar to
Buddhism, is to suppress the truth. The history of Islam between the 7th
and 14th centuries is riddled with violence, fratricide and wars of
aggression, starting right from the death of the Prophet and during the
so-called 'pure' or orthodox caliphate. And Muhammad himself hoisted the
standard of killing, looting, massacres and bloodshed. How can we deny
the entire history? The behaviour of our Holy Prophet as recorded in
authentic Islamic sources is quite questionable from a modern viewpoint.
The Prophet was a charismatic man but he had few virtues. Imitating him
in all aspects of life (following the Sunnah) is both impossible and
dangerous in the 21st century. Why are we so helplessly in denial over
this simple issue?
When the Prophet was in Mecca and he was still not powerful enough he
called for tolerance. He said "To you be your religion, and to me my
religion" (109:6). This famous quote is often misused to prove that the
general principle of Qur'an is tolerance. He advised his follower to
speak good to their enemies (2: 83), exhorted them to be patient (20:103)
and said that there is no compulsion in religion (2:256). But that all
changed drastically when he came to power. Then killing and slaying
unbelievers with harshness and without mercy was justified in innumerable
verses. The verses quoted to prove Islam's tolerance ignore many other
verses that bear no trace of tolerance or forgiveness. Where is tolerance
in this well-known verse "Alarzu Lillah, Walhukmu Lillah." (The Earth
belongs to Allah and thus only Allah's rule should prevail all over the
Is it normal that a book revealed by God should have so many serious
contradictions? The Prophet himself set the example of unleashing
violence by invading the Jewish settlements, breaking treaties he had
signed with them and banishing some of them after confiscating their
belongings, massacring others and taking their wives and children as
slaves. He inspected the youngsters and massacred all those who had pubic
hair along with the men. Those who were younger he kept as slaves. He
distributed the women captured in his raids among his soldiers keeping
the prettiest for himself (33:50). He made sexual advances on Safiyah, a
Jewish girl on the same day he captured her town Kheibar and killed her
father, her husband and many of her relatives. Reyhana was another Jewish
girl of Bani Quriza whom he used as a sex slave after killing all her
male relatives. In the last ten years of his life he accumulated two
scores of wives, concubines and sex slaves including the 9 year old
Ayesha. These are not stories but records from authentic Islamic history
and the Hadiths. It can be argued that this kind of behaviour was not
unknown or unusual for the conquerors and leaders of the mediaeval world
but these are not the activities befitting of a peaceful saint and
certainly not someone who claimed to be the Mercy of God for all
creation. There were known assassinations of adversaries during the
Prophet's time, which he had knowledge of and had supported. Among them
there was a 120 year old man, Abu 'Afak whose only crime was to compose a
lyric satirical of the Prophet. (by Ibn Sa'd Kitab al Tabaqat al Kabir,
Volume 2, page 32) Then when a poetess, a mother of 5 small children
'Asma' Bint Marwan wrote a poetry cursing the Arabs for letting Muhammad
assassinate an old man, our Holy Prophet ordered her to be assassinated
too in the middle of the night while her youngest child was suckling from
her breast. (Sirat Rasul Allah (A. Guillaume's translation "The Life of
Muhammad") page 675, 676).
The Prophet did develop a 'Robin Hood' image that justified raiding
merchant caravans attacking cities and towns, killing people and looting
their belongings in the name of social justice. Usama Bin Laden is also
trying to create the same image. But Robin Hood didn't claim to be a
prophet or a pacifist nor did he care for apologist arguments. He did not
massacre innocent people indiscriminately nor did he profit by reducing
free people to slaves and then trading them.
With the known and documented violent legacy of Islam, how can we
suddenly rediscover it as a religion of peace in the free world in the
21st century? Isn't this the perpetuation of a lie by a few ambitious
leaders in order to gain political control of the huge and ignorant
Muslim population? They are creating a polished version of Islam by
completely ignoring history. They are propagating the same old dogma for
simple believing people in a crisp new modern package. Their aim: to gain
political power in today's high-tension world. They want to use the
confrontational power of the original Islam to catalyse new conflicts and
control new circles of power.
Dear conscientious Muslims, please question yourselves. Isn't this
compulsive following of a man who lived 1400 years ago leading us to doom
in a changing world? Do the followers of any other religion follow one
man in such an all-encompassing way? Who are we deceiving, them or
ourselves? Dear brothers and sisters, see how our Umma (people) has sunk
into poverty and how it lags behind the rest of the world. Isn't it
because we are following a religion that is outdated and impractical? In
this crucial moment of history, when a great catastrophe has befallen us
and a much bigger one is lying ahead, should not we wake up from our 1400
years of slumber and see where things have gone wrong?
-Hatred has filled the air and the world is bracing itself for its
doomsday. Should we not ask ourselves whether we have contributed,
wittingly or unwittingly, to this tragedy and whether we can stop the
great disaster from happening?
Unfortunately the answer to the first question is yes. Yes we have
contributed to the rise of fundamentalism by merely claiming Islam is a
religion of peace, by simply being a Muslim and by saying our shahada
(testimony that Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his messenger). By
our shahada we have recognized Muhammad as a true messenger of God and
his book as the words of God. But as you saw above those words are
anything but from God. They call for killing, they are prescriptions for
hate and they foment intolerance. And when the ignorant among us read
those hate-laden verses, they act on them and the result is the infamous
September 11, human bombs in Israel, massacres in East Timor and
Bangladesh, kidnappings and killings in the Philippines, slavery in the
Sudan, honour killings in Pakistan and Jordan, torture in Iran, stoning
and maiming in Afghanistan and Iran, violence in Algeria, terrorism in
Palestine and misery and death in every Islamic country. We are
responsible because we endorse Islam and hail it as a religion of God.
And we are as guilty as those who put into practice what the Qur'an
preaches - and ironically we are the main victims too. If we are not
terrorists, if we love peace, if we cried with the rest of the word for
what happened in New York, then why are we supporting the Qur'an that
preaches killing, that advocates holy war, that calls for the murder of
non-Muslims? It is not the extremists who have misunderstood Islam. They
do literally what the Qur'an asks them to do. It is we who misunderstand
Islam. We are the ones who are confused. We are the ones who wrongly
assume that Islam is the religion of peace. Islam is not a religion of
peace. In its so-called "pure" form it can very well be interpreted as a
doctrine of hate. Terrorists are doing just that and we the intellectual
apologists of Islam are justifying it. We can stop this madness. Yes, we
can avert the disaster that is hovering over our heads. Yes, we can
denounce the doctrines that promote hate. Yes, we can embrace the rest of
humanity with love. Yes, we can become part of a united world, members of
one human family, flowers of one garden. We can dump the claim of
infallibility of our Book, and the questionable legacy of our Prophet.
Dear friends, there is no time to waste. Let us put an end to this lie.
Let us not fool ourselves. Islam is not a religion of peace, of
tolerance, of equality or of unity of humankind. Let us read the Qur'an.
Let us face the truth even if it is painful. As long as we keep this lie
alive, as long as we hide our head in the sands of Arabia we are feeding
terrorism. As long as you and I keep calling Qur'an the unchangeable book
of God, we cannot blame those who follow the teachings therein. As long
as we pay our Khums and Zakat our money goes to promote Islamic
expansionism and that means terrorism, Jihad and war. Islam divides the
world in two. Darul Harb (land of war) and Darul Islam (land of Islam).
Darul Harb is the land of the infidels, Muslims are required to
infiltrate those lands, proselytise and procreate until their numbers
increase and then start the war and fight and kill the people and impose
the religion of Islam on them and convert that land into Darul Islam. In
all fairness we denounce this betrayal. This is abuse of the trust. How
can we make war in the countries that have sheltered us? How can we kill
those who have befriended us? Yet willingly or unwillingly we have become
pawns in this Islamic Imperialism. Let us see what great Islamic scholars
have had to say in this respect.
Dr. M. Khan the translator of Sahih Bukhari and the Qur'an into English
wrote: "Allah revealed in Sura Bara'at (Repentance, IX) the order to
discard (all) obligations (covenants, etc), and commanded the Muslims to
fight against all the Pagans as well as against the people of the
Scriptures (Jews and Christians) if they do not embrace Islam, till they
pay the Jizia (a tax levied on the Jews and Christians) with willing
submission and feel themselves subdued (as it is revealed in 9:29). So
the Muslims were not permitted to abandon the fighting against them
(Pagans, Jews and Christians) and to reconcile with them and to suspend
hostilities against them for an unlimited period while they are strong
and have the ability to fight against them. So at first the fighting was
forbidden, then it was permitted, and after that it was made obligatory"
[Introduction to English translation of Sahih Bukhari, p.xxiv.]
Dr. Sobhy as-Saleh, a contemporary Islamic academician quoted Imam Suyuti
the author of Itqan Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an who wrote: "The command to fight
the infidels was delayed until the Muslims become strong, but when they
were weak they were commanded to endure and be patient". [ Sobhy
as_Saleh, Mabaheth Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an, Dar al-'Ilm Lel-Malayeen, Beirut,
1983, p. 269.] Dr. Sobhy, in a footnote, commends the opinion of a
scholar named Zarkashi who said: "Allah the most high and wise revealed
to Mohammad in his weak condition what suited the situation, because of
his mercy to him and his followers. For if He gave them the command to
fight while they were weak it would have been embarrassing and most
difficult, but when the most high made Islam victorious He commanded him
with what suited the situation, that is asking the people of the Book to
become Muslims or to pay the levied tax, and the infidels to become
Muslims or face death. These two options, to fight or to have peace
return according to the strength or the weakness of the Muslims." [ibid
p. 270] Other Islamic scholars (Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, Ga'far ar-Razi, Rabi' Ibn
'Ons, 'Abil-'Aliyah, Abd ar-Rahman Ibn Zayd Ibn 'Aslam, etc.) agree that
the verse "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (9:5) cancelled
those few earlier verses that called for tolerance in the Qur'an and were
revealed when Islam was weak. Can you still say that Islam is the
religion of peace? We propose a solution.
We know too well that it is not easy to denounce our faith because it
means denouncing a part of ourselves. We are a group of freethinkers and
humanists with Islamic roots. Discovering the truth and leaving the
religion of our fathers and forefathers was a painful experience. But
after learning what Islam stands for we had no choice but to leave it.
After becoming familiar with the Qur'an the choice became clear: It is
either Islam or humanity. If Islam thrives, then humanity will die. We
decided to side with humanity. Culturally we are still Muslims but we no
longer believe in Islam as the true religion of God. We are humanists. We
love humanity. We work for the unity of humankind. We work for equality
between men and women. We strive for the secularisation of Islamic
countries, for democracy and freedom of thought, belief and expression.
We decided to live no longer in self-deception but to embrace humanity,
and to enter into the new millennium hand in hand with people of other
cultures and beliefs in amity and in peace.
We denounce the violence that is eulogized in the Qur'an as holy war
(Jihad). We condemn killing in the name of God. We believe in the
sanctity of human life, not in the inviolability of beliefs and
religions. We invite you to join us and the rest of humanity and become
part of the family of humankind - in love, camaraderie and peace.
Copied from    http://www.faithfreedom.org


True angels destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

PROJECT Philosophic Community
.WORLD News.
Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide.
This is good. But do they question the tyranny in their prophet or Koran??
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves alone but also innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.


Hate is the false prophet,
love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which
has been won
by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding
between all people.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).

If by 'enemy' in the Koran it is meant  those who say: quote  Luke 6:[27]: " Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."), then atheists, Christians, or Hindus or Buddhists who will not kill another for a difference of belief, nor even a sheep, if they are vegetarians,  then Mohammed's  version of God is unacceptable and he, is a false prophet..

As I Krishnamurti said, the God of a Petty mind is a petty God.

van Chapman       
Philosophic Community Projects

The best wishes to all. ABOUT UNQUESTIONABILITY

Violence is a most stupid argument. A Philosopher does not consider belief or unbelief a problem.
No reason not to be a friend of, or to kill someone.

Spiritual teachings pre-existed Abraham tradition and the streams of Monotheism.

This idea of a God who sends anyone to hell is badly told story.
It is hate itself what creates all spiritual hell for ourselves and in this world. The God who has no mercy, no understanding but hate before human ignorance, is a mere projection of our own ego and pride of power, of  idolatry of and subservience to our own human arrogance.

From the ancient times of civilization, the wisdom of Lao Tzu ( (604 - 531 BC ), of Buddha (around 563 BC- 483 BC), of Socrates (460-429 BC), previous to  Judaism, Catholicism or the Islam, all  have shown that simple awareness (in particular spiritual self awareness), not subjugating power, brings out the potential understanding and natural order to the mind and relationships.
Questions may be the very way to tap within for spiritual self awareness, all knowledge and self knowledge.

The repression of questioning leads to fanaticism and tyranny. The moment you create an unquestionable authority you also create hell.
The so called 'holy' wars, have nothing of holy, from the point of view of love and intelligence.
This is the tragic comedy of unreasoning, unquestioning beliefs:
All opposing parties at war, while sending each other literally to hell, in the slaughter, consider themselves the heroes, the martyrs who will go to heaven.
Is unquestioning, indiscriminate submission, convenient for the world today? Has it ever been?

Abraham's willingness not to question, but to kill even his own son, out obedience to whom he considered God,  is revered in all ramifications of this Monotheistic tradition.
Abraham has set out the example of the way of relationship of blind obedience, even in a crime, to religious authority.
To have faith in an ultimate justice is good, but can there be justice without love, without spiritual discernment??

This lack of discrimination venerated until today as sacred, combined with different interpretations and ramifications belief,  have caused the most absurd and horrificc violent, injustices and crimes in human history: those committed and justified in name of God.

Since then, distancing itself from the compassion and understanding of the Spirituality or Eternal philosophy; systems of Belief 
crumble now before those who have eyes to see, when the fruits of pride of power and the blind submission (even in a crime), come to the light: the never ending bloodbaths in the Middle East and Africa we see on TV (here also on Canvas TV)  these times.

Little has humanity learned from its bloody history because horrors have even been justified by these Monotheistic religions
throwing people against each other in a war for etnical divergencies, a difference of belief or interpretation.

As I said before, to project our prejudices on others or on what is, and want no discussion, is the main cause of disruption in any relationship, the source of all darkness, all hopeless conflicts in relationships.

Abraham could have stopped and asked himself  if he could trust anyone or any spirit as just and good, who would order him to murder anyone, in particularly, an innocent child. Then history would have perhaps had a much better turn.

But it is never too late. The future starts now and it starts with you.

Before true peace and understanding can reign between any of us, there must be a revolution, as said Krishnamurti, which is truly intelligent. As solving of differences peacefully, through meditation, awareness and dialogue, not mentally or physically as brute dinosaurs.

Only through the consciousness of love one can see the beauty of Nature and  the ugliness and stupidity of vanity, of greed, arrogance, also in the animals, which to the immature mind is so 'cool'.

Only love is just and no prophet and guru, savior,  holy book or anyone one has beaten love yet.

van Chapman,
Philosophic Community Projects

Philosophic Community Project

Dear King Albert, I recommend this beautiful text about the
‘Persian’ King Cyrus of 2500 years ago, as an example of
what justice and wisdom can be in a part of the world
now so much influenced by religious fascism (Iran).

Iran 2500 years ago and today
quote from  www.faithfreedom.org :
The first Charter of Human Rights written 2500 years ago

‘’I am Kourosh (Cyrus), great king,…Now that I put the crown of the kingdom of Iran,
Babylon, and the nations of the four directions on the head with the help of Ahura,
I announce that I will respect the traditions, customs and religions of the nations
of my empire and never let any of my governors and subordinates look down on
or insult them while I am alive. …I will impose my monarchy on no nation.
Each is free to accept it, and if any one of them rejects it, I never resolve on war to reign.
While I am the king…I will never let anyone oppress others,… I will never let anyone
take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force or without
compensation. While I am alive, I will prevent unpaid, forced labour. Today,
I announce that everyone is free to choose a religion.…
No one could be penalised for his or her relatives' faults…Cyrus the Great".
(Source: www.faithfreedom.org)

AND in our time, (1981) . . . Khomeini's speech on the day of celebration of
the birth of Muhammad . . .
The real Day of God is the day that Amir al mo’menin drew his sword and
slaughtered all the khavarej and killed them from the first to the last.
The Days of God are when Allah, the gracious, the almighty, causes an earthquake
.It is when He slaps on the face.It is when he causes a hurricane.He whips this people
to become humans. If the Amir al mo’menin wanted to be tolerant, he would not have
drawn his sword killing 700 people in one go.
In our prisons we have more of the same kind of people who are corrupt.
If we do not kill them, each one of them that gets out, will become a murderer!
They don’t become humans.
Why do you Mullahs only go after the ordinances of prayer and fasting?
Why do you only read the Quranic verses of mercy and do not read the verses of killing?
Quran says; kill, imprison! Why are you only clinging to the part that talks about mercy?
Mercy is against God.
Mehrab means the place of war, the place of fighting. Out of the mehrabs,
wars should proceed, Just as all the wars of Islam used to proceeded out of the mehrabs.
The prophet has [had] sword to kill people..
Our [Holy] Imams were quite military men. All of them were warriors.
They used to wield swords; they used to kill people.
We need a Khalifa who would chop hands, cut throat, stone people
In the same way that the messenger of God used to chop hands, cut throats,
and stone people.In the same way that he massacred the Jews of Bani Qurayza
because they were a bunch of discontent people.
If the Prophet used to order to burn a house or exterminate a tribe that was justice.
The lives of people must be secured through punishment.
Because, the protection of the masses lies beneath these very punitive executions.
With just a few years of imprisonment things don’t get fixed.
You must put aside these childish sentimentalism.
We believe that the accused essentially does not have to be tried.
He or she must just be killed
. Only their identity is to be established and then they should be killed."
(Source: www.faithfreedom.org)
Khomeini's speech on the day of celebration of the birth of Muhammad . . .

Philosophic Community Project
(van Chapman - www.naturestudio.net)

  Love is timeless.- In timelessness all humans are equal.
Only in time we may differ.

All people are essentially equal, as in fact all conscious life is equal,
since any consciousness in a creature is just consciousness.
Only the objects of consciousness
can infinitely differ from each other.

In the same way, thought is just thought,
no matter how many things it is thinking..
Only the objects of thought can differ, infinitely, from each other.

All human consciousness consists of the same elements:
an element of awareness, of love, and an element of thought, of ego.

Love is a form of consciousness, as consciousness is a form of love,
but though thought forms may arise from love,
thought forms themselves are not necessarily
forms of consciousness, nor forms of love,
for they may cause illusion and separation and darkness
rather than awareness, union and light.

Human consciousness consists of the same elements
in one degree or another: consciousness and thought,
(love and ego). It is only the proportion of these in people.
in time, which may differ.

In a given moment, one might manifest more or less clear awareness.
more or less prejudice, false or unclear thought.

The personality or ego is a thought form.
Even our physical form is a materialization of our personality,
of our thought forms.
What we call egoism is not consciousness but a reaction
of a thought form, like the reflection of an unclear mirror.

Though we can differ infinitely from each other in thoughts,
in ideas about what is and in beliefs,
in awareness we are one.
Beliefs are many, love is one.

Because thought forms may differ infinitely,
so long as we see our identity as being the form,
the ego, the nationality, the religion,
we will be in conflict with other beings, other life forms,
with people of other nationalities, other religions.

The universe is the subject and the object in itself.

When the object of consciousness is consciousness itself,
it reaches peace within itself and in relation to the
other consciousness in the universe,
which are all part of its higher self.

van Chapman www.naturestudio.net

Wisdom is not kill destroy evil men ,
  but the falseness and the evil in them.
The greatest enemy of man is his own proud arrogance
or pride and love of power,
and it is not through military victory over others
but through self awareness
that victory over ourselves is won.

Philosophic Community
What I try to say to this Muslim,
(even when he denies all evident violence in his holy book)
is this:
One does not clear someone's consciousness,
nor brings order to someone's thoughts
by cutting off his head.


In a film "The Other Israel" http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xkgn49_the-other-israel-ted-pike-full-video_news#rel-page-1   presented by an American Christian preacher, it is shown how Judaism has tried to dominate the World to this day.

This priest, in a Christian  unquestioning biased view, typical of the tradition of Abraham, overlooked the fact that the Biblical Jesus was contradicting his own command 'Love your enemies' when he considered Jewish  Pharisees as less than human, and ordered them to be killed.
Luke 6:[27] "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.)

He shows that though perversions such as child sex abuse were justified by Rabbis in the Jewish Talmud, in the unquestioning biased  view typical of the tradition of Abraham they taught that those who are not Jewish, called Gentiles, (also Christians), were perverse, should be deprived of all property and all rights, treated in court not as equal to Jews but as less than human and that they may kill them though indirectly.

But this American Christian did not show that the Islam itself  in the same unquestioning biased view of the tradition of Abraham, tries to dominate the world, with contradicting commands about religious tolerance, telling Muslims in the Koran to consider non Muslims as less than Muslims not to befriend and even to kill Jews and Christians, at the time of its prophet.

True philosophers, as saints or holy sages, would never convert humans through the sword, but bring about enlightenment and understanding through honesty, clarity, insight and an intelligent dialogue.

NOTESThe tragic comedy of unreasoning, unquestioning beliefs, is that all opposing parties consider themselves to be the heroes, the martyrs  and who send each other literally to hell, in the slaugter of the so called 'holy' wars, which have nothing of holy,  from the point of view of love and intelligence.

Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92). If by enemy in the Koran it is meant non Muslims, those who say LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, Luke 6:[27] " Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.", if by enemy in the Koran it is meant nonbelievers, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists or anyone who is so compassionate he will not kill another for a difference of belief, or even a sheep, if they are vegetarians, then the Koran is unacceptable, and Mohammed is not a saint but a false prophet.  

The Bible, especially the Old Testament, is filled with numerous stories of animal and human sacrifice.  God, we are told, likes the pleasing aroma of burning flesh.  Animal sacrifice is much more common than human sacrifice, but both occur and are "pleasing to the Lord":

http://www.evilbible.com/Ritual_Human_Sacrifice.htm   Quote :  The Bible, especially the Old Testament, is filled with numerous stories of animal and human sacrifice.  God, we are told, likes the pleasing aroma of burning flesh.  Animal sacrifice is much more common than human sacrifice, but both occur and are "pleasing to the Lord".
    Genesis, the first book of the Bible, has Abraham preparing to sacrifice his son to God.  "Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah.  Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you."  (Genesis 22:1-18)  Abraham takes his own son up on a mountain and builds an altar upon which to burn him.  He even lies to his son and has him help build the altar.  Then Abraham ties his son to the altar and puts a knife to his throat.  He then hears God tell him this was just a test of his faith.  However, God still wanted to smell some burnt flesh so he tells Abraham to burn a ram.
    Even though he didn't kill his son, it is still an incredibly cruel and evil thing to do.  If Abraham did that today he would be in jail serving a long sentence as someone's prison-bitch.  It amazes me how Christians see this story as a sign of God's love.  There is no love here, just pure unadulterated evil." End Quote


Violence is a most stupid argument.
A Philosopher does not consider belief or unbelief a problem.
No reason not to be a friend of, or to kill someone.
True philosophers, as saints or holy sages,
would never convert humans through the sword,
but bring about enlightenment and understanding
through honesty, clarity, insight and an intelligent dialogue.


For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
Here is one refference:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins", (http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/call_to_muslims.htm )
(Please check the references I give.

He, abusing of his power, ordered terror killing of others  
sometimes for the same things he did, and justified himself to do.

Mohammed called  unbelievers (the non -Muslims), hypocrites.
Even though having said that there is no compulsion in religion,
Mohammed ordered that those who disbelieved him be killed.

Unbelievers are not the hypocrites,
if all they want is to see the truth.

What chance have you to see anything, if you may not question, but must believe?

(You might never have chosen to be a Muslim;
yet the penalty for leaving the Islam is the death penalty!)

Not hypocrisy?

So the Prophet makes you submit to a belief that contradicts itself, therefore
perpetuating division, not only between its believers and the rest of the world, but among its own believers.

Is this wisdom, to demand of anyone, not to speak the whole world,
to submit to a contradiction in name of God, or die?

True fathers and mothers and teachers enlighten,
kill the ignorance, not the unbeliever.

What teacher would kill his student if he did not understand?

I would say one who has to be put in prison!

What true person, not to speak of a prophet, would wage a war
against sincere questioning?
Would wage a war on understanding;
thus on love, on justice, on the truth?

What true prophet would perpetuate hate of anyone
in name of God?

Perpetuate war in name of peace?

for the sake of unquestioning authority,
and call it Holy?

-Philosophic Community Projects -

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.




Best wishes for all
Do you want to re-establish it,
perpetuate medieval brutality
in name of Wisdom?

Dear believer, do you really not see the nonsense
of saying this, in name of compassion?

'kill unbelievers wherever you find them'?
How can a religion that started with looting enslaving, men-slaughter, 
and continues with men-slaughter enslaving looting in name of God make any sense?

Rather than 'kill unbelievers wherever you find them',
kill falsehood wherever you find-
even in your holy books!

-What good is to have all the power in the world,
even omnipotence, and have no love?

Philosophic Community Project-
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.




14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
did not consider God a father
because they ruled not with uplifting,
enlightening love,
but wih a damning iron heart,
which killed the ignorant,
and not the ignorance!

Surelly God's Word need urgent updating…

One cannot force love or clarity by violence,
by violent beliefs!
it comes of its own
through awareness; not desire.
This understanding is shared
between true people of peace, like Gandhi.
Should they who thirst and hunger for justice;
the peace makers, be forced by Allah
to convert to Islam and its cold blooded killings
and bloody jihad?
I do not think so.
-Philosophic Community Project-
True angels destroy not men,but the falseness in them.
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.


Over the spirit and the letter:
You may share the wisdom of your books,
not as a sword to subjugate me,
but as an open window,
that I may gaze in its spirit and soul.
Tie me not to a letter or book
for men or time can corrupt them.
True love does not change-
all else does...
By any name I would recognize my love,
So, tie me not to a name.

And even if night falls and all names fade away
as the sound of a wave of the sea,
still my love is with me,
in me, never far,
and even as part of myself,
as I see our pure love
is one.


-Philosophic Community Project-
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.



14 Oct. 2014
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?

14 Oct. 2014

14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
did not consider God a father
because they ruled not with uplifting,
enlightening love,
but wih a damning iron heart,
which killed the ignorant,
and not the ignorance!

Surelly God's Word need urgent updating…

Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?

Pride of power is an evil illusion.
To have a deadly weapon
does not make you just or true.

The truth is that having power
but no sincerity or love as a rule,
anyone can do that:try to hijack you,
create a belief even in God's name,
and tell you: believe me or die!
believe me, or yoyu will go to hell!

And to do this is evil.
As J. Krishnamurti understood,
violence and fear destroy love.

What has violating, raping, hijacking,
enslaving, to do with love?
what good will that do?

It will not win your heart.

Your spirit is free.
No one can violate your consciousness
unless you allow fear to dominate it.

No one can force you commit this violence,
upon others unless you allow yourself to be heartless.
Love and clarity are not won through threat and fear.
through opression or imposition of belief
but to revelationof truth!.

One cannot force love or clarity to come
when we desire.
One cannot force love or clarity by violence,
by violent beliefs!
it comes of its own
when there is awareness;
not desire.

This understanding is shared
between true people of peace, like Gandhi.
Should they who thirst and hunger for justice
should they, the peace makers,be forced by Allah
to convert to Islam and its cold blooded killings
and bloody jihad?
I do not think so.

Rather than kill unbelievers wherever you find them,
kill falsehood wherever you find- even in your holy books!


-Philosophic Community Project-
True angels destroy not men,but the falseness in them.

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.



Krishnamurti once said: :"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"

There have been wise men throughout history, like him, and  Lao Tzu, Buddha, who warned against indiscriminate, unquestioning following, even of themselves.

If we humans descend from the apes,
or if our ancestors came from barbarians,
(even if at the time, they were less barbarians than most,)
should we venerate them, today and imitate their behaviour,
even in their slaughter?

Let me be honest with you,
because a Muslim who is trying to seduce you
to his "religion of Peace will not:

In a Islamic State, you may not have chosen the Islam
if you were born in a Muslim family.
but the punishment for leaving Islam is the death sentence!

The Koran contradicts itself in this, saying there is no compulsion in religion.
So what is true?

If diametrically opposite commands like these can co-exist
in their Koran or other Islamic teachings,
there is cause for bloody conflict in the teachings themselves.
Muslims are divided in this issue. Is this their fault?
No. But they may not blame the religion.

Mohammed, as Moses before him,
have killed for a criticism. say the Jewish and Muslim sources.

Muslims are taught to fear and not to question Islam or go to hell.
More literally, to send each other to hell if they are infidels.
From what I read, this is exactly what is happening since the death of Mohammed. Muslims are killing even each other in name of the same God, over a difference of belief. And that is not intelligent, is it?
Such is the belief of the Muslims, but not as they see it, because they may not be self critical of the Islam.

For those who do not know,
(read Mohammed's original history).
Polygamy was fine (for men only),
even paedophilia for himself.
But love was not, towards non-Muslims.
False friendship to non Muslims,
for convenience, that was allowed.

Krishnamurti once said: : "How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"
There have been wise men throughout history, like him Lao Tzu, Buddha, who warned against indiscriminate, unquestioning following, even of themselves.

That is why, in Islam, lying (takia),is accepted,
in defence of Muslims.
So, for the Islam, deception was permitted,
chopping heads, mutilating, crucifying.

Stoning someone to death, for adultery was fine
But for a Muslim to kill a husband and take his wife,
in Jihad for Islam is still better.
Is it not worse than adultery, killing a husband
to take his wife as a sex slave? Or to sell her as slave?
Questioning Mohammed's authority was not permitted.
Lying and killing is a sin in Islam.
Just not against non-Muslims?

Robbing, slavery, human trade,
was accepted to Muslims in jihad by Mohammed,
but not poetry, not music, not wine
not questioning (of him).
Not  sincerity.

Who, for goodness' sake,
would  kill and lie in the name of God ? 

One neither lie nor kill to defend the truth.

Who would need to kill and lie in defence of the truth?

Jihad that lies and kills
is defending  beliefs, believers, not the truth.

What do they defend themselves from?
  the truth? I wonder...

The light unveils, not veils what is.


Phobia means fear. irrational fear - 
I neither fear nor hate Muslims.
Muslims learn to fear Islam: believe or die!
They are the Islamophobes, not I.

I would not kill someone for their belief.
But I would try to reason
with Mohammed and his God, if they could hear:

What if I said:"-You are free to love me or not",
that would be loving, fair.
But if I said: "-Love me or I will kill you", or:
"-If you leave me and I will kill you",
what for a person would I be? A  beast?
What does that have to do with the Most Graceful?
1- "There is no compulsion in religion."
2- "No other religion other than Islam will be allowed."
3 -"The punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty."

What has possessiveness to do with wisdom and love?

I am free to see what I see.
If I must believe it makes sense when it does not,
and I will be killed, the fundamentals of Islam violate
a fundamental right of consciousness to see for itself!


Philosophic Community Project

Search Results
Here an example of some brave people who did just that:
J Krishnamurti    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iY04wsNmYs.

A film sent out on TV  about someone whose brother was a terrorist,
the witty pro -ISIS preacher (Anjem Choudary who has been later arrested),
jokes that brain washing of Islam could be cleaning  the brain.
The cynicism of those who preach this is stamped on their face!
The truth is, that what is called 'impurity",
from the Islamic dictatorial perspective is to exercise critical awareness.
Consciousness itself is an impurity.

True intelligence is not being sly and cunning.
there is no intelligence without sensibility.
Sensibility to read other's soul,
to sense when there is or there is no love;
when someone tells or not the truth.
Women are usually quite good at this.
Could that be why so many men (like St. Paul )
have tried to silence them?

According to psychologists, Here in the West,
the most probable candidates to adopt Islamic State terrorism
are the socially oppressed or marginalized members of a society.

Islam provides them a community sense of belonging, 
a boost to their self-esteem, a cause to fight,
but unfortunately also a false sense of superiority,
a false sense of power of life and death over people,
what changes them from religious, to criminals.

From Dialogue with a Muslim
(Hamza Yusuf)

From Dialogue with a Muslim -Thanks I have been touched by the kindness of this man. Here is what I wrote to him on You tube:
Dear Hamza Yusuf, let me thank you for your kindness and sincerity of your heart. You would like to believe in a Islam where God is love, like all good people do. Though your Koran prohibits you to befriend them, except for convenience, you express here a true Christian and true human heart.
Whatever Mohammed taught in name of Allah, or anyone taught in name of God, had I to chose between a iron-hearted doctrine belief of God and even one human true love, I should not hesitate.
For that, in an Islamic State I might be killed.

If the penalty to leave islam may be a death sentence,
then Islam is a enslaver of humanity.

If the Islam contradicts itself in this, saying there is no compulsion in religion, Islam will divide brothers against brothers to kill each other as unbelievers, for as long as we allow it to rule above justice and our good sense:

To teach to destroy, not sin, but sinners, is that wisdom?

To convert others, in God's name, not by wisdom but the sword,
is not the way to paradise, but a curse unto itself.

If a law contradicts love, it is not of justice.

If a word contradicts itself, it says nothing.

What good is to to win a heartless eternal belief in God
and lose the justice of love of our heart?

  You might like to read works by : J Krishnamurti

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!


and:  EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJo4B-yaxfk
Philosophic Community Project
True angels destroy not evil people, but the evil in them.

Oct 1   2014
Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh34Xsq7D_A

Slavery has been abolished from the American Constitution.
Can you abolish it from the teachings of the Koran and its prophet??

Slavery can never be abolished in a religion that orders to kills someone for leaving it for another religion.
If this is Islam, and you a Muslim, you are a slave.
You are not a human possessing a belief, but a human possessed by a belief.
A belief, which is inhumanly cruel in its warfare and executions.
You may not punish a crime with another crime or a worse crime,
or you are a criminal as well.
So, if a religion is forcing you to be a criminal, it may not even be called as such, as a religion any more!

If your religion teaches 'there is no compulsion in religion' and that 'No religion will be accepted other than the Islam' You have a religion that divides not only its own believers, but its believers and the world.

  So you have to follow your consciousness heart intelligence humanity or the Islam- you cannot follow both.

Dear Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Let me thank you for your enlightenment, the only peaceful solution for the problem Islam- brave honesty! Thanks also to Douglas Murray and all who organized and participated in this debate!
Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh34Xsq7D_A
Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman



30 Sept 2014
G answers : Thanks for telling me what you think. Help me understand you. You said you do not hate religions but the religious people.  Let me give you my point of view. Then you can tell me if you  disagree and why. Does Bigotry  mean one sees the contradiction in the other's belief but not in our own? Are all apologetics of a religion bigots? I might agree with you if you said that many are, still I disagree with you that you have to hate them for it.
I see their stubbornness of belief as a challenge,
A challenge  cannot meet intelligently if I hate them.

( Or if I kill them, which is exactly the weakness of their belief, their ideas of God.)

If you can get them to see it that they are forced by their own prophets or Gods to commit bigotry,
they will have to admit their hypocrisy, at least in their own Consciousness.

Then it is a matter of what they value the most and what they want to follow:
their Consciousness of their Bigotry-creating beliefs.

In a debate between apologetics of any branch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, however brilliant they were in attacking their opponents, until now, I do not remember seeing anyone really honest in criticising their own religious books or beliefs. this is Bigotry.

Can they can glance upon a debate with the eyes of a child without a prejudice, to really see this truth?
So could it be, ironically, that the only ones who can see this, are the impartial ones, the rational or sceptics they would call unbelievers?
Can we look with a mind  and heart that has not been hijacked by any ego trip or any belief?

How can you be true if you are threatened with hell or death if you do not believe?
Whoever will win the world shall lose it. And the wise who say this( like Lao Tzu and Buddha and J Krishnamurti ) do not claim to be an authority- they simply try to make sense and tell you only to follow not them, but what makes sense-
Once I wrote to the European Parliament: "Love is the truth". "A belief is what one thinks the truth to be." I mean love for beings, not for beliefs above human beings, which is the pledge of extremists.

Religions are thought processes. True love is not a thought process. I mean true love, which comes upon you and you cannot force it to come.
Love is or it is not in you. Like a fact purely natural, uncreated.
When it is in you, you have a light to clear the mind from false thought.

See their contradictions and you are saved from the hypocrisy
of having to justify your belief no matter what costs you or others.
No matter even if it costs us the truth!
They are not love but thought processes,
those beliefs that threaten to kill you if you do not believe
or make you kill others if they do not believe !!

To kill the ignorant, instead of his ignorance, is that Wisdom?
Is that Omnipotence? Or is it ignorance in name of Allah, in name of God?

Understanding kills the evil in someone and the evil person is no more !

Hate is the false prophet. Unmask it and you will get rid of it!
Then we see that Love itself and no one else is the true Master!

According to many Jews Christians, and Muslims God (a Male?)
said men have to be leaders over women.
Yet it seems to me they do not see themselves their contradictions or those of their words of God, because they want to lead.

Truth has nothing to do with leadership of man or women- but with self-awareness.
By chance, does one have to have a beard to say the truth?

Again, could it be, ironically, that exactly the 'unbelievers, without the prejudice of a belief, could just be those who see the truth, that believers do not want to see?

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman


Thanks Obama! Also for you, love is greater than belief!

UN General Assembly-Briefing John.Kerry 24/9/ 2014
Barack Obama -"For fighting violent extremism requires a broad coalition of nations willing to stand up for their citizens, and unite against those who seek to "divide us among fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion." from a briefing by John Kerry U.S. Department of State.

Commentary: The world will only really win this war through  fearless honesty to see our own faults, the faults in our own beliefs, traditions, not only those of others...
Philosophic Community Project

24/9/ 2014

Below a briefing by John Kerry U.S. Department of State:

Good afternoon,
Each and every year, the world's leaders gather in New York for a session of the United Nations General Assembly. Earlier today, President Obama spoke to them directly in an address that warrants the attention not only of those leaders, but of all Americans. It was clear, candid, and compelling. The President talked about the world as it is, and the world as we all hope it can be.

The President said that, for all the hard-won progress we see in the world, there is also what he today called a "pervasive unease."

A deadly Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa, Russian aggression in Ukraine, and the group of medieval murdering terrorists known as ISIL, which, left unchecked, could pose a growing threat beyond the region -- including our homeland.

So when President Obama addressed the leaders of more than 140 nations this morning, he posed two fundamental questions that will help define both the world's future and our own: Can the major powers set aside their differences and meet their responsibilities as leaders? And can the world reject the cancer of violent extremism?

The President knows the answer is yes -- if we make it so. The way he answers these questions is an important illustration of the principles we stand for as Americans, and a window into the future we look to help build. See what he had to say.

He described the compelling need for a global response to global issues. For fighting violent extremism requires a broad coalition of nations willing to stand up for their citizens, and unite against those who seek to "divide us among fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion."

Defeating this extremism means defeating its false promise, instead embracing the real promise we see in the Middle East: investing in civil society and in the groups and people who are rejecting hate and division in favor of peace and tolerance.

In the past 20 months, I've traveled more than 550,000 miles through 55 countries. I have touched down in Iraq and Jeddah to focus on defeating the threat that ISIL poses. I've flown to Kiev and stood in the Maidan to reaffirm our commitment to supporting Ukraine's efforts to shape their own future and make their democracy a success. I've worked with the leaders of Afghanistan to help secure the gains for which so many Americans have sacrificed so much over the past 13 years.

From Kabul to Cairo and Beijing to Juba, here's what I can tell you: The world's nations have more in common than sometimes we realize -- particularly at a time when every turn seems to present a new danger. Everywhere I’ve gone, no matter how precarious the society or volatile the situation, I have seen the "longing for positive change" that our President spoke of today.

The United States, he said, "will never shy away from the promise of this institution, and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- the notion that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of a better life."

Nearly six years into his presidency, President Barack Obama is as committed as ever to the potential of that promise to light the world. And he’s right. And that is precisely why we are taking action against immediate threats wherever they threaten our security at the same time we work towards a world in which those threats will one day be replaced by opportunity.

This is a speech you need to hear from the President himself. Watch the whole thing below, and please make sure you pass it along to someone else who needs to see it.

Onwards, John Secretary John Kerry
Department of State

Does loyalty equals turning a blind eye to one's own contradictions and shortcomings, to those of ourselves or our friends, our presidents, gurus or prophets?
Does self defence justify our double standards or doubble faces?

What does self defence has to do with philosophy, wisdom or truth?

And to this they call self defence.

New discussions.
Follow on



Philosophic Community Projects -

True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Good day Secretary Duncan.
Thanks for your invitation to share our meaning on what we suggest is most important in the education of people worldwide!   I will publish this letter to you on naturestidio.net, also on Facebook. be welcome to answer it there!  -I am the creator-founder of a non-profit organization protecting the beauty of nature, and seeking peaceful solutions to world conflicts.

Two days ago, I wrote to President Obama a question, concerning what is the peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism. The key is true honesty and friendship towards each other. As long as we are divided, and in need of self-defence, we are not completely true to each other.

  In teaching History, and the origins of terrorism, schools should not play the game of nationalism or religious fanaticism,- the game of false egos, who readily see the fault in others, but never their own.

  Yesterday I have also written about this to a great conductor and musician from Jewish background, Barenboim, who is making a benefit concert to help Syrian refugees to get education abroad. You can read these letters and other discussions on this issue in our site. 
Please forgive when texts if not  properly revised on the web.
I am in fact an artist, and so far, have to do most of the writing and publishing work alone.

Philosophic Community Projects.
Geraldine Fonseca Chapman,
artist name:

van Chapman

Here some other links:

Philosophic Community Projects.

Geraldine Fonseca Chapman,
artist name: van Chapman
Naturestudio VZW

Here some other links:


Dear Daniel  Barenboim
Hearing that you were playing in Belgium today a most graceful benefit concert for Syrian student refugees has filled my heart with joy- you understand how the true peaceful war on terror can be made. This could only come from the sensibility for beauty of a great musician! We heard what you said about Palestine and Israel. Your honesty and awareness was touching!
The only way it could be a blessing for Arabs and Israelis to be living shoulder to shoulder, is if they could see the extremist downside that their beliefs have in common, in the mirror.
Distance themselves from unquestioning obedience in a crime.
When they can seek for the justice of reason and heart, above pride of belief and tradition. Otherwise, each camp, believing God is on their side to help them be victorious above the other, living as neighbours will continue to be a mutual curse!

Massacring each other in a manner worse than beastly, reduces their holy war  to not much more than the law of the jungle. And as beasts in the jungle they will not stop, until they exterminate each other...
Why?   Because one may not question their belief...
Not question a belief that God has given the land to them, not to share it with the other!

The first indeed shall be the last: Thousands of years before the event of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, a humble wise man in China, without pretending to be a prophet, proved to have the final word, that whoever will dominate the world shall lose it!
Greetings from van Chapman

Philosophic Community Projects

Tao Te Ching

Tao and Virtue Classic 
Thousands of years before the event of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, a humble wise man in China, without pretending to be a prophet, proved to have the final word, that whoever will dominate the world shall lose it!

Lao Tzu :- http://www.taoism.net/ttc/complete.htm

Chapter 29
Those who wish to take the world and control it
I see that they cannot succeed
The world is a sacred instrument
One cannot control it
The one who controls it will fail
The one who grasps it will lose
Because all things:
Either lead or follow
Either blow hot or cold
Either have strength or weakness
Either have ownership or take by force
Therefore the sage:
Eliminates extremes
Eliminates excess
Eliminates arrogance

Chapter 30
The one who uses the Tao to advise the ruler
Does not dominate the world with soldiers
Such methods tend to be returned
The place where the troops camp
Thistles and thorns grow
Following the great army
There must be an inauspicious year
A good commander achieves result, then stops
And does not dare to reach for domination
Achieves result but does not brag
Achieves result but does not flaunt
Achieves result but is not arrogant
Achieves result but only out of necessity
Achieves result but does not dominate
Things become strong and then get old
This is called contrary to the Tao
That which is contrary to the Tao soon ends

Chapter 31
A strong military, a tool of misfortune
All things detest it
Therefore, those who possess the Tao avoid it
Honorable gentlemen, while at home, value the left
When deploying the military, value the right
The military is a tool of misfortune
Not the tool of honorable gentlemen
When using it out of necessity
Calm detachment should be above all
Victorious but without glory
Those who glorify
Are delighting in the killing
Those who delight in killing
Cannot achieve their ambitions upon the world
Auspicious events favor the left
Inauspicious events favor the right
The lieutenant general is positioned to the left
The major general is positioned to the right
We say that they are treated as if in a funeral
Those who have been killed
Should be mourned with sadness
Victory in war should be treated as a funeral

Tao Te Ching
Tao and Virtue Classic 
Translation by Derek Lin
Permission is hereby granted to site visitors who wish to quote from this original work. Please credit as your source www.Taoism.net and Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained, published by SkyLight Paths in 2006Lao Tzu :- http://www.taoism.net/ttc/complete.htm

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

22 Sept 2014
Dear Mr Obama. I am very worried about you! I cannot sleep wondering how this can be possible from someone with your culture and intelligence and good heart: Is it only bad information or did you mean indeed that one may not speak anything negative about the prophet of the Islam, as if he is holy ? What about the history of his terrorism?? Please explain it...

van Chapman :
logical conclusion according to this account corroborated by ancient and recent Muslim sources including the Koran itself, in establishing his religion Islam, Mohammed has violated a peace treaty, looted caravans, that is robbed others of their goods of which 1 /5 was for himself, committed mass murder, mass beheadings, promoted rape, prisoner abuse, and massacre, and human trade, and killed for a criticism. And this accounts for a short period of days in his lifetime!

From: "The Siege of the Banu Qurayza - Debate.org.uk

Quote:"It is the year 627 AD, year 5 after Hijra, somewhere between February-March; the Meccans have retreated from the battle of the Trench. It is here that Muhammad and his troops now turn towards the Banu Qurayza, the third largest and richest of the three Jewish tribes of Medina (the other two, the Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir, having been banished from Medina earlier). However, the Banu Qurayza were not as lucky as the other two. According to some of the earliest Muslim historians and commentators (Ibn Ishaq, Al-Waqidi, Al-Tabari, and Ibn Kathir), the Banu Qurayza were besieged for 25 days by the Muslims, led by Muhammad. Qur’anic passages from chapter 33 refer to the incident, although in a more oblique manner. Hadith collections such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Sunan Abu Dawud also give narratives of the event. After the final surrender of the Banu Qurayza, ditches were dug and the men, between 600-800 of them with tied shoulders, were then beheaded, and buried in them, while their children and women were taken as captives, or sold for horses and weapons. Before we get into the ‘nitty-gritty’ of the event and the historic sources, let us first look at the milieu at that time in Medina. Often overlooked, it nonetheless resulted in the banishment of these tribes which arose with the migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina." End quote.

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

What is the real face of Islam?
Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide.
This is good. But do they question the tyranny in their prophet or Koran?

  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!

News on Canvas TV:
Some veiled faced ISIS leader said he wants no more discussion
(but he wants war).
Some Gantanamo prisoner rather stay in prison
than to have to pass by a High Court.

Why? Because:

"Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, but of questions."

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism
Philosophic Community Projects
by van Chapman

Why so many prefer the murky waters of a violent belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.

If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.

From a Christian ex Muslim ad
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves alone but also innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

Supposed declaration
of Hitler to a friend:
"The only religion I respect is the Islam and the only prophet I admire is Mohammed!"

Hate is the false prophet,
love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which
has been won
by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding
between all people.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet -

David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Share Your Thoughts: 
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more.!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

Philosophic Community Project.
by van Chapman:

How can you ever know if another is happy with you if you keep'm in a cage?
It is not faith, but fear which keeps one encaging others, or being encaged.

He who would kill one for leaving  him, belongs to a mafia, not a religion.

Open question: -Is this the USA, is this the Islam, is this your country, is this you?

Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).

If by 'enemy' in the Koran it is meant  those who say: quote  Luke 6:[27]: " Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."), then atheists, Christians, or Hindus or Buddhists who will not kill another for a difference of belief, nor even a sheep, if they are vegetarians,  then Mohammed's  version of God is unacceptable and he, is a false prophet..

As I Krishnamurti said, the God of a Petty mind is a petty God.


For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

From Dialogue with a Muslim

Sent to this Muslim Erci:
Subject: Fw: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:40:03 +0200

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun



Answer from this Muslim Erci notice how he answer in a personal way but in name of Allah:
September 14, 2014 1:01 AM
In The Name Of ALLAH, The MosT Gracious, The MosT MercifuL,
You make me laugh Geraldine, really.
You ask me Jesus pbuh or Muhammed pbuh, we Muslims believe in all Prophets who were Send by ALLAH, even Mozes, Abraham, John The Baptist pbuh all.
So we accept them all.
But what really made me laugh is that i checked one of this video of 10 reasons that Muhammed pbuh is a False prophet and i listen to it, so he referred to the book of Buharie: volume 1, book 8 hadith nr 367, and i checked it. But the funny part is, that he is reading what is not there. That hadith is talking about praying.
You see how they fool you and will keep fooling you..
And pls. i told you, don't send me those messages, cause they are inaccurate.
Why do you like to stalk me?
Are you obsessed with me or with the Islam?
Dont you have peace in you're life?
Im about to think that you're going crazy
Im telling you to send me positive messages but you keep sending me all negative stuff.
Go and see a psychologist, i think you need one
Or maybe its time to block you cause there isn't any reason left in you
G answers:
Is anyone honest, when they Must believe?
Muslims are taught by Mohammed to fear Islam or go to hell.
Muslims are the true islamophobes. I believe in sincere dialogue, not islamophobia.
I believe in in making sense, in being honest in a debate .
Who is being negative here?
You once said to me 'Every thing which is written in the Koran is true"

If the following is in the Koran: “There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256) and: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good) (3:85), then yours is a hypocrite contradiction that will not only necessarilly divide people, but divide Muslims themselves forever, unitill they all kill each other for being unbelievers!
I say that: If anyone Must believe, especially that something that makes no sense is just, he cannot be honest, can he?
Christian Muslim or whatever, 'Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can their's be a religion of peace?'
The only solution is to be honest and distance yourself from the fear of seeing clearly!
David Wood is fair play. Discuss with him if you disagree with him!
[A word of warning for those who may find their version of Quran is translated differently from those appearing in this article: Almost all the translators of Quran have deliberately tried to soften the harsh verses of Quran. Yusufali especially goes out of his way to twists the meaning of the words and hide the harshness of Quran. For example he translates the verse (38:44) that says "take a green branch and beat your wife" as "take a little green grass and strike therewith". Or when he translates the verse (4:34) that says "beat your wife" he cannot help it but to add the word (lightly) in parenthesis.]

Humans are neglecting the responsibility to look critically at their beliefs and at themselves! Yes! we should be asking for example why people do not see as a problem the over population of the Earth by Humans and the toll on nature and our slave animals for consumption! !http://www.occupyforanimals.org/ban-religious-slaughter-throughout-europe.html

September 27, 2014
Subject: RE: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies

Erci answers:
In The Name of Allah, The MosT Gracious, The Most Merciful..
Check this out http://www.ted.com/talks/lesley_hazelton_on_reading_the_koran#t-559103
(he sends me alink to a Ted Talk on the Koran by a Jewish author lesley hazelton )
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:59:49 +0200

Answer 27, 2014
Geraldine (Naturestudio)
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
Here is one refference:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins", (http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/call_to_muslims.htm )
(Please check the references I give.

If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
(Please check the references I give below),  Mohammed called  unbelievers (the non -Muslims), hypocrites.-
Having said that there is no compulsion in religion, Mohammed ordered those who disbelieved him to be killed.
(You might never have chosen to be a Muslim;
yet the penalty for leaving the Islam is the death penalty!)
Not hypocrisy?

So the Prophet contradicts himself. To demand of anyone, (not to speak the whole world), to submit to a contradiction, in name of God, or die, is this a religion of peace?
-No. A contradictory compulsory belief in name of God divides,  perpetuates division, not only between believers and the rest of the world, but between believers themselves.
And we see this happening though history to the present day  in this world.
We cannot change what has been, what has been written, but we can change our way of relating to it. See it as literature, for example, being free of its authority to be able to see it as it is. Not as we want it to be.

True fathers and mothers and teachers of humanity enlighten,
and kill the ignorance, not the ignorant, and much less the unbeliever.
Unbelievers are not hypocrite, if they are seeking truth. but those who judge them wrong calling themselves a prophet, what are they?!
What teacher would kill his student if he did not understand?
I would say one who has to be put in prison!
What true person, not to speak of a holy man, a prophet, would wage a war against sincere questioning?  That would mean a war on understanding; thus, a war on love, on justice,  on truth.

What prophet would teach to hate anyone in name of God?
Or would perpetuate war instead of dialogue, in name of peace, and call it Holy War ?

Hate is the false prophet.
Love is the true master.

If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!

To kill the ignorant when you can end his ignorance, would be stupid, would it not?
Or would you rather perpetuate  ignorance and war for the sake of authority?


Philosophic Community Project
For a peaceful, intelligent solution of Terrorism

Reference from:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

Addressed to Obama -
click to see video:

See video of a debate between this Muslim extremism apologetic Anjem Choudary and a Christian apologetic David Wood

Philosophic Community Projects

Response on
'Anjem Choudary:

the British extremist who backs the caliphate'

Sent to the  observer.letter observer.co.uk
(also  sent this  to the Muslim extremist Anjem Choudary who justifies Islamic terrorism but has ambitions to rise as a politician in England..) 
photo: To get votes with a knife on the throat.jpg
(with best regards from  van Chapman)

Love or belief? Love or Islam?

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
click to see video:


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet
- David Wood & Sam Shamoun


  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...


Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

To the US Government
If You See Something, Say Something™

Dear President  Obama,
FIRST LET ME THANK YOU FROM THE HEART FOR YOUR EXTRAORDINARY HUMBLENESS AND NOBLE AND WISE CONDUCT. We will miss you when you leave your post, but will be happy if you get a well deserved rest after so long hard work!

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!
As to my particular ideas, Mr President, I find that only honest and fearless self awareness, can free us from a violent beliefs as the Islam.  What David Wood is actually doing, I call an intelligent, peaceful war on terror, by sincerity alone!

And here is also  the policy of Geert Wilders, from the Dutch nationalist party PVV..
Maybe you need a Dutch translator here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XET3ajxPrI&feature=youtu.be
(Geert Wilders  PVV Holland, says as 73%of Muslims in Holland consider Jihadists as heroes.
70% of them rather have Sharia than follow Dutch (European) laws. That is, one would have to go back to the middle Ages of the Inquisition tortures against non-believers, because that is what the Prophet believed in- stoning to death for adultery, though he could kill a Jew in battle and take his wife..that was OK. Wilders would not allow western Syrian fighters to return to their western counties.  He would only permit in the country those Muslims who would sign a declaration of loyalty to Democracy or stop immigration from Muslim lands to his country.
I agree with both David Wood and Geert Wilders that the Koran teaches Muslims to have double standards in relation to religious tolerance. Teaching Muslims a convenient false friendship with non-Muslims, with the intention of domination over all non-Muslims.  And once you become a Muslim, willingly or by force, for changing religion the punishment is death. This is an ugly fact about the Islam you cannot deny.
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
May the holy spirit of love always guide and protect you.
from Geraldine Fonseca Chapman
(artist name) van Chapman
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
Thank You!
Thank you for contacting the White House.)

This is what I see that I think Obama does not:

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!

-Does Islam teach us to believe in a God who taught not to love truly our enemies, our competitors in faith, but lie, pretend to love them as friends outwardly, but not in the heart?

Here is the proof!
Jesus tell us to love our enemies. Jesus said, according to: Matthew 5:44: 'You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven';
What does the Koran teach us? The Koran says 12 times that a Muslim must not be allow to have friendship with infidels, for example:
1.- Qu'an Sura 3 ver 28 "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security." This implies be friend by convenience!
2.- According to one of the greatest commentator of all times, TAFSIR Ibn KATHIR.:"....believers are allowed to show friendship outwardly but NEVER inwardly."
3. ABU DARBA.- "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them"

Read please:

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism!
Philosophic Community Project
Message received! (Thank You!
Thank you for contacting the White House.)


Recently came across a Christian group of theologists who is doing a great job to warn us and open our eyes to what many in this world see but dare not to mention out of fear.

Here is a link to them-   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4p7HuuhF8 - to this honest attempt to solve terrorism peacefully as I do myself in my work.

Below is a text I wrote in response to their good work, and to deepen it, to ask them not only to question and see clearly the Islamic texts but also those of their own belief, for contradictions with love and wisdom.

welcome to comment it publicly.
Best wishes from this artist.van Chapman
.Philosophic Community Project,
Facebook page: naturestudio.net

Is Obama’s Policy based on coherence with Human Rights or fear of the Islam?

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Why so many prefer the murky waters of a violent belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.  If Christians, or Jews or Muslims were truly sincere with themselves and each other, they would admit that Holy personages and holy books are not always clear and their beliefs often contradict themselves.
To look for clarity one need be free of fear and desire. Desire for power and fear to be questioned, fear to be true.
Can we be free of these and be really true to each other, to ourselves??

Only then the true peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism would start. With ourselves!
One personality can be more true than another,  Personalities may be better or worse, and we can argue that, but it is still a personality... a personality is still not the Spirit of Truth.
(Abraham was tested in his unquestioning belief even in a crime, to whom he called God ! No wonder the religions born of Abraham's tradition count among the most violent and among those who justified crimes against humanity and against each other's followers.
Is any prophet holy? 
All prophets are false if they tell you to condemn or kill anyone without proof, out of belief. Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can theirs be a religion of peace?

True love and understanding is the Holy Spirit between us.
There is no holy land attained through violence and bloody wars.
Holy is the true love and understanding between us. 

Philosophic Community Project,
van Chapman
A response on these series of videos, with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror: 'Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet' - David Wood & Sam Shamoun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4p7HuuhF8

Is Obama’s Policy based on coherence with Human Rights or fear of the Islam?

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


From: Naturestudio
To: BarackObama
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:37 PM
This text and any answer to it given by the president, will be published on our site for peace, www.naturestudio.net.

-Philosophic Community Projects –
van Chapman
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Good day
Hope this can reach the president and he takes it seriously.
We heard from him that the Islam has a long history of tolerance and that America is not opposing the Islam.
Previously I have asked questions to Obama about the aggression of Islam in the Koran against Jews, Christians and unbelievers, but the President did not answer me.
Found a video  which speaks of Obama’s apparent incoherent policy in respect to America’s Constitution, bowing to  unconditional respect which Islam demands for itself.

Will Obama please answer to me the information submitted in these videos?
Shariamerica: Islam, Obama, and the Establishment Clause

Speaking about music (what is  prohibited by traditions like that of the Taliban), I told a Muslim, so he could understand my meaning of love:
-‘All that is beautiful comes from God.’
Beauty can be anywhere but fanatics think God is expressed only in their contradictory holy books or traditions, what creates the ugliness of hate and chaos and war where there should be love and peace.
Religious terrorism makes it evident how we can we reduce God, Justice or love to the smallness of our egoist minds, how we create God in our own petty images.
The heavy, contradictory traditions, or beliefs of terrorists are those which condemning killing, force you to kill, condemning robbing, force you to rob, and condemning lying, force you to lie, for the sake of their authority.  example
(Enemies of the Islam may be killed and eaten  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmsrBtRx1Pk)
Geraldine Fonseca Chapman

This text and any answer to it given by the president, will be published on our site for peace, www.naturestudio.net.
-Philosophic Community Projects –
van Chapman
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Why so many prefer the murky waters of a belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.  If Christians, or Jews or Muslims were truly sincere with themselves and each other, they would admit that Holy personages and holy books are not always clear and their beliefs often contradict themselves.
To look for clarity one need be free of fear and desire. Desire for power and fear to be questioned, fear to be true.
Can we be free of these and be really true to each other, to ourselves??

Only then the true peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism would start. With ourselves!
One personality can be more true than another.  Personalities may be better or worse, and we can argue that, but it is still a personality... a personality is still not the Spirit of Truth.  
Is any prophet holy?  All prophets are false if they tell you to condemn or kill anyone without proof, out of belief, since Abraham! Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone,
if you must believe them or they will kill you,
how can theirs be a religion of peace?
True love and understanding is the Holy Spirit between us.
There is no holy land attained through violence and bloody wars.
Holy is the true love and understanding between us. 

Philosophic Community Project,
van Chapman

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.
Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Love or Islam?

You say your Allah is Great
I say true love is Greater!

If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the violence and love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.

This is a new discussion.
Follow on

Dear Muslim,
Thanks for the effort from the part of Muslims  to declare a ban on terror  :  www.fatwaonterrorism.com  .

  I really appreciate it, but can you prove to me that nothing in the Koran does not 'only hurt the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims but also of billions of peace-loving people belonging to different religions and cultures of the world who have been fully supporting the war against extremism around the globe.'?

In this film I see someone who is really honest, but he does not try to save the Islam, he tries to save Muslims and all humans from the Islam's terrorism, which is unconstitutional in all civilized countries!

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
click to see video:

Best regards, van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
Be welcome to an open discussion on this. What I asked you be published  also on   http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_belief.html . and   http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

If you reply, let me know if I may publish your repply with your name or only anonymously.

van Chapman 
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Love and understanding do not need to kill unbelievers!

Philosophic Community Projects

by van Chapman

Dear one, when I said I could never be angry with someone if they were humble, I meant it.

Awareness is the most humbling state of mind. Awareness of what is.

A Belief may not be awareness and it can even be the very opposite of awareness and humbleness.

If you turn your eyes away from to something someone in all sincerity tries to show you, is that humble?

You say belief is private.

I met Catholics, Taoists, Muslims and even yogis that asked me not to take their belief away from them by confronting them. Yet they did not agree with each other’s belief of what is and what is not.

If what you have is true, or truly yours, no one can take it away from you.

If you have nothing to hide, nothing is truly private.

If you are  sentimental about me or anyone, particular to someone because it is your holy book, Guru, Master, prophet, or whatever,  you may be a flatterer, but you still are not truly honest, are you?

A book has no ego but the rest all have egos, they have Christian Muslim, Hindu, or other egos.

The excuse that to submit unconditionally to anyone is good, when that person has no ego, is a feeble, ‘flauwtjes’ reasoning, because then, the truth does not matter any more, not even matters what makes sense, only what  guru, master or prophet said, in name of God; in the Bible, Koran, Talmud, Vedas or elsewhere. 

And you can see the result of not following what makes sense is endless war:  because no one can really meet through beliefs but through love and understanding and truth.

Only awareness of what we call our beliefs, ourselves, in suma: only spiritual self awareness and not a belief  can bring true understanding, true peace within and between us, in this world and after.

Love and understanding do not need to kill unbelievers!

To me this is true sincerity, so rare these days! From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -I suggest you look at this video and answer what you think of it.

Click to see video:

And also this:
Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins  http://www.centerforinquiry.net/isis/articles_and_books/a_call_to_the_muslims_of_the_world/

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
Let no belief hijack your mind or the truth of your heart!

If one is intent on honesty in the friendship and love, the mind will clear of itself.
In a dispute, what matters is what counts for us individuals: sincerity in love and reason or the ego.
If in a dispute, when one will not give right to the other, even if the other is right, then one is intent on dominance for the sake of dominance alone, then we are intent on the ego. then, by itself our mind and way of relating will not be clear.
If one is intent on sincerity in friendship, love and reason, one does not send another to hell simply for disagreeing with us, or trying to explain him-herself.
On the other hand, if one can send someone to hell for this, simply for disagreeing with us, specially one is intent on reason, sincerity in sincerity in love and reason, by itself one's mind and relations will not be clear.
Then, we, individuals or our ideologies or so-called sacred beliefs cannot help bring peace in the world.
One need not study psychology to see this, simply to be sincere with oneself and the ones we love.

"Muslims kill more people per year than 350 yrs of the Spanish Inquisition"

7 Sept 2014- Latest from a dialogue with a Muslim:
Love or belief? You know the tree by its fruit...
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

: - Dear Muslim, I worry about you. You certainly see the news, don't you?
Please let me know if you stand after what Isis is doing also!
Is that the Caliphate rule you talked about?  More links:

"Al Qaeda declares Jihad against India"



Your friend in love of truth
van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project

Self awareness is the only thing that can resolve fundamentalist religious terrorism.

If one become aware of what truly is we call unquestionable authority or belief, one is free of it.
Let no belief hijack your mind or the truth of your heart!

What I try to say to say to this Muslim, and his God Allah is:
One does not clear someone's consciousness, nor brings order into someone's thoughts, by cutting off his head!

Extract from a dialogue with a Muslim: http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam      :

"-What you have been saying to me is that the Caliphate is to return, and the Islam will rule over all the peoples of the earth, what ISIS also says, only that you say that to me with a smile, and ISIS says it burning churches and mosques and killing innocent people as a way to reach this goal.
All the propaganda they make is against themselves and against the face of peace of Islam which you try to give to me, only that you contradict that peace by what you say.. The last thing you said to me when I asked you if you justified the horrors like the crucifixion of prisoners in the Koran (which is totally against the constitution in any civilized country) - you said, and these were your words: 'There must be a reason'...!
So what is the real difference between you and ISIS if you justify terrorism (no matter where it is written)?
Do you think everyone who sees that you contradict yourself are stupid?"

Extract from a dialogue with a Muslim:
Philosophic Community Project

http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

It is love itself what is with you all the time, not a guru.
In love is everyone you love.

Love is the Holy Spirit,
and no master, no one has monopoly over it.

Any master, is still not he pure spirit of love because he still has a personality, an ago.

Devotees are sentimental when they turn their ears and eyes away from the spirit, in order to justify everything their master does says or teaches,  even if contradictory.

If you love true music you cannot stand sentimental music for long.

Do you think God can?

Dear terrorist

Dear terrorist, let me give you a philosophic hand- an insight:

-In a discussion about what love is, it would be really absurd, stupid,
if we kill each other, to prove we love best. Not so? Likewise, in a discussion over difference of belief, nothing is more absurd, beastly and idiotic than if we killed one another to prove our belief is wiser!

If we can eliminate ignorance, pride and arrogance from our own heart,
we will understand that our true adversary is the ignorance, not the ignorant (person).
Our true enemy is our spiritual ignorance not ourselves,
not the other person, who might be arrogant, proud, spiritually ignorant.

In the quest of and love for the truth, violence,
as an argument, is the most idiotic, the most beastly of all.

Even some beasts, through our love, can become our friends.
Even beasts do not deserve our hate, or torturing them.
Believe what you like, but condemn or violate no one for a belief.

Any violence based on belief is an injustice. Why?
Because you cannot condemn without proof, and a belief is not a proof !

A terrorist unveiled:
In a dispute over what love is,
what is justice, wisdom, God,
the greatest absurd of all
is for us to kill each other,
to prove we are right.
Proving the exact opposite.
Not so?

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
This letter is addressed to anyone who might be a 'Dear terrorist'.
I try to give this message in different ways.

Here some explanation of one of the conflicts gearing terrorist attacks:


The main cause of this millenary antagonism and terrorism between Jews and Muslims, is the fact that they call themselves Jews and Muslims, not just human beings.

What divides Jews and Muslims? Their belief.Their ancestral religion which taught them to confuse loyalty with “unquestioning obedience even in a murder"- for a belief.(Abraham).
The order to kill for a belief, gave anyone the right to call others unbelievers, to judge, condemn and even murder them, for a difference of interpretation of their "word of God. This, of course, has resulted in a curse.
Here is the most important point to understand:
One can believe, but cannot prove what God has said or did not say.
In any process of Justice, to judge and condemn someone, one needs proof- not a belief. To commit violence towards anyone out of a belief is not justice.

So, one may not question but one may kill for their belief?
One may not see the contradictions in our words of God, but we must even kill for them?
This is neither human nor divine-this is simply not intelligent, not honest.
This is the work of pride, or submission to pride, not of wisdom or God.
Pride makes our eyes minds and hearts blind to love, to the truth.
To use force, violence, war in name of a belief, to conquer anyone, anything, produces the exact opposite of what is desired:

How can one win another’s heart and mind, any land, anything,violating them?
Best wishes
May the Holy Spirit of love inspire and protect you always.

To Rudi Vranckx with gratitude and admiration.

Philosophic Community Project
Will publish this.
Hope it can help someone.




"Voice of eternal love music project".
-In this project we would like to find a musical heaven, an expression of a great soul and spiritual consciousness, independently of what names one gives to God or Master.

Love is higher than the conflicting ideas of God in this world.

Philosophic Community Projects



If you have a master, you have to please, do all the master says
so you cannot truly be yourself. If you have a friend,
you must only do what is just, no matter what the master says.
Then you can truly be yourself. Then you can truly call it love.

True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them-
Philosophic Community Project- van Chapman-

If we do not get offended, no one can offend us.
If we clear injustice within us and between us, war is no more.

I think now you got it.
The beauty of things is their own transcendence.
The reason I complained so much about Yogananda's poem to God
is because he was denying the beauty he saw, felt or heard  presently, the beauty of flowers, landscapes, faces, while sentimentally, foolishly, longing, looking for it  somewhere else.

Love is always in the present.
Sentimentality is always in the future or past.

Sentimentality is not love,
even if it is longing for God.
The beauty, the love that emanates from something,
from someone, is its own transcendence.

If you find love, you find everyone you love.

- My Bonitinha says -of course!

If you know where to look inside you, writing is like walking on the sea shore open to what is,  and suddenlly finding something very beautiful, like a pebble, a seashell, a drawing by the wind and water upon the sand, a transparent water movement, a flying bird. You are simply finding surprizing things along the way!


A sincere talk with a Muslim law student
-You know it is true, what I try to tell you. You always try looking the other way, in relation to a fault in a fellow Muslim, pointing out instead the same on others. Is this to be Just? You smile, my friend, a mysterious smile, as if in your heart you know that to be one-sided is not to be just.

You blame those you consider enemies of making false propaganda.
Yet you go on and on with your pink glasses. Blaming others of what you justify in yourself and in those you call yours.

You blame those you call enemies, when they justify
something they know is wrong, if in their holy books.
But when you or those you call yours, do the same, you justify it.
Even the worse crimes.
There is no holy ground won by bloody wars, fratricide wars.
(To mention an example, the horrible one Isis is waging, even against other Muslims, for a mere difference of belief..).
But you have no criticism against anyone who calls himself a Muslim.
Against anything written in the Koran, even if a terror story, do you?
May anyone invade rape and kill in name of Allah or God?

You know no one can be right to judge and condemn another blindly,
without proof, without reason, without love. out of belief.
You blame others, those you call enemies,
when they do not see this injustice in themselves,
but when you, or those you call 'your own' do the same,
you justify it...

You know there is no victory in a religion that converts through violation, rape, torture and murder; so how do you justify that?
How can you call crucifying someone an act of self-defence?

Where is the honesty in a regime or religion which converts through brutal force, or one sided pink coloured glasses propaganda in an endless stupid war for domination of minds and territory?

Those you call enemies, like your own,
believe to be "the chosen Ones"...
Those who you call enemies, like your own,
believe to be the ones who are the martyrs,
and their enemies, those who go to hell.
Do you not see the ridiculous of this war?

In fact, the only thing that is evident in a bloody stupid war
is that unquestionable violent beliefs creates a hell for one other.
Because they must silence the opposition,
not with intelligent arguments but by force.
Is that what you call wisdom?

You smile, my friend, when in your heart you know I know
that being an one sided lawyer, who defends his own, however wrong,
blaming others of what he justifies in himself, is being a hypocrite.
Please let your heart speak, because you have a good heart!
No unquestionable violent belief can be holy. Holy is the sincerity,
the true love, and the understanding between people.

Your friend, in love of truth.

Philosophic Community Project.

Let beauty enter your mind and heart.
How can we go to heaven when we die,
being unable to see, hear or live the beauty of heaven
when it is here and now?
When we prohibit and destroy the music of angels,
with war-rhythms and patriotic-hymns,
with asphalt and cement, bunkers and bob-wire fences?

The only death which brings light and peace
is the end of arrogance, the end of false thinking.

Heaven is a state of mind and heart.
To the Taliban, with love. My friend laughs at this, and with her black English humor says for a laugh- 'Then they send you a bomb back as a gift, wrapped with a ribbon!'...
The Taliban, might just agree with me, about the destruction by the Western culture, of the Earth's wild flower fields...I give everyone a chance to see what I see, without discrimination of  belief!!

To this some call ‘hurt feelings’:
Any similarity between an offended unreasonable lady
or irrational man, and religious extremism is not a mere coincidence,
but an universal a pattern of the human pride or ego,
in response to (an even fair) criticism.

First there is the emotionally inflammable
easily offended ego,
who is in fact the offensive ego.
A belief not to be reasoned with.
The violent belief.

Then the furious exaggerated words
the unfair ‘you always’ and 'you never'
do this or that...
The cursing to hell wrath of God!

Then, refusing to hear or give any further explanation
ordering you out the door- without discussion, without appeal,
throwing the baby with the bath water !
The violent, unquestionable, belief.

To this some simply call ‘hurt feelings’...
-Nothing further from the truth-

The offended, offensive ego
the violent, unquestioning belief,
is what hinders true feeling,
clear seeing of one another.

The violent, unquestioning belief,
the easily offended- easily offensive ego
is not a reflexion of the Holy Spirit of love,
but of our unreasonable human pride.

To the God of Moses and the God of Mohammed:
26 July 2014

To the God of Moses and the God of Mohammed:
If we are arrogant, proud, unquestionable, we get easily offended, irritated.
then we might even kill for a critic, might even kill unbelievers.
Let us go into it:

If one is arrogant, proud,
one gets easily offended..
If one becomes offended,
emotions, thoughts words and acts
become exaggerated, untrue, unjust.
violent. What then are you proud of?

To set things right, first we must see
and be free of blind emotions,
injustice in thoughts, in words and acts.

One does not kill a friendship1
one does not kill love 2
one does not kill another 3
out of pride and arrogance,
and call himself wise just God.

If I am just, I do not want to destroy God,
but the evil in the name of God,
as you should not want to destroy another,
but the evil in the other.

We ought not to commit suicide,
but destroy, through awareness,
the false thoughts in us.
If one cannot clarify,
if someone thinks wrong of you,
just proudly send him to hell,
in so doing, one may be utterly inhuman,
but not good and not God.

If you can clarify, you do not become offended.
then, how can someone offend you?

Philosophic Community Projects


'If the history of Mohammed is true or not, one cannot know,
but it is brutal violence what transforms an organized religion into an organized crime.'
Van Chapman?
John 4/7: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
John 4/8: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

Philosophic Community Projects

You say your Allah is Great, but I say true love is Greater!

'If the history of Mohammed is true or not, one cannot know,
but it is brutal violence what transforms an organized religion into an organized crime.'
van Chapman

John 4/7: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
John 4/8: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.


Gaza conflict in a nutshell

The deeper cause of Jewish -Muslim wars
is the theocratic paradigm in the mirror-
To sanctify even bloody murder in name of a belief,
while demonizing its critic self awareness.

Gaza conflict in a nutshell

  (edited): 22 July 2014
Israelis invade Palestine, calling Palestinians terrorists, when they fight against this occupation.- Is this just?
We heard these days on Canvas TV news (Terzake), from an Israeli occupant of Palestine, that God had given Israel to the Jews.
This is no dialogue of reason or love. This is a war of blind unquestionable belief, a hopeless war, without light at the end of the tunnel, because no one can prove what God said or did not say.

The injustice, cause of the Israel-Palestine issue is not only a territorial invasion, or the religious schism, between Jewish and Muslim traditions. The deeper cause is  the very core of all totalitarian, theocratic regimes: the violence which allows bloody war, but condemns questioning itself.
'unquestioning obedience, even in a murder', is not only at the very core of Jewish and Islamic religion, in the story of Abraham, as a pattern of relationship, but in all tyrannical rule. A commonplace in all irrational, absurd bloody conflicts, wars, énd in particular, religious wars.

Violence in name of God, in name of a belief is what transforms a religion into an organized crime.

How can one truly win someone's heart converting by the sword? Has Hitler, for example, conquered hearts, or brain washed minds?? The belief that blind obedience to a violent religion can bring peace, unity and true collaboration and understanding among all nations, is proved wrong, again and again.

If true self criticism and dialogue could exist between Israelis and Palestinians, there would not be an occupation of Palestine by Israel, nor the separation wall between them, but the possibility of their being truly united nations, mutually beneficial human societies.

The deeper cause of Jewish -Muslim wars is the theocratic paradigma in the mirror--To sanctify even bloody murder in name of a belief, while demonizing its critic self awareness.


Jews and Muslims must think : - to kill for a belief is evil, except of course, for our belief !...
But it is as impossible to prove that God has given Israel to the Jews as to prove He has given the Koran to the Muslims.
What is obvious,and they do not seem to see of themselves, only of others is that there is no justice in judging and condemning anyone without proof, out of mere belief !
The truth they usually hide from their religious propaganda, is that their sacred books, the Torah as well as the Koran, have punishments so barbaric for breaking ancient rules of conduct that are so inhumanly cruel, no one could execute them, without turning their heart into a stone or the heart of a monster! Thank God there also came a more forgiving Jesus and later a J Krishnamurti in the scene!

Philosophic Community Projects
A Jewish friend answered this post by saying that I do not understand what Jews or Muslims believe in, asking  to disappear from my mail list.  I respect her wish, And did so, with a question:
-If you can explain, when someone misunderstands you, why dismiss them, disappointed?
Yes I may not know what they believe, but maybe Jews and Muslims themselves  do not know what they believe in:

Are you sentimental about what some call God of love?
Just see the shameful, horrid executions à la Allah !

(In the photo: victims of a pedofile wedding and a lapidation execution:
-You say Allah, Jehovah, is great. -I say love is greater!

Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman

Philosophic Community Project

Yes, How can we ever reach a common understanding with unquestioning beliefs?

The moment you deny feeling to follow another, you become a robot, at the hand of who? Guru? Community? God? If you took the more sincere way of looking at rather than denying your feelings, that is much more real.
In so called spiritual communities it always amazing me how people avoid to see the evident (contradictions) in their authorities.I understand why. Because they are blackmailed by a promise of heaven if they believe; and of hell if they disobey. (the guru, prophet or master).
It makes me feel sick in my stomach all that undiscriminating subservient sweetness of followers...
Because one may not sincerely question a belief, a hell of insurmountable conflicts arise in this Pantheon of beliefs promising heaven.
I rather be alone and have no friends than to be part of it. I agree with Krishnamurti who said the relation Guru-disciple is an unhealthy one.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Projects
Here an example of what I say: BBC


-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

24  November 2012 
(reduced to 500 words + - 25000 characters to send to the White House)

Dear Barack Obama, 
If the world could have voted, it would have voted for you.
In spite you saying that ‘nationalism’ is among one of the most important things, which is not to me, your victory speech was inspired and inspiring.
Congratulations! Happy you were re-elected. 
And because you are such a humble man, be welcome by us in our atelier and garden if you are free or need our help. 

Send you this meditation because you can understand;
will publish it on our website + your answer, if I get one.
All the best,
yours, Geraldine (van Chapman)

“The petty God of a petty mind”

Sedating before slaughter is in the agenda for all European countries. 
In this sense Europe is on the right direction of consciousness, of humane treatment for all, and spiritual evolution. I would like to see the same in the whole world. But there are people against it to our surprise, from religious groups! 
 On the News, Muslims and Jews in Europe object to the more humane way of sedation before slaughter. Part of a duty of Muslims is the offer of a sheep in Mecca in a non sedated, brutal and bloody ritual slaughter.


A human is better than a beast by the virtue of the love, compassion in him.
Can one enjoy how a lion brutally kills his prey? 
Can one enjoy it being the prey? No. 
I would like a happy life and a peaceful death without fear or suffering. So I wish to others.

An unearthly Paradise is  to ‘love our enemies’, when the “lion” and the “sheep” shall lay peacefully together, (as our cats and dogs can be friends, contrary to their earthly instincts). 

Do Muslims want to be discriminated for their Beliefs? No.
 Yet discrimination of belief is central in Koran : (3: 85)“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good”).  

Are Muslims to convert all people without question, even professing non-violence, as vegetarians, Buddhists or Yogis, to a religion which demands violent ritual slaughter, not to mention the horror of ‘Honour’ Murders, illegal crime in the civilized world?  

Paradise, the eternal Spirit of love itself, cannot be reached by perpetuating the brutal predator in us, the unnecessary martyrdom of sheep, nor in violating people, in denying them their right to critical questioning, to practice non- violence.

A violent terrorist by a terroristic belief is not yet a full grown human, much less an angel, or the messenger of God.
To be a religious terrorist is to adore what Krishnamurti called a “Petty God of a petty mind”.
van Chapman


For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?
van Chapman 

-Philosophic Community Projects

Philosophic Community Projects

The impossibility to clear human relations is when we justify what we know is false in ourselves or in what or whom we consider our own, as a belief, for example, and call it loyalty.

A spiritual conflict is always between loyalty to love and one’s ego-
- whether that ego be personal or group related.
The impossibility to clear relations comes from the concealment of what we know is false-wrong -because of pride: self-pride, family pride, national pride, religious pride, whatever... If our privacy disturbs the spiritual clarity between people, I would not call it privacy but pride, lack of humbleness.
When we would rather distance ourselves from a friend than from our personal or group pride, we are in fact not loyal to anyone:- not to our true self nor to another, nor to God, or love, but to the ego -our false thought about what is.

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

Philosophic Community Projects


Mail in response to Geert Wilders  home security policy  http://www.pvv.nl/index.php/fracties/tweede-kamer/geert-wilders/mail-aan-geert-wilders.html   in Holland:
CC to President Obama

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

The best quality of people I loved in Holland was sincere openness and the ability to give and take constructive criticism. True force is inner truth and sincerity, not to lose one’s capacity to see for oneself.

In an attempt to dialogue with a fervent Muslim (www.naturestudio.net), (texts which are not yet revised by a publisher), the argument based on love proved to be stronger than any argument of religious fanaticism. Whoever, whatever book represses all critical consciousness and submits others through tyranny and intimidation cannot create true awareness and faith.

However the Dutch open-mindedness be stronger than the lack of criticism of religious fanatics, love is also greater than Nationalism.

I have learned that Muslims can proudly justify any atrocity against people of other beliefs as self-defence, what nationalists have also done and continue to do.
How can hate ever create justice in this world or the next?
The pride self defence and self justification of nationalism is not different than the pride, self justification and self defence of a belief as the Islam (where deception or camouflage  (Takyah) is allowed as protection before a threat ( even that of the force of reason).

Love is not about self-defence  but about freedom to find and say the truth. It is about caring for justice and the good of all. Not only the religious, but all people on Earth, ought to face fundamental questions such as:

What is true love?
Is love to possess another like a slave and even stone someone out of jealousy, or is love to let loved ones go, if for their happiness and well-being? What is Loyalty?
Is loyalty to believe no matter what someone writes, says, or does?
Or to see clearly and honestly what someone writes, says, or does?
And what is justice? To punish a crime (like robbing) with an even greater crime, (like mutilating someone)??
Can there be justice or Good where there is brutal hate?

In the end, people will support you if you care for them, love them for what they truly are, not discriminate them or value them for what they simply have.

The most important is not what we are materially, but what we are spiritually, said to me once a very dear person.

(Yole Cambareri)

As Krishnamurti said, we have to go beyond thoughts.

To identify a person with his thoughts or beliefs is not to see beyond thoughts.

Religions or ideologies which discriminate others for material things, (their clothes, colour, sex, or even things they have ,like thoughts or beliefs, are materialistic, not spiritual.

We have to learn to be in truth, not in belief with each other.

Truth is in fact quite another thing than our mere thoughts or beliefs.

Thank you for contacting the White House.

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

-Philosophic Community Projects -

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.




Best wishes for all

Over the spirit and the letter:
You may share the wisdom of your books,
not as a sword to subjugate me,
but as an open window,
that I may gaze in its spirit and soul.
Tie me not to a letter or book
for men or time can corrupt them.
True love does not change-
all else does...
By any name I would recognize my love,
So, tie me not to a name.

And even if night falls and all names fade away
as the sound of a wave of the sea,
still my love is with me,
in me, never far,
and even as part of myself,
as I see our pure love
is one.


-Philosophic Community Project-
For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.



14 Oct. 2014
Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?

14 Oct. 2014

14 Oct. 2014
To pre-scientific societies, the world was flat,
the sun and the stars turned around the earth.
At sunset, the sun sunked
in a mud pool at the horizon.

The biblical 'Day of Creation'
would be around 3761 BC.

And some of their "Words of God"
did not consider God a father
because they ruled not with uplifting,
enlightening love,
but wih a damning iron heart,
which killed the ignorant,
and not the ignorance!

Surelly God's Word need urgent updating…

Was the Inquisition right, is Jihad ever right?

Pride of power is an evil illusion.
To have a deadly weapon
does not make you just or true.

The truth is that having power
but no sincerity or love as a rule,
anyone can do that:try to hijack you,
create a belief even in God's name,
and tell you: believe me or die!
believe me, or yoyu will go to hell!

And to do this is evil.
As J. Krishnamurti understood,
violence and fear destroy love.

What has violating, raping, hijacking,
enslaving, to do with love?
what good will that do?

It will not win your heart.

Your spirit is free.
No one can violate your consciousness
unless you allow fear to dominate it.

No one can force you commit this violence,
upon others unless you allow yourself to be heartless.
Love and clarity are not won through threat and fear.
through opression or imposition of belief
but to revelationof truth!.

One cannot force love or clarity to come
when we desire.
One cannot force love or clarity by violence,
by violent beliefs!
it comes of its own
when there is awareness;
not desire.

This understanding is shared
between true people of peace, like Gandhi.
Should they who thirst and hunger for justice
should they, the peace makers,be forced by Allah
to convert to Islam and its cold blooded killings
and bloody jihad?
I do not think so.

Rather than kill unbelievers wherever you find them,
kill falsehood wherever you find- even in your holy books!


-Philosophic Community Project-
True angels destroy not men,but the falseness in them.

For a peaceful and intelligent solution to terrorism.



Krishnamurti once said: :"How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"

There have been wise men throughout history, like him, and  Lao Tzu, Buddha, who warned against indiscriminate, unquestioning following, even of themselves.

If we humans descend from the apes,
or if our ancestors came from barbarians,
(even if at the time, they were less barbarians than most,)
should we venerate them, today and imitate their behaviour,
even in their slaughter?

Let me be honest with you,
because a Muslim who is trying to seduce you
to his "religion of Peace will not:

In a Islamic State, you may not have chosen the Islam
if you were born in a Muslim family.
but the punishment for leaving Islam is the death sentence!

The Koran contradicts itself in this, saying there is no compulsion in religion.
So what is true?

If diametrically opposite commands like these can co-exist
in their Koran or other Islamic teachings,
there is cause for bloody conflict in the teachings themselves.
Muslims are divided in this issue. Is this their fault?
No. But they may not blame the religion.

Mohammed, as Moses before him,
have killed for a criticism. say the Jewish and Muslim sources.

Muslims are taught to fear and not to question Islam or go to hell.
More literally, to send each other to hell if they are infidels.
From what I read, this is exactly what is happening since the death of Mohammed. Muslims are killing even each other in name of the same God, over a difference of belief. And that is not intelligent, is it?
Such is the belief of the Muslims, but not as they see it, because they may not be self critical of the Islam.

For those who do not know,
(read Mohammed's original history).
Polygamy was fine (for men only),
even paedophilia for himself.
But love was not, towards non-Muslims.
False friendship to non Muslims,
for convenience, that was allowed.

Krishnamurti once said: : "How can a mind full of beliefs be clear?"
There have been wise men throughout history, like him Lao Tzu, Buddha, who warned against indiscriminate, unquestioning following, even of themselves.

That is why, in Islam, lying (takia),is accepted,
in defence of Muslims.
So, for the Islam, deception was permitted,
chopping heads, mutilating, crucifying.

Stoning someone to death, for adultery was fine
But for a Muslim to kill a husband and take his wife,
in Jihad for Islam is still better.
Is it not worse than adultery, killing a husband
to take his wife as a sex slave? Or to sell her as slave?
Questioning Mohammed's authority was not permitted.
Lying and killing is a sin in Islam.
Just not against non-Muslims?

Robbing, slavery, human trade,
was accepted to Muslims in jihad by Mohammed,
but not poetry, not music, not wine
not questioning (of him).
Not  sincerity.

Who, for goodness' sake,
would  kill and lie in the name of God ? 

One neither lie nor kill to defend the truth.

Who would need to kill and lie in defence of the truth?

Jihad that lies and kills
is defending  beliefs, believers, not the truth.

What do they defend themselves from?
  the truth? I wonder...

The light unveils, not veils what is.


Phobia means fear. irrational fear - 
I neither fear nor hate Muslims.
Muslims learn to fear Islam: believe or die!
They are the Islamophobes, not I.

I would not kill someone for their belief.
But I would try to reason
with Mohammed and his God, if they could hear:

What if I said:"-You are free to love me or not",
that would be loving, fair.
But if I said: "-Love me or I will kill you", or:
"-If you leave me and I will kill you",
what for a person would I be? A  beast?
What does that have to do with the Most Graceful?
1- "There is no compulsion in religion."
2- "No other religion other than Islam will be allowed."
3 -"The punishment for leaving Islam is the death penalty."

What has possessiveness to do with wisdom and love?

I am free to see what I see.
If I must believe it makes sense when it does not,
and I will be killed, the fundamentals of Islam violate
a fundamental right of consciousness to see for itself!


Philosophic Community Project

Search Results
Here an example of some brave people who did just that:
J Krishnamurti    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iY04wsNmYs.

A film sent out on TV  about someone whose brother was a terrorist,
the witty pro -ISIS preacher (Anjem Choudary who has been later arrested),
jokes that brain washing of Islam could be cleaning  the brain.
The cynicism of those who preach this is stamped on their face!
The truth is, that what is called 'impurity",
from the Islamic dictatorial perspective is to exercise critical awareness.
Consciousness itself is an impurity.

True intelligence is not being sly and cunning.
there is no intelligence without sensibility.
Sensibility to read other's soul,
to sense when there is or there is no love;
when someone tells or not the truth.
Women are usually quite good at this.
Could that be why so many men (like St. Paul )
have tried to silence them?

According to psychologists, Here in the West,
the most probable candidates to adopt Islamic State terrorism
are the socially oppressed or marginalized members of a society.

Islam provides them a community sense of belonging, 
a boost to their self-esteem, a cause to fight,
but unfortunately also a false sense of superiority,
a false sense of power of life and death over people,
what changes them from religious, to criminals.

From Dialogue with a Muslim
(Hamza Yusuf)

From Dialogue with a Muslim -Thanks I have been touched by the kindness of this man. Here is what I wrote to him on You tube:
Dear Hamza Yusuf, let me thank you for your kindness and sincerity of your heart. You would like to believe in a Islam where God is love, like all good people do. Though your Koran prohibits you to befriend them, except for convenience, you express here a true Christian and true human heart.
Whatever Mohammed taught in name of Allah, or anyone taught in name of God, had I to chose between a iron-hearted doctrine belief of God and even one human true love, I should not hesitate.
For that, in an Islamic State I might be killed.

If the penalty to leave islam may be a death sentence,
then Islam is a enslaver of humanity.

If the Islam contradicts itself in this, saying there is no compulsion in religion, Islam will divide brothers against brothers to kill each other as unbelievers, for as long as we allow it to rule above justice and our good sense:

To teach to destroy, not sin, but sinners, is that wisdom?

To convert others, in God's name, not by wisdom but the sword,
is not the way to paradise, but a curse unto itself.

If a law contradicts love, it is not of justice.

If a word contradicts itself, it says nothing.

What good is to to win a heartless eternal belief in God
and lose the justice of love of our heart?

  You might like to read works by : J Krishnamurti

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!


and:  EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJo4B-yaxfk
Philosophic Community Project
True angels destroy not evil people, but the evil in them.

Oct 1   2014
Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh34Xsq7D_A

Slavery has been abolished from the American Constitution.
Can you abolish it from the teachings of the Koran and its prophet??

Slavery can never be abolished in a religion that orders to kills someone for leaving it for another religion.
If this is Islam, and you a Muslim, you are a slave.
You are not a human possessing a belief, but a human possessed by a belief.
A belief, which is inhumanly cruel in its warfare and executions.
You may not punish a crime with another crime or a worse crime,
or you are a criminal as well.
So, if a religion is forcing you to be a criminal, it may not even be called as such, as a religion any more!

If your religion teaches 'there is no compulsion in religion' and that 'No religion will be accepted other than the Islam' You have a religion that divides not only its own believers, but its believers and the world.

  So you have to follow your consciousness heart intelligence humanity or the Islam- you cannot follow both.

Dear Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Let me thank you for your enlightenment, the only peaceful solution for the problem Islam- brave honesty! Thanks also to Douglas Murray and all who organized and participated in this debate!
Commentary on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh34Xsq7D_A
Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman



30 Sept 2014
G answers : Thanks for telling me what you think. Help me understand you. You said you do not hate religions but the religious people.  Let me give you my point of view. Then you can tell me if you  disagree and why. Does Bigotry  mean one sees the contradiction in the other's belief but not in our own? Are all apologetics of a religion bigots? I might agree with you if you said that many are, still I disagree with you that you have to hate them for it.
I see their stubbornness of belief as a challenge,
A challenge  cannot meet intelligently if I hate them.

( Or if I kill them, which is exactly the weakness of their belief, their ideas of God.)

If you can get them to see it that they are forced by their own prophets or Gods to commit bigotry,
they will have to admit their hypocrisy, at least in their own Consciousness.

Then it is a matter of what they value the most and what they want to follow:
their Consciousness of their Bigotry-creating beliefs.

In a debate between apologetics of any branch of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, however brilliant they were in attacking their opponents, until now, I do not remember seeing anyone really honest in criticising their own religious books or beliefs. this is Bigotry.

Can they can glance upon a debate with the eyes of a child without a prejudice, to really see this truth?
So could it be, ironically, that the only ones who can see this, are the impartial ones, the rational or sceptics they would call unbelievers?
Can we look with a mind  and heart that has not been hijacked by any ego trip or any belief?

How can you be true if you are threatened with hell or death if you do not believe?
Whoever will win the world shall lose it. And the wise who say this( like Lao Tzu and Buddha and J Krishnamurti ) do not claim to be an authority- they simply try to make sense and tell you only to follow not them, but what makes sense-
Once I wrote to the European Parliament: "Love is the truth". "A belief is what one thinks the truth to be." I mean love for beings, not for beliefs above human beings, which is the pledge of extremists.

Religions are thought processes. True love is not a thought process. I mean true love, which comes upon you and you cannot force it to come.
Love is or it is not in you. Like a fact purely natural, uncreated.
When it is in you, you have a light to clear the mind from false thought.

See their contradictions and you are saved from the hypocrisy
of having to justify your belief no matter what costs you or others.
No matter even if it costs us the truth!
They are not love but thought processes,
those beliefs that threaten to kill you if you do not believe
or make you kill others if they do not believe !!

To kill the ignorant, instead of his ignorance, is that Wisdom?
Is that Omnipotence? Or is it ignorance in name of Allah, in name of God?

Understanding kills the evil in someone and the evil person is no more !

Hate is the false prophet. Unmask it and you will get rid of it!
Then we see that Love itself and no one else is the true Master!

According to many Jews Christians, and Muslims God (a Male?)
said men have to be leaders over women.
Yet it seems to me they do not see themselves their contradictions or those of their words of God, because they want to lead.

Truth has nothing to do with leadership of man or women- but with self-awareness.
By chance, does one have to have a beard to say the truth?

Again, could it be, ironically, that exactly the 'unbelievers, without the prejudice of a belief, could just be those who see the truth, that believers do not want to see?

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman


Thanks Obama! Also for you, love is greater than belief!

UN General Assembly-Briefing John.Kerry 24/9/ 2014
Barack Obama -"For fighting violent extremism requires a broad coalition of nations willing to stand up for their citizens, and unite against those who seek to "divide us among fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion." from a briefing by John Kerry U.S. Department of State.

Commentary: The world will only really win this war through  fearless honesty to see our own faults, the faults in our own beliefs, traditions, not only those of others...
Philosophic Community Project

24/9/ 2014

Below a briefing by John Kerry U.S. Department of State:

Good afternoon,
Each and every year, the world's leaders gather in New York for a session of the United Nations General Assembly. Earlier today, President Obama spoke to them directly in an address that warrants the attention not only of those leaders, but of all Americans. It was clear, candid, and compelling. The President talked about the world as it is, and the world as we all hope it can be.

The President said that, for all the hard-won progress we see in the world, there is also what he today called a "pervasive unease."

A deadly Ebola outbreak ravaging West Africa, Russian aggression in Ukraine, and the group of medieval murdering terrorists known as ISIL, which, left unchecked, could pose a growing threat beyond the region -- including our homeland.

So when President Obama addressed the leaders of more than 140 nations this morning, he posed two fundamental questions that will help define both the world's future and our own: Can the major powers set aside their differences and meet their responsibilities as leaders? And can the world reject the cancer of violent extremism?

The President knows the answer is yes -- if we make it so. The way he answers these questions is an important illustration of the principles we stand for as Americans, and a window into the future we look to help build. See what he had to say.

He described the compelling need for a global response to global issues. For fighting violent extremism requires a broad coalition of nations willing to stand up for their citizens, and unite against those who seek to "divide us among fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion."

Defeating this extremism means defeating its false promise, instead embracing the real promise we see in the Middle East: investing in civil society and in the groups and people who are rejecting hate and division in favor of peace and tolerance.

In the past 20 months, I've traveled more than 550,000 miles through 55 countries. I have touched down in Iraq and Jeddah to focus on defeating the threat that ISIL poses. I've flown to Kiev and stood in the Maidan to reaffirm our commitment to supporting Ukraine's efforts to shape their own future and make their democracy a success. I've worked with the leaders of Afghanistan to help secure the gains for which so many Americans have sacrificed so much over the past 13 years.

From Kabul to Cairo and Beijing to Juba, here's what I can tell you: The world's nations have more in common than sometimes we realize -- particularly at a time when every turn seems to present a new danger. Everywhere I’ve gone, no matter how precarious the society or volatile the situation, I have seen the "longing for positive change" that our President spoke of today.

The United States, he said, "will never shy away from the promise of this institution, and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- the notion that peace is not merely the absence of war, but the presence of a better life."

Nearly six years into his presidency, President Barack Obama is as committed as ever to the potential of that promise to light the world. And he’s right. And that is precisely why we are taking action against immediate threats wherever they threaten our security at the same time we work towards a world in which those threats will one day be replaced by opportunity.

This is a speech you need to hear from the President himself. Watch the whole thing below, and please make sure you pass it along to someone else who needs to see it.

Onwards, John Secretary John Kerry
Department of State

Does loyalty equals turning a blind eye to one's own contradictions and shortcomings, to those of ourselves or our friends, our presidents, gurus or prophets?
Does self defence justify our double standards or doubble faces?

What does self defence has to do with philosophy, wisdom or truth?

And to this they call self defence.

New discussions.
Follow on



Philosophic Community Projects -

True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Good day Secretary Duncan.
Thanks for your invitation to share our meaning on what we suggest is most important in the education of people worldwide!   I will publish this letter to you on naturestidio.net, also on Facebook. be welcome to answer it there!  -I am the creator-founder of a non-profit organization protecting the beauty of nature, and seeking peaceful solutions to world conflicts.

Two days ago, I wrote to President Obama a question, concerning what is the peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism. The key is true honesty and friendship towards each other. As long as we are divided, and in need of self-defence, we are not completely true to each other.

  In teaching History, and the origins of terrorism, schools should not play the game of nationalism or religious fanaticism,- the game of false egos, who readily see the fault in others, but never their own.

  Yesterday I have also written about this to a great conductor and musician from Jewish background, Barenboim, who is making a benefit concert to help Syrian refugees to get education abroad. You can read these letters and other discussions on this issue in our site. 
Please forgive when texts if not  properly revised on the web.
I am in fact an artist, and so far, have to do most of the writing and publishing work alone.

Philosophic Community Projects.
Geraldine Fonseca Chapman,
artist name:

van Chapman

Here some other links:

Philosophic Community Projects.

Geraldine Fonseca Chapman,
artist name: van Chapman
Naturestudio VZW

Here some other links:


Dear Daniel  Barenboim
Hearing that you were playing in Belgium today a most graceful benefit concert for Syrian student refugees has filled my heart with joy- you understand how the true peaceful war on terror can be made. This could only come from the sensibility for beauty of a great musician! We heard what you said about Palestine and Israel. Your honesty and awareness was touching!
The only way it could be a blessing for Arabs and Israelis to be living shoulder to shoulder, is if they could see the extremist downside that their beliefs have in common, in the mirror.
Distance themselves from unquestioning obedience in a crime.
When they can seek for the justice of reason and heart, above pride of belief and tradition. Otherwise, each camp, believing God is on their side to help them be victorious above the other, living as neighbours will continue to be a mutual curse!

Massacring each other in a manner worse than beastly, reduces their holy war  to not much more than the law of the jungle. And as beasts in the jungle they will not stop, until they exterminate each other...
Why?   Because one may not question their belief...
Not question a belief that God has given the land to them, not to share it with the other!

The first indeed shall be the last: Thousands of years before the event of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, a humble wise man in China, without pretending to be a prophet, proved to have the final word, that whoever will dominate the world shall lose it!
Greetings from van Chapman

Philosophic Community Projects

Tao Te Ching

Tao and Virtue Classic 
Thousands of years before the event of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, a humble wise man in China, without pretending to be a prophet, proved to have the final word, that whoever will dominate the world shall lose it!

Lao Tzu :- http://www.taoism.net/ttc/complete.htm

Chapter 29
Those who wish to take the world and control it
I see that they cannot succeed
The world is a sacred instrument
One cannot control it
The one who controls it will fail
The one who grasps it will lose
Because all things:
Either lead or follow
Either blow hot or cold
Either have strength or weakness
Either have ownership or take by force
Therefore the sage:
Eliminates extremes
Eliminates excess
Eliminates arrogance

Chapter 30
The one who uses the Tao to advise the ruler
Does not dominate the world with soldiers
Such methods tend to be returned
The place where the troops camp
Thistles and thorns grow
Following the great army
There must be an inauspicious year
A good commander achieves result, then stops
And does not dare to reach for domination
Achieves result but does not brag
Achieves result but does not flaunt
Achieves result but is not arrogant
Achieves result but only out of necessity
Achieves result but does not dominate
Things become strong and then get old
This is called contrary to the Tao
That which is contrary to the Tao soon ends

Chapter 31
A strong military, a tool of misfortune
All things detest it
Therefore, those who possess the Tao avoid it
Honorable gentlemen, while at home, value the left
When deploying the military, value the right
The military is a tool of misfortune
Not the tool of honorable gentlemen
When using it out of necessity
Calm detachment should be above all
Victorious but without glory
Those who glorify
Are delighting in the killing
Those who delight in killing
Cannot achieve their ambitions upon the world
Auspicious events favor the left
Inauspicious events favor the right
The lieutenant general is positioned to the left
The major general is positioned to the right
We say that they are treated as if in a funeral
Those who have been killed
Should be mourned with sadness
Victory in war should be treated as a funeral

Tao Te Ching
Tao and Virtue Classic 
Translation by Derek Lin
Permission is hereby granted to site visitors who wish to quote from this original work. Please credit as your source www.Taoism.net and Tao Te Ching: Annotated & Explained, published by SkyLight Paths in 2006Lao Tzu :- http://www.taoism.net/ttc/complete.htm

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

22 Sept 2014
Dear Mr Obama. I am very worried about you! I cannot sleep wondering how this can be possible from someone with your culture and intelligence and good heart: Is it only bad information or did you mean indeed that one may not speak anything negative about the prophet of the Islam, as if he is holy ? What about the history of his terrorism?? Please explain it...

van Chapman :
logical conclusion according to this account corroborated by ancient and recent Muslim sources including the Koran itself, in establishing his religion Islam, Mohammed has violated a peace treaty, looted caravans, that is robbed others of their goods of which 1 /5 was for himself, committed mass murder, mass beheadings, promoted rape, prisoner abuse, and massacre, and human trade, and killed for a criticism. And this accounts for a short period of days in his lifetime!

From: "The Siege of the Banu Qurayza - Debate.org.uk

Quote:"It is the year 627 AD, year 5 after Hijra, somewhere between February-March; the Meccans have retreated from the battle of the Trench. It is here that Muhammad and his troops now turn towards the Banu Qurayza, the third largest and richest of the three Jewish tribes of Medina (the other two, the Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nadir, having been banished from Medina earlier). However, the Banu Qurayza were not as lucky as the other two. According to some of the earliest Muslim historians and commentators (Ibn Ishaq, Al-Waqidi, Al-Tabari, and Ibn Kathir), the Banu Qurayza were besieged for 25 days by the Muslims, led by Muhammad. Qur’anic passages from chapter 33 refer to the incident, although in a more oblique manner. Hadith collections such as Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Sunan Abu Dawud also give narratives of the event. After the final surrender of the Banu Qurayza, ditches were dug and the men, between 600-800 of them with tied shoulders, were then beheaded, and buried in them, while their children and women were taken as captives, or sold for horses and weapons. Before we get into the ‘nitty-gritty’ of the event and the historic sources, let us first look at the milieu at that time in Medina. Often overlooked, it nonetheless resulted in the banishment of these tribes which arose with the migration of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina." End quote.

Debate.org.uk The Siege of the Banu Qurayza
Anees  In the context of: Is Muhammad a model for today?

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!

News on Canvas TV:
Some veiled faced ISIS leader said he wants no more discussion
(but he wants war).
Some Gantanamo prisoner rather stay in prison
than to have to pass by a High Court.

Why? Because:

"Terrorists are not afraid of bombs, but of questions."

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism
Philosophic Community Projects
by van Chapman

Why so many prefer the murky waters of a violent belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.

If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.

From a Christian ex Muslim ad
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves alone but also innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

Supposed declaration
of Hitler to a friend:
"The only religion I respect is the Islam and the only prophet I admire is Mohammed!"

Hate is the false prophet,
love is the true master.
There is no holy ground which
has been won
by cruel violence and hate.

Holy is the love and understanding
between all people.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet -

David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Share Your Thoughts: 
Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more.!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

Philosophic Community Project.
by van Chapman:

How can you ever know if another is happy with you if you keep'm in a cage?
It is not faith, but fear which keeps one encaging others, or being encaged.

He who would kill one for leaving  him, belongs to a mafia, not a religion.

Open question: -Is this the USA, is this the Islam, is this your country, is this you?

Koran: “Slay the enemy where you find him" (Surah 9.92).

If by 'enemy' in the Koran it is meant  those who say: quote  Luke 6:[27]: " Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."), then atheists, Christians, or Hindus or Buddhists who will not kill another for a difference of belief, nor even a sheep, if they are vegetarians,  then Mohammed's  version of God is unacceptable and he, is a false prophet..

As I Krishnamurti said, the God of a Petty mind is a petty God.


For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

From Dialogue with a Muslim

Sent to this Muslim Erci:
Subject: Fw: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:40:03 +0200

Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun



Answer from this Muslim Erci notice how he answer in a personal way but in name of Allah:
September 14, 2014 1:01 AM
In The Name Of ALLAH, The MosT Gracious, The MosT MercifuL,
You make me laugh Geraldine, really.
You ask me Jesus pbuh or Muhammed pbuh, we Muslims believe in all Prophets who were Send by ALLAH, even Mozes, Abraham, John The Baptist pbuh all.
So we accept them all.
But what really made me laugh is that i checked one of this video of 10 reasons that Muhammed pbuh is a False prophet and i listen to it, so he referred to the book of Buharie: volume 1, book 8 hadith nr 367, and i checked it. But the funny part is, that he is reading what is not there. That hadith is talking about praying.
You see how they fool you and will keep fooling you..
And pls. i told you, don't send me those messages, cause they are inaccurate.
Why do you like to stalk me?
Are you obsessed with me or with the Islam?
Dont you have peace in you're life?
Im about to think that you're going crazy
Im telling you to send me positive messages but you keep sending me all negative stuff.
Go and see a psychologist, i think you need one
Or maybe its time to block you cause there isn't any reason left in you
G answers:
Is anyone honest, when they Must believe?
Muslims are taught by Mohammed to fear Islam or go to hell.
Muslims are the true islamophobes. I believe in sincere dialogue, not islamophobia.
I believe in in making sense, in being honest in a debate .
Who is being negative here?
You once said to me 'Every thing which is written in the Koran is true"

If the following is in the Koran: “There is no compulsion in religion" (2:256) and: "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good) (3:85), then yours is a hypocrite contradiction that will not only necessarilly divide people, but divide Muslims themselves forever, unitill they all kill each other for being unbelievers!
I say that: If anyone Must believe, especially that something that makes no sense is just, he cannot be honest, can he?
Christian Muslim or whatever, 'Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can their's be a religion of peace?'
The only solution is to be honest and distance yourself from the fear of seeing clearly!
David Wood is fair play. Discuss with him if you disagree with him!
[A word of warning for those who may find their version of Quran is translated differently from those appearing in this article: Almost all the translators of Quran have deliberately tried to soften the harsh verses of Quran. Yusufali especially goes out of his way to twists the meaning of the words and hide the harshness of Quran. For example he translates the verse (38:44) that says "take a green branch and beat your wife" as "take a little green grass and strike therewith". Or when he translates the verse (4:34) that says "beat your wife" he cannot help it but to add the word (lightly) in parenthesis.]

Humans are neglecting the responsibility to look critically at their beliefs and at themselves! Yes! we should be asking for example why people do not see as a problem the over population of the Earth by Humans and the toll on nature and our slave animals for consumption! !http://www.occupyforanimals.org/ban-religious-slaughter-throughout-europe.html

September 27, 2014
Subject: RE: Love your enemies versus kill your enemies

Erci answers:
In The Name of Allah, The MosT Gracious, The Most Merciful..
Check this out http://www.ted.com/talks/lesley_hazelton_on_reading_the_koran#t-559103
(he sends me alink to a Ted Talk on the Koran by a Jewish author lesley hazelton )
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:59:49 +0200

Answer 27, 2014
Geraldine (Naturestudio)
You say whatever (even a link to Internet) in name of Allah... Is that Ok with Allah?

if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
Here is one refference:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins", (http://www.faithfreedom.org/Articles/sina/call_to_muslims.htm )
(Please check the references I give.

If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

According to several sincere expositions by an ex Muslims
(Please check the references I give below),  Mohammed called  unbelievers (the non -Muslims), hypocrites.-
Having said that there is no compulsion in religion, Mohammed ordered those who disbelieved him to be killed.
(You might never have chosen to be a Muslim;
yet the penalty for leaving the Islam is the death penalty!)
Not hypocrisy?

So the Prophet contradicts himself. To demand of anyone, (not to speak the whole world), to submit to a contradiction, in name of God, or die, is this a religion of peace?
-No. A contradictory compulsory belief in name of God divides,  perpetuates division, not only between believers and the rest of the world, but between believers themselves.
And we see this happening though history to the present day  in this world.
We cannot change what has been, what has been written, but we can change our way of relating to it. See it as literature, for example, being free of its authority to be able to see it as it is. Not as we want it to be.

True fathers and mothers and teachers of humanity enlighten,
and kill the ignorance, not the ignorant, and much less the unbeliever.
Unbelievers are not hypocrite, if they are seeking truth. but those who judge them wrong calling themselves a prophet, what are they?!
What teacher would kill his student if he did not understand?
I would say one who has to be put in prison!
What true person, not to speak of a holy man, a prophet, would wage a war against sincere questioning?  That would mean a war on understanding; thus, a war on love, on justice,  on truth.

What prophet would teach to hate anyone in name of God?
Or would perpetuate war instead of dialogue, in name of peace, and call it Holy War ?

Hate is the false prophet.
Love is the true master.

If you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!

To kill the ignorant when you can end his ignorance, would be stupid, would it not?
Or would you rather perpetuate  ignorance and war for the sake of authority?


Philosophic Community Project
For a peaceful, intelligent solution of Terrorism

Reference from:
"Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins",

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!

Addressed to Obama -
click to see video:

See video of a debate between this Muslim extremism apologetic Anjem Choudary and a Christian apologetic David Wood

Philosophic Community Projects

Response on
'Anjem Choudary:

the British extremist who backs the caliphate'

Sent to the  observer.letter observer.co.uk
(also  sent this  to the Muslim extremist Anjem Choudary who justifies Islamic terrorism but has ambitions to rise as a politician in England..) 
photo: To get votes with a knife on the throat.jpg
(with best regards from  van Chapman)

Love or belief? Love or Islam?

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
click to see video:


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet
- David Wood & Sam Shamoun


  Holy war? -Combat falsehood, not those who are false !
That is what saviours do, true fathers & mothers of mankind!

Rather than (Koran) :'kill unbelievers wherever you find them' ,
kill falsehood , wherever you find it - even in your holy books!

I ask Obama how can he reconcile civil freedom and human rights with its antithesis, the Islam ?
Will he say- 'Yes we can?'
No. Only fearless and total sincerity can solve this impasse. By turning a 'politically correct' blind eye to Islam, Obama cannot solve the ISIS problem at its root, in the consciousness.
Only pass the problem on to another...

Whether it is the Islamic State or the United States, the problem with anyone, any state, starts when they  forsake and prohibit self-critic honesty. ( turning an 'Islamic correct' or 'politically correct-blind eye' to their own incoherence). Incoherence with what we know is the way of love and love's Justice, simply out of self interests- that is when a religion becomes terrorism, and a state stops the fair peace process to become a tyrannical invading force! Dear Muslims and dear Mr. President, understand this, for the best of all.

van Chapman (van_chapman) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from van Chapman (van_chapman). True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them...


Dear believer, if you kill the ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would rather perpetuate ignorance?

To the US Government
If You See Something, Say Something™

Dear President  Obama,
FIRST LET ME THANK YOU FROM THE HEART FOR YOUR EXTRAORDINARY HUMBLENESS AND NOBLE AND WISE CONDUCT. We will miss you when you leave your post, but will be happy if you get a well deserved rest after so long hard work!

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!
As to my particular ideas, Mr President, I find that only honest and fearless self awareness, can free us from a violent beliefs as the Islam.  What David Wood is actually doing, I call an intelligent, peaceful war on terror, by sincerity alone!

And here is also  the policy of Geert Wilders, from the Dutch nationalist party PVV..
Maybe you need a Dutch translator here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XET3ajxPrI&feature=youtu.be
(Geert Wilders  PVV Holland, says as 73%of Muslims in Holland consider Jihadists as heroes.
70% of them rather have Sharia than follow Dutch (European) laws. That is, one would have to go back to the middle Ages of the Inquisition tortures against non-believers, because that is what the Prophet believed in- stoning to death for adultery, though he could kill a Jew in battle and take his wife..that was OK. Wilders would not allow western Syrian fighters to return to their western counties.  He would only permit in the country those Muslims who would sign a declaration of loyalty to Democracy or stop immigration from Muslim lands to his country.
I agree with both David Wood and Geert Wilders that the Koran teaches Muslims to have double standards in relation to religious tolerance. Teaching Muslims a convenient false friendship with non-Muslims, with the intention of domination over all non-Muslims.  And once you become a Muslim, willingly or by force, for changing religion the punishment is death. This is an ugly fact about the Islam you cannot deny.
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
May the holy spirit of love always guide and protect you.
from Geraldine Fonseca Chapman
(artist name) van Chapman
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
Thank You!
Thank you for contacting the White House.)

This is what I see that I think Obama does not:

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!

-Does Islam teach us to believe in a God who taught not to love truly our enemies, our competitors in faith, but lie, pretend to love them as friends outwardly, but not in the heart?

Here is the proof!
Jesus tell us to love our enemies. Jesus said, according to: Matthew 5:44: 'You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.' 44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven';
What does the Koran teach us? The Koran says 12 times that a Muslim must not be allow to have friendship with infidels, for example:
1.- Qu'an Sura 3 ver 28 "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security." This implies be friend by convenience!
2.- According to one of the greatest commentator of all times, TAFSIR Ibn KATHIR.:"....believers are allowed to show friendship outwardly but NEVER inwardly."
3. ABU DARBA.- "We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them"

Read please:

Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins

For a peaceful, intelligent solution of terrorism!
Philosophic Community Project
Message received! (Thank You!
Thank you for contacting the White House.)


Recently came across a Christian group of theologists who is doing a great job to warn us and open our eyes to what many in this world see but dare not to mention out of fear.

Here is a link to them-   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4p7HuuhF8 - to this honest attempt to solve terrorism peacefully as I do myself in my work.

Below is a text I wrote in response to their good work, and to deepen it, to ask them not only to question and see clearly the Islamic texts but also those of their own belief, for contradictions with love and wisdom.

welcome to comment it publicly.
Best wishes from this artist.van Chapman
.Philosophic Community Project,
Facebook page: naturestudio.net

Is Obama’s Policy based on coherence with Human Rights or fear of the Islam?

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Why so many prefer the murky waters of a violent belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.  If Christians, or Jews or Muslims were truly sincere with themselves and each other, they would admit that Holy personages and holy books are not always clear and their beliefs often contradict themselves.
To look for clarity one need be free of fear and desire. Desire for power and fear to be questioned, fear to be true.
Can we be free of these and be really true to each other, to ourselves??

Only then the true peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism would start. With ourselves!
One personality can be more true than another,  Personalities may be better or worse, and we can argue that, but it is still a personality... a personality is still not the Spirit of Truth.
(Abraham was tested in his unquestioning belief even in a crime, to whom he called God ! No wonder the religions born of Abraham's tradition count among the most violent and among those who justified crimes against humanity and against each other's followers.
Is any prophet holy? 
All prophets are false if they tell you to condemn or kill anyone without proof, out of belief. Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone, if you must believe them or they will kill you, how can theirs be a religion of peace?

True love and understanding is the Holy Spirit between us.
There is no holy land attained through violence and bloody wars.
Holy is the true love and understanding between us. 

Philosophic Community Project,
van Chapman
A response on these series of videos, with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror: 'Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet' - David Wood & Sam Shamoun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4p7HuuhF8

Is Obama’s Policy based on coherence with Human Rights or fear of the Islam?

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.


Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


From: Naturestudio
To: BarackObama
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:37 PM
This text and any answer to it given by the president, will be published on our site for peace, www.naturestudio.net.

-Philosophic Community Projects –
van Chapman
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Good day
Hope this can reach the president and he takes it seriously.
We heard from him that the Islam has a long history of tolerance and that America is not opposing the Islam.
Previously I have asked questions to Obama about the aggression of Islam in the Koran against Jews, Christians and unbelievers, but the President did not answer me.
Found a video  which speaks of Obama’s apparent incoherent policy in respect to America’s Constitution, bowing to  unconditional respect which Islam demands for itself.

Will Obama please answer to me the information submitted in these videos?
Shariamerica: Islam, Obama, and the Establishment Clause

Speaking about music (what is  prohibited by traditions like that of the Taliban), I told a Muslim, so he could understand my meaning of love:
-‘All that is beautiful comes from God.’
Beauty can be anywhere but fanatics think God is expressed only in their contradictory holy books or traditions, what creates the ugliness of hate and chaos and war where there should be love and peace.
Religious terrorism makes it evident how we can we reduce God, Justice or love to the smallness of our egoist minds, how we create God in our own petty images.
The heavy, contradictory traditions, or beliefs of terrorists are those which condemning killing, force you to kill, condemning robbing, force you to rob, and condemning lying, force you to lie, for the sake of their authority.  example
(Enemies of the Islam may be killed and eaten  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmsrBtRx1Pk)
Geraldine Fonseca Chapman

This text and any answer to it given by the president, will be published on our site for peace, www.naturestudio.net.
-Philosophic Community Projects –
van Chapman
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Why so many prefer the murky waters of a belief to simple, clear, making sense?  It is because of our fears and desires. These are used by, and allow violent beliefs to dominate our minds, hearts and this world.  If Christians, or Jews or Muslims were truly sincere with themselves and each other, they would admit that Holy personages and holy books are not always clear and their beliefs often contradict themselves.
To look for clarity one need be free of fear and desire. Desire for power and fear to be questioned, fear to be true.
Can we be free of these and be really true to each other, to ourselves??

Only then the true peaceful and intelligent solution for terrorism would start. With ourselves!
One personality can be more true than another.  Personalities may be better or worse, and we can argue that, but it is still a personality... a personality is still not the Spirit of Truth.  
Is any prophet holy?  All prophets are false if they tell you to condemn or kill anyone without proof, out of belief, since Abraham! Whether it is Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, their followers or anyone,
if you must believe them or they will kill you,
how can theirs be a religion of peace?
True love and understanding is the Holy Spirit between us.
There is no holy land attained through violence and bloody wars.
Holy is the true love and understanding between us. 

Philosophic Community Project,
van Chapman

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.

A response on these series of videos,
with gratitude to David Wood and his team  for also waging a peaceful and  intelligent war on terror.
Ten MORE Reasons Muhammad Is a False Prophet - David Wood & Sam Shamoun


Love or Islam?

You say your Allah is Great
I say true love is Greater!

If any one thinks these texts are against faith, one is wrong.
It is the violence and love for power in them what is against them,
what degenerates any religion, regime,
and in fact, any relationship.

This is a new discussion.
Follow on

Dear Muslim,
Thanks for the effort from the part of Muslims  to declare a ban on terror  :  www.fatwaonterrorism.com  .

  I really appreciate it, but can you prove to me that nothing in the Koran does not 'only hurt the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims but also of billions of peace-loving people belonging to different religions and cultures of the world who have been fully supporting the war against extremism around the globe.'?

In this film I see someone who is really honest, but he does not try to save the Islam, he tries to save Muslims and all humans from the Islam's terrorism, which is unconstitutional in all civilized countries!

From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -
click to see video:

Best regards, van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
Be welcome to an open discussion on this. What I asked you be published  also on   http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_belief.html . and   http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

If you reply, let me know if I may publish your repply with your name or only anonymously.

van Chapman 
-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

Love and understanding do not need to kill unbelievers!

Philosophic Community Projects

by van Chapman

Dear one, when I said I could never be angry with someone if they were humble, I meant it.

Awareness is the most humbling state of mind. Awareness of what is.

A Belief may not be awareness and it can even be the very opposite of awareness and humbleness.

If you turn your eyes away from to something someone in all sincerity tries to show you, is that humble?

You say belief is private.

I met Catholics, Taoists, Muslims and even yogis that asked me not to take their belief away from them by confronting them. Yet they did not agree with each other’s belief of what is and what is not.

If what you have is true, or truly yours, no one can take it away from you.

If you have nothing to hide, nothing is truly private.

If you are  sentimental about me or anyone, particular to someone because it is your holy book, Guru, Master, prophet, or whatever,  you may be a flatterer, but you still are not truly honest, are you?

A book has no ego but the rest all have egos, they have Christian Muslim, Hindu, or other egos.

The excuse that to submit unconditionally to anyone is good, when that person has no ego, is a feeble, ‘flauwtjes’ reasoning, because then, the truth does not matter any more, not even matters what makes sense, only what  guru, master or prophet said, in name of God; in the Bible, Koran, Talmud, Vedas or elsewhere. 

And you can see the result of not following what makes sense is endless war:  because no one can really meet through beliefs but through love and understanding and truth.

Only awareness of what we call our beliefs, ourselves, in suma: only spiritual self awareness and not a belief  can bring true understanding, true peace within and between us, in this world and after.

Love and understanding do not need to kill unbelievers!

To me this is true sincerity, so rare these days! From a Christian ex Muslim addressed to Obama -I suggest you look at this video and answer what you think of it.

Click to see video:

And also this:
Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins  http://www.centerforinquiry.net/isis/articles_and_books/a_call_to_the_muslims_of_the_world/

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam
Let no belief hijack your mind or the truth of your heart!

If one is intent on honesty in the friendship and love, the mind will clear of itself.
In a dispute, what matters is what counts for us individuals: sincerity in love and reason or the ego.
If in a dispute, when one will not give right to the other, even if the other is right, then one is intent on dominance for the sake of dominance alone, then we are intent on the ego. then, by itself our mind and way of relating will not be clear.
If one is intent on sincerity in friendship, love and reason, one does not send another to hell simply for disagreeing with us, or trying to explain him-herself.
On the other hand, if one can send someone to hell for this, simply for disagreeing with us, specially one is intent on reason, sincerity in sincerity in love and reason, by itself one's mind and relations will not be clear.
Then, we, individuals or our ideologies or so-called sacred beliefs cannot help bring peace in the world.
One need not study psychology to see this, simply to be sincere with oneself and the ones we love.

"Muslims kill more people per year than 350 yrs of the Spanish Inquisition"

7 Sept 2014- Latest from a dialogue with a Muslim:
Love or belief? You know the tree by its fruit...
http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

: - Dear Muslim, I worry about you. You certainly see the news, don't you?
Please let me know if you stand after what Isis is doing also!
Is that the Caliphate rule you talked about?  More links:

"Al Qaeda declares Jihad against India"



Your friend in love of truth
van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project

Self awareness is the only thing that can resolve fundamentalist religious terrorism.

If one become aware of what truly is we call unquestionable authority or belief, one is free of it.
Let no belief hijack your mind or the truth of your heart!

What I try to say to say to this Muslim, and his God Allah is:
One does not clear someone's consciousness, nor brings order into someone's thoughts, by cutting off his head!

Extract from a dialogue with a Muslim: http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam      :

"-What you have been saying to me is that the Caliphate is to return, and the Islam will rule over all the peoples of the earth, what ISIS also says, only that you say that to me with a smile, and ISIS says it burning churches and mosques and killing innocent people as a way to reach this goal.
All the propaganda they make is against themselves and against the face of peace of Islam which you try to give to me, only that you contradict that peace by what you say.. The last thing you said to me when I asked you if you justified the horrors like the crucifixion of prisoners in the Koran (which is totally against the constitution in any civilized country) - you said, and these were your words: 'There must be a reason'...!
So what is the real difference between you and ISIS if you justify terrorism (no matter where it is written)?
Do you think everyone who sees that you contradict yourself are stupid?"

Extract from a dialogue with a Muslim:
Philosophic Community Project

http://www.naturestudio.net/love_or_islam.html#love or islam

It is love itself what is with you all the time, not a guru.
In love is everyone you love.

Love is the Holy Spirit,
and no master, no one has monopoly over it.

Any master, is still not he pure spirit of love because he still has a personality, an ago.

Devotees are sentimental when they turn their ears and eyes away from the spirit, in order to justify everything their master does says or teaches,  even if contradictory.

If you love true music you cannot stand sentimental music for long.

Do you think God can?

Dear terrorist

Dear terrorist, let me give you a philosophic hand- an insight:

-In a discussion about what love is, it would be really absurd, stupid,
if we kill each other, to prove we love best. Not so? Likewise, in a discussion over difference of belief, nothing is more absurd, beastly and idiotic than if we killed one another to prove our belief is wiser!

If we can eliminate ignorance, pride and arrogance from our own heart,
we will understand that our true adversary is the ignorance, not the ignorant (person).
Our true enemy is our spiritual ignorance not ourselves,
not the other person, who might be arrogant, proud, spiritually ignorant.

In the quest of and love for the truth, violence,
as an argument, is the most idiotic, the most beastly of all.

Even some beasts, through our love, can become our friends.
Even beasts do not deserve our hate, or torturing them.
Believe what you like, but condemn or violate no one for a belief.

Any violence based on belief is an injustice. Why?
Because you cannot condemn without proof, and a belief is not a proof !

A terrorist unveiled:
In a dispute over what love is,
what is justice, wisdom, God,
the greatest absurd of all
is for us to kill each other,
to prove we are right.
Proving the exact opposite.
Not so?

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Project
This letter is addressed to anyone who might be a 'Dear terrorist'.
I try to give this message in different ways.

Here some explanation of one of the conflicts gearing terrorist attacks:


The main cause of this millenary antagonism and terrorism between Jews and Muslims, is the fact that they call themselves Jews and Muslims, not just human beings.

What divides Jews and Muslims? Their belief.Their ancestral religion which taught them to confuse loyalty with “unquestioning obedience even in a murder"- for a belief.(Abraham).
The order to kill for a belief, gave anyone the right to call others unbelievers, to judge, condemn and even murder them, for a difference of interpretation of their "word of God. This, of course, has resulted in a curse.
Here is the most important point to understand:
One can believe, but cannot prove what God has said or did not say.
In any process of Justice, to judge and condemn someone, one needs proof- not a belief. To commit violence towards anyone out of a belief is not justice.

So, one may not question but one may kill for their belief?
One may not see the contradictions in our words of God, but we must even kill for them?
This is neither human nor divine-this is simply not intelligent, not honest.
This is the work of pride, or submission to pride, not of wisdom or God.
Pride makes our eyes minds and hearts blind to love, to the truth.
To use force, violence, war in name of a belief, to conquer anyone, anything, produces the exact opposite of what is desired:

How can one win another’s heart and mind, any land, anything,violating them?
Best wishes
May the Holy Spirit of love inspire and protect you always.

To Rudi Vranckx with gratitude and admiration.

Philosophic Community Project
Will publish this.
Hope it can help someone.




"Voice of eternal love music project".
-In this project we would like to find a musical heaven, an expression of a great soul and spiritual consciousness, independently of what names one gives to God or Master.

Love is higher than the conflicting ideas of God in this world.

Philosophic Community Projects



If you have a master, you have to please, do all the master says
so you cannot truly be yourself. If you have a friend,
you must only do what is just, no matter what the master says.
Then you can truly be yourself. Then you can truly call it love.

True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them-
Philosophic Community Project- van Chapman-

If we do not get offended, no one can offend us.
If we clear injustice within us and between us, war is no more.

I think now you got it.
The beauty of things is their own transcendence.
The reason I complained so much about Yogananda's poem to God
is because he was denying the beauty he saw, felt or heard  presently, the beauty of flowers, landscapes, faces, while sentimentally, foolishly, longing, looking for it  somewhere else.

Love is always in the present.
Sentimentality is always in the future or past.

Sentimentality is not love,
even if it is longing for God.
The beauty, the love that emanates from something,
from someone, is its own transcendence.

If you find love, you find everyone you love.

- My Bonitinha says -of course!

If you know where to look inside you, writing is like walking on the sea shore open to what is,  and suddenlly finding something very beautiful, like a pebble, a seashell, a drawing by the wind and water upon the sand, a transparent water movement, a flying bird. You are simply finding surprizing things along the way!


A sincere talk with a Muslim law student
-You know it is true, what I try to tell you. You always try looking the other way, in relation to a fault in a fellow Muslim, pointing out instead the same on others. Is this to be Just? You smile, my friend, a mysterious smile, as if in your heart you know that to be one-sided is not to be just.

You blame those you consider enemies of making false propaganda.
Yet you go on and on with your pink glasses. Blaming others of what you justify in yourself and in those you call yours.

You blame those you call enemies, when they justify
something they know is wrong, if in their holy books.
But when you or those you call yours, do the same, you justify it.
Even the worse crimes.
There is no holy ground won by bloody wars, fratricide wars.
(To mention an example, the horrible one Isis is waging, even against other Muslims, for a mere difference of belief..).
But you have no criticism against anyone who calls himself a Muslim.
Against anything written in the Koran, even if a terror story, do you?
May anyone invade rape and kill in name of Allah or God?

You know no one can be right to judge and condemn another blindly,
without proof, without reason, without love. out of belief.
You blame others, those you call enemies,
when they do not see this injustice in themselves,
but when you, or those you call 'your own' do the same,
you justify it...

You know there is no victory in a religion that converts through violation, rape, torture and murder; so how do you justify that?
How can you call crucifying someone an act of self-defence?

Where is the honesty in a regime or religion which converts through brutal force, or one sided pink coloured glasses propaganda in an endless stupid war for domination of minds and territory?

Those you call enemies, like your own,
believe to be "the chosen Ones"...
Those who you call enemies, like your own,
believe to be the ones who are the martyrs,
and their enemies, those who go to hell.
Do you not see the ridiculous of this war?

In fact, the only thing that is evident in a bloody stupid war
is that unquestionable violent beliefs creates a hell for one other.
Because they must silence the opposition,
not with intelligent arguments but by force.
Is that what you call wisdom?

You smile, my friend, when in your heart you know I know
that being an one sided lawyer, who defends his own, however wrong,
blaming others of what he justifies in himself, is being a hypocrite.
Please let your heart speak, because you have a good heart!
No unquestionable violent belief can be holy. Holy is the sincerity,
the true love, and the understanding between people.

Your friend, in love of truth.

Philosophic Community Project.

Let beauty enter your mind and heart.
How can we go to heaven when we die,
being unable to see, hear or live the beauty of heaven
when it is here and now?
When we prohibit and destroy the music of angels,
with war-rhythms and patriotic-hymns,
with asphalt and cement, bunkers and bob-wire fences?

The only death which brings light and peace
is the end of arrogance, the end of false thinking.

Heaven is a state of mind and heart.
To the Taliban, with love. My friend laughs at this, and with her black English humor says for a laugh- 'Then they send you a bomb back as a gift, wrapped with a ribbon!'...
The Taliban, might just agree with me, about the destruction by the Western culture, of the Earth's wild flower fields...I give everyone a chance to see what I see, without discrimination of  belief!!

To this some call ‘hurt feelings’:
Any similarity between an offended unreasonable lady
or irrational man, and religious extremism is not a mere coincidence,
but an universal a pattern of the human pride or ego,
in response to (an even fair) criticism.

First there is the emotionally inflammable
easily offended ego,
who is in fact the offensive ego.
A belief not to be reasoned with.
The violent belief.

Then the furious exaggerated words
the unfair ‘you always’ and 'you never'
do this or that...
The cursing to hell wrath of God!

Then, refusing to hear or give any further explanation
ordering you out the door- without discussion, without appeal,
throwing the baby with the bath water !
The violent, unquestionable, belief.

To this some simply call ‘hurt feelings’...
-Nothing further from the truth-

The offended, offensive ego
the violent, unquestioning belief,
is what hinders true feeling,
clear seeing of one another.

The violent, unquestioning belief,
the easily offended- easily offensive ego
is not a reflexion of the Holy Spirit of love,
but of our unreasonable human pride.

To the God of Moses and the God of Mohammed:
26 July 2014

To the God of Moses and the God of Mohammed:
If we are arrogant, proud, unquestionable, we get easily offended, irritated.
then we might even kill for a critic, might even kill unbelievers.
Let us go into it:

If one is arrogant, proud,
one gets easily offended..
If one becomes offended,
emotions, thoughts words and acts
become exaggerated, untrue, unjust.
violent. What then are you proud of?

To set things right, first we must see
and be free of blind emotions,
injustice in thoughts, in words and acts.

One does not kill a friendship1
one does not kill love 2
one does not kill another 3
out of pride and arrogance,
and call himself wise just God.

If I am just, I do not want to destroy God,
but the evil in the name of God,
as you should not want to destroy another,
but the evil in the other.

We ought not to commit suicide,
but destroy, through awareness,
the false thoughts in us.
If one cannot clarify,
if someone thinks wrong of you,
just proudly send him to hell,
in so doing, one may be utterly inhuman,
but not good and not God.

If you can clarify, you do not become offended.
then, how can someone offend you?

Philosophic Community Projects


'If the history of Mohammed is true or not, one cannot know,
but it is brutal violence what transforms an organized religion into an organized crime.'
Van Chapman?
John 4/7: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
John 4/8: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

Philosophic Community Projects

You say your Allah is Great, but I say true love is Greater!

'If the history of Mohammed is true or not, one cannot know,
but it is brutal violence what transforms an organized religion into an organized crime.'
van Chapman

John 4/7: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
John 4/8: He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.


Gaza conflict in a nutshell

The deeper cause of Jewish -Muslim wars
is the theocratic paradigm in the mirror-
To sanctify even bloody murder in name of a belief,
while demonizing its critic self awareness.

Gaza conflict in a nutshell

  (edited): 22 July 2014
Israelis invade Palestine, calling Palestinians terrorists, when they fight against this occupation.- Is this just?
We heard these days on Canvas TV news (Terzake), from an Israeli occupant of Palestine, that God had given Israel to the Jews.
This is no dialogue of reason or love. This is a war of blind unquestionable belief, a hopeless war, without light at the end of the tunnel, because no one can prove what God said or did not say.

The injustice, cause of the Israel-Palestine issue is not only a territorial invasion, or the religious schism, between Jewish and Muslim traditions. The deeper cause is  the very core of all totalitarian, theocratic regimes: the violence which allows bloody war, but condemns questioning itself.
'unquestioning obedience, even in a murder', is not only at the very core of Jewish and Islamic religion, in the story of Abraham, as a pattern of relationship, but in all tyrannical rule. A commonplace in all irrational, absurd bloody conflicts, wars, énd in particular, religious wars.

Violence in name of God, in name of a belief is what transforms a religion into an organized crime.

How can one truly win someone's heart converting by the sword? Has Hitler, for example, conquered hearts, or brain washed minds?? The belief that blind obedience to a violent religion can bring peace, unity and true collaboration and understanding among all nations, is proved wrong, again and again.

If true self criticism and dialogue could exist between Israelis and Palestinians, there would not be an occupation of Palestine by Israel, nor the separation wall between them, but the possibility of their being truly united nations, mutually beneficial human societies.

The deeper cause of Jewish -Muslim wars is the theocratic paradigma in the mirror--To sanctify even bloody murder in name of a belief, while demonizing its critic self awareness.


Jews and Muslims must think : - to kill for a belief is evil, except of course, for our belief !...
But it is as impossible to prove that God has given Israel to the Jews as to prove He has given the Koran to the Muslims.
What is obvious,and they do not seem to see of themselves, only of others is that there is no justice in judging and condemning anyone without proof, out of mere belief !
The truth they usually hide from their religious propaganda, is that their sacred books, the Torah as well as the Koran, have punishments so barbaric for breaking ancient rules of conduct that are so inhumanly cruel, no one could execute them, without turning their heart into a stone or the heart of a monster! Thank God there also came a more forgiving Jesus and later a J Krishnamurti in the scene!

Philosophic Community Projects
A Jewish friend answered this post by saying that I do not understand what Jews or Muslims believe in, asking  to disappear from my mail list.  I respect her wish, And did so, with a question:
-If you can explain, when someone misunderstands you, why dismiss them, disappointed?
Yes I may not know what they believe, but maybe Jews and Muslims themselves  do not know what they believe in:

Are you sentimental about what some call God of love?
Just see the shameful, horrid executions à la Allah !

(In the photo: victims of a pedofile wedding and a lapidation execution:
-You say Allah, Jehovah, is great. -I say love is greater!

Philosophic Community Project
van Chapman

Philosophic Community Project

Yes, How can we ever reach a common understanding with unquestioning beliefs?

The moment you deny feeling to follow another, you become a robot, at the hand of who? Guru? Community? God? If you took the more sincere way of looking at rather than denying your feelings, that is much more real.
In so called spiritual communities it always amazing me how people avoid to see the evident (contradictions) in their authorities.I understand why. Because they are blackmailed by a promise of heaven if they believe; and of hell if they disobey. (the guru, prophet or master).
It makes me feel sick in my stomach all that undiscriminating subservient sweetness of followers...
Because one may not sincerely question a belief, a hell of insurmountable conflicts arise in this Pantheon of beliefs promising heaven.
I rather be alone and have no friends than to be part of it. I agree with Krishnamurti who said the relation Guru-disciple is an unhealthy one.

van Chapman
Philosophic Community Projects
Here an example of what I say: BBC


-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

24  November 2012 
(reduced to 500 words + - 25000 characters to send to the White House)

Dear Barack Obama, 
If the world could have voted, it would have voted for you.
In spite you saying that ‘nationalism’ is among one of the most important things, which is not to me, your victory speech was inspired and inspiring.
Congratulations! Happy you were re-elected. 
And because you are such a humble man, be welcome by us in our atelier and garden if you are free or need our help. 

Send you this meditation because you can understand;
will publish it on our website + your answer, if I get one.
All the best,
yours, Geraldine (van Chapman)

“The petty God of a petty mind”

Sedating before slaughter is in the agenda for all European countries. 
In this sense Europe is on the right direction of consciousness, of humane treatment for all, and spiritual evolution. I would like to see the same in the whole world. But there are people against it to our surprise, from religious groups! 
 On the News, Muslims and Jews in Europe object to the more humane way of sedation before slaughter. Part of a duty of Muslims is the offer of a sheep in Mecca in a non sedated, brutal and bloody ritual slaughter.


A human is better than a beast by the virtue of the love, compassion in him.
Can one enjoy how a lion brutally kills his prey? 
Can one enjoy it being the prey? No. 
I would like a happy life and a peaceful death without fear or suffering. So I wish to others.

An unearthly Paradise is  to ‘love our enemies’, when the “lion” and the “sheep” shall lay peacefully together, (as our cats and dogs can be friends, contrary to their earthly instincts). 

Do Muslims want to be discriminated for their Beliefs? No.
 Yet discrimination of belief is central in Koran : (3: 85)“If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good”).  

Are Muslims to convert all people without question, even professing non-violence, as vegetarians, Buddhists or Yogis, to a religion which demands violent ritual slaughter, not to mention the horror of ‘Honour’ Murders, illegal crime in the civilized world?  

Paradise, the eternal Spirit of love itself, cannot be reached by perpetuating the brutal predator in us, the unnecessary martyrdom of sheep, nor in violating people, in denying them their right to critical questioning, to practice non- violence.

A violent terrorist by a terroristic belief is not yet a full grown human, much less an angel, or the messenger of God.
To be a religious terrorist is to adore what Krishnamurti called a “Petty God of a petty mind”.
van Chapman


For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?
van Chapman 

-Philosophic Community Projects

Philosophic Community Projects

The impossibility to clear human relations is when we justify what we know is false in ourselves or in what or whom we consider our own, as a belief, for example, and call it loyalty.

A spiritual conflict is always between loyalty to love and one’s ego-
- whether that ego be personal or group related.
The impossibility to clear relations comes from the concealment of what we know is false-wrong -because of pride: self-pride, family pride, national pride, religious pride, whatever... If our privacy disturbs the spiritual clarity between people, I would not call it privacy but pride, lack of humbleness.
When we would rather distance ourselves from a friend than from our personal or group pride, we are in fact not loyal to anyone:- not to our true self nor to another, nor to God, or love, but to the ego -our false thought about what is.

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

Philosophic Community Projects


Mail in response to Geert Wilders  home security policy  http://www.pvv.nl/index.php/fracties/tweede-kamer/geert-wilders/mail-aan-geert-wilders.html   in Holland:
CC to President Obama

Philosophic Community Projects
van Chapman

The best quality of people I loved in Holland was sincere openness and the ability to give and take constructive criticism. True force is inner truth and sincerity, not to lose one’s capacity to see for oneself.

In an attempt to dialogue with a fervent Muslim (www.naturestudio.net), (texts which are not yet revised by a publisher), the argument based on love proved to be stronger than any argument of religious fanaticism. Whoever, whatever book represses all critical consciousness and submits others through tyranny and intimidation cannot create true awareness and faith.

However the Dutch open-mindedness be stronger than the lack of criticism of religious fanatics, love is also greater than Nationalism.

I have learned that Muslims can proudly justify any atrocity against people of other beliefs as self-defence, what nationalists have also done and continue to do.
How can hate ever create justice in this world or the next?
The pride self defence and self justification of nationalism is not different than the pride, self justification and self defence of a belief as the Islam (where deception or camouflage  (Takyah) is allowed as protection before a threat ( even that of the force of reason).

Love is not about self-defence  but about freedom to find and say the truth. It is about caring for justice and the good of all. Not only the religious, but all people on Earth, ought to face fundamental questions such as:

What is true love?
Is love to possess another like a slave and even stone someone out of jealousy, or is love to let loved ones go, if for their happiness and well-being? What is Loyalty?
Is loyalty to believe no matter what someone writes, says, or does?
Or to see clearly and honestly what someone writes, says, or does?
And what is justice? To punish a crime (like robbing) with an even greater crime, (like mutilating someone)??
Can there be justice or Good where there is brutal hate?

In the end, people will support you if you care for them, love them for what they truly are, not discriminate them or value them for what they simply have.

The most important is not what we are materially, but what we are spiritually, said to me once a very dear person.

(Yole Cambareri)

As Krishnamurti said, we have to go beyond thoughts.

To identify a person with his thoughts or beliefs is not to see beyond thoughts.

Religions or ideologies which discriminate others for material things, (their clothes, colour, sex, or even things they have ,like thoughts or beliefs, are materialistic, not spiritual.

We have to learn to be in truth, not in belief with each other.

Truth is in fact quite another thing than our mere thoughts or beliefs.

Thank you for contacting the White House.

For a peaceful intelligent solution of Terrorism

-Philosophic Community Projects -
True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

If you enlighten ignorance, the ignorant is no more!
Or would you rather perpetuate ignorance?

-Philosophic Community Projects

-Philosophic Community Projects

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.


Arabs are questioning tyranny worldwide.
This is good. But do they question the tyranny in their prophet or Koran??
Muslim suicide bombers not only kill themselves alone but also innocent people indiscriminately.
Is this the work  of true faith or pure irrational hate or despair?

-A worldwide proposal to help raise consciousness to  prevent terrorism:

Unite world judges against terror.
Support corrective justice based on facts, not condemnation or violence based on belief!

To condemn another one needs proof, not belief!
To condemn anyone for a belief is to commit injustice!
Justice is to destroy falseness, not the false! If one only understood this,
one would not consent in acts of horror as committed in name of God (in the
Inquisition of the Church, or the violent jihad in the name of Islam).
As History has shown, violence, crime based on a belief is the spiritual
downfall of all religions, faiths, all faithful, unquestioning followers, who
commit these crimes against all justice, consciousness and humanity!
Many who consider their own belief superior to those of others, have not
understood this yet. But this does not mean that they cannot understand!
Justice is to combat ignorance, not the ignorant! Justice is to end, not to
perpetuate violence!

Philosophic Community Project

How can there be love,
when we must be false, to justify a belief?

So long one clings to an unquestionable authority,
so long one believes in the perfection of someone
as a tyrant,
who prohibits critical awareness of itself,
whose words contradict each other and one's heart,
one is not and cannot be really true to oneself
or another, in any relationship.
One can say that different doctors have different methods,
but what is the value of doctor who will kill you if you leave him?
love and compassion (as in Buddha here) is clearly superior spiritually
to arrogant tyranny (as in the prophet of Islam
here: Bukhari (52:260) - The Prophet (Mohammed) said,
"If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him".

Most believers of any religion I had the opportunity to speak with,
had no problem in preaching to me, about their belief,
but had real problem in a relationship of mutual listening and understanding was not what they could go into.

Most of them, whether they were Catholics, Muslims, or followers of a Guru, they did not mind silly chatting, but were not interested in a deep, clear, consequent, honest inquiry for truth, as in a philosophic dialogue, once they had to question themselves or their belief's authorities.

The relationship they had, based on a particular authority,
or guru, made it impossible to them to be truly honest in a relationship with people, with me.
When sincerity was all I asked for, from a friend, that was too much to ask from them; and they rather discuss no more with me.

There is no true light, or union without love.
How can a religion that preaches hate create true union and kills
How can a religion that preaches killing non-believers
(those who are sincere and brave enough to question
and criticize its brutality), create true union and peace?
Koran says that all those who disbelieve in Islam
(in his mass murder prophet ) go to hell ( 5:10).

Conflicts of beliefs (as in Islam...)
are inevitable, cannot be resolved by making sense,
so long as we resent and do not allow honest and criticism,
as a petty god of petty minds -
J. Krishnamurti called it...-  ;)

I rather have one single friend
with a true heart here and now,
than a belief in an afterlife
with a heartless god.

van Chapman - Philosophic Community Projects

-"Do not believe in anything, no matter where you have read or who said it, even if I'm the one who said it, unless it agrees with your own conclusions and your own common sense."-Buddha

When a religion calls for killing unbelievers,
killing those who leave it, this is a hijacking, a violation -
then it is clear that it is not love.
Then this religion has become the Sphinx
which will devour you, unless you decipher it.
That there is no compulsion in religion is only fair.
But if questioning is prohibited,
if one has to bow to someone, or a belief,
silencing the truth, if not flattering,
it is clear that this is not love, it is not light giving.
The belief overshadowed the light,
re-placed the truth. and became the creator
of unending conflict, murder and bloodshed,
instead of peace.
To kill for a criticism, is tyranny, slavery, not love,
not light-giving.
True love enlightens...
Love alone can convince me.
Our heart will not be convinced by threats or terrorism
that anything or anyone is holy or good!
However threatening, no one can overshadow the clarity
and reason of the love in our heart! (Unless we allow it !).
Those who see this have deciphered the sphinx
and will not be devoured!
I rather one single friend with a true heart
in this life, than an afterlife with a heartless god !
van Chapman -Philosophic Community Projects
(see link below to Islamic sources references)

No politician’s bla bla bla !

All arguments here come from Islam's history therefore it is an appeal to consciousness, that we question ourselves and beliefs...not a proof of anything, except that the horrors people have done and continue to do in name of belief is the way to hell, not paradise!

( quotes):   ''The prophet of Islam raped, terrorized, and murdered his way to the first Caliphate in Islamic history. It's all very clear from Islam's "holy" books that the latest Muslim nation is nearly identical to the first.
• Forced conversions, extortion, and terror in the new Islamic State
"If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya [infidel protection tax]. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them." -Muhammad
• Little kids murdered in Iraq by the Islamic State
"Messenger of Allah, we kill children of polytheists during night raids. He said: They are from them"
• Islamic State mercilessly slaughters "apostates"
"Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him."-Muhammad
• Genocide inside the Islamic State
"Kill any Jew who falls into your power." -Muhammad
• Islamic State turns captured infidels into sex slaves
"We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those [captives] your right hand possesses" -Muhammad
• Not one Christian left in Mosul
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." -Muhammad
The Islamic State is a bloody nightmare today, just as it was 1400 years ago.
Related Posts
Facts are stubborn things: Islam by the numbers
Facts are stubborn things: U.S. offering over $300 million for Muslim terrorists
Facts are stubborn things: The most wanted terrorists are all Muslims
Facts are stubborn things: Islam is the religion of terror
Posted by Fatwa on Islam at 2:10 AM No comments:
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A debate between believers of two different religious authorities will always be like a football match between two teams, competing rather than collaborating for the truth! ( Or should I put here a question mark?)   Does something  make sense  because it makes sense or because someone said it?  In solving religious disputes, this is the most important question to ask oneself. Then why is this question not asked, in religious disputes?   Religious authority implies that it knows, and you do not, and you may not question it, whatever side you are: that of the Shia Muslims or the Sunnis Muslims, of the Catholics or the protestant Christians, and so on. * 
All  religions or beliefs which focus on an authority, rather than love,  what makes sense, and insight, though promising paradise,  divide people, create unending hell of unsolvable wars.  *.  the Holy Spirit is the light and justice of love. But the Bible claims it is Jesus's spirit and no one else's! Who has monopoly over love and justice?  I may believe someone embodies that. you may believe another person does. How are we going to find out the truth? Through jihad and inquisitions, violence ?
Logic, reason is to place truth and justice above anyone, not the other way around.   *   The belief of Mohammed or in Mohammed and his version of God  places someone called Allah above truth and justice. Look at the fruits and you will know the tree. Is converting with the sword, as Mohammed did, the way of wisdom or the way of terrorism?   I do hope you will get a Muslim to answer honestly logically, in a serious debate about his belief, but I seriously question he will do that, for if he did, his belief would lose to reason, to love, to what makes sense.   Best wishes to all,             van Chapman  Philosophic Community Project.

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

Love is one,
beliefs are many

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Philosophic Community Project

True angels destroy not men, but the falseness in them.

the petition
here on change.org
Commentary on Obama's last State of the Union speech:
- Proud of him! Obama is the most open president of the US I heard ever!. Even when saying one may not offend a Muslim (just for being a Muslim). Whatever we think truth is, is not going to change what truth is. We are what we are regardless of what we think (believe) we are, or another may think...
But more understanding is needed here, and sometimes, even Obama is not really honest about it - what Islam is, in itself, as an ideology.

Honest dialogue to find out together what makes sense, or not, about a belief, is better than to promote a tyrannical and unquestionable person, or belief, which only allows justification of itself, silencing all criticism, imposing itself through power and violence, rather than reason.

(The illusion of power is to think he who is pointing the weapon is the one who is right!)

Muslims may be offended and violent to the point of murder, if you just reason with or criticize their prophet, or the Koran (as the traditional history says their prophet himself has done :see link below).

In general; no one is allowed to criticize this belief, and its set of rules, or sharia, however unreasonable these rules may be, or they are discriminated, punished, or even killed, because their prophet, at a later stage in his life, demanded Muslims (in name of God) to discriminate against all who are non-believers of his belief!
(Muslims do not like to be discriminated for their belief, their prophet's belief, yet, their prophet's Koran teaches them to discriminate others for their beliefs !

So in this way the prophet of Islam was wrong and you can see why. Love says: do not do to another what one does not like to be done to.

Islam may accept a man to have a harem of women: history tells the prophet had much more than 5 women, as did old testament illustrious figures, like King Solomon; but if any of these women took another man besides their husband, she was a whore, (not them, if they had many women! ) ! and the punishment for that in those barbaric times, since Moses, was to be stoned to death. Is this justice?

Do not make yourself illusions about these contradictory beliefs in the name of a merciful and wise God! -Reason with your beliefs!

So we must learn to place justice and truth above anyone, not anyone above truth and justice, whatever our religious origin!
van Chapman,
Philosophic Community Project
comment on President Obama Delivers his Final State of the Union Address  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCXSO-3mt5I

This link leads to a page from Faith Freedom International
that has been hidden
So let me un-hide this very important letter:

A Call To Muslims of the World
From Faith Freedom International

True angels
destroy not men,
but the falseness in them.

a non-Governmental, non-profit organization.
promotes spiritual self awareness,
and the contemplation of the beauty of Nature
through Art and Philosophy .

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[Nature photos-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Nature paintings-Myriam Vandenberghe]
[Asielaanvraag voor een bloem]

[Isolda Hermes da Fonseca]
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[Voice of eternal love-musical project]

[Light for Peace by van-Chapman]

[Light over water a meditation on love Consciousness]

[What is relevant in Art for the world today ?]

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[Video Krishnamurti]

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Love is one,
beliefs are many

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Answer to Muslim haters and truth haters: Muslims are humans- the ideology of Mohammed in the Koran is inhuman, so it can make some of them to act inhumanely...kill someone for leaving Islam as their prophet said, which is a crime! When you say 'they' have manners that are not like humans, you place them all the same category as Hitler put all Jews and Mohammed put all his unbelievers in the same category. We are not our beliefs. We can believe the earth is flat until we are shown it is a sphere. We are still the same humans, only the belief changed... Got it? I am not an islamophobe when I clearly denounce its tyranny. Islamophobic are those who will not leave Islam or will not criticize Islam, out of fear, or even those who convert to Islam because they they have been kidnapped by those who have been at their turn, kidnapped, and brain washed by the belief! A slave master relationship can turn you into a murderer. Just look how dogs can be trained to do anything the boss orders!
But not if you free yourself from slavery!
Mohammed (and his God) would kill someone who criticized them! What an intelligent person (or God) would do this?
certainly they will never be a true prophet or God in my eyes!
If we discuss about what love is, it would be very stupid indeed, if in order to prove we are right, we killed each other not?
Your friend in love of truth
van Chapmanvan Chapman -Philosophic Community Projects
Bukhari (52:260) - The Prophet (Mohammed) said, "If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him"
PS: This link does not always work on Facebook, so Google it).
This is a must read A Call To Muslims of the World

If you still did not see it this might interest you:
Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad - MUST WATCH!!!
and EX-MUSLIM addresses  Obama
click to see video: To me this is true sincerity, so rare in his kind!